3.3.3 Home parameters
Home speed: This parameter determines the machine is turned back to the origin when the
speed of a larger format if the machine can be set to reset the speed is too large, but not too much.
X, Y, Z, U Auto home: The axis can be set whether should reset at boot time.
3.3.4 Go Scale parameters
Go scale mode: Points of light to go off the border, the opening cut borders, corners three
Go scale blank: Walking frame can be based on the actual image size up and down again
about the direction of some of the white left side of the border in order to ensure complete
contains the actual graphics.
This setting is on the control panel to go with the border-related functions, while walking on
the border with the independent software.
3.3.5 Other parameters
Array processing :Can choose a two-way array and one-way walk array. Two-way walk array:
namely array according to the order of cutting back and forth; One-way walk array: always from
one direction to another direction to array of cutting. When choose unidirectional arrays, each
array element action pattern of exactly the same, fluid movements completely consistent, but
better than two-way array is somewhat time consuming. The default choice two-way array
Delay before feed: Using the feeding device, the delay before a single feed, users can arrange the