DZB100 Series
AC drive Status Read Command
Word length = 7 characters
Computer to AC Motor Drive
Q: Header of question string
S: Check sum (03H)
A: Command acknowledge
01H: Command acknowledged by a single AC drive
02H: Command acknowledged by all AC drives
UU: Slave address ("00" - "31")
NN: Retrieve contents of drive status. (x = don't care)
X0: Frequency command
X1: Output frequency
X2: Output current
X3: Operation command Drive status and Error code
The AC drive will return a character string, the format of which will be as follows:
Word length = 11 characters
AC Motor Drive to Computer
Q: Header of question string
S: Check sum (03H)
B: Acknowledge back
Correct: 06H Error: 07H
UU: Slave address ("00" - "31")
NN: 00 Frequency command = ABC.D (Hz)
01 Output frequency = ABC.D (Hz)
02 Output current = ABC.D (Amp)
03 Operation command, Drive status & Error code