White Paper
CxF3 provides an XML– (eXtensible Markup Language) based color specification mechanism that is comprehensive, flexible and
applicable to any industry where faithful communication of color and appearance data is critical. CxF takes advantage of the openness
and universal acceptance of XML and therefore can be seamlessly integrated into any workflow. Through the use of XML, CxF presents
self-identifying color data and enables a flexible communication mechanism. CxF is able to integrate data seamlessly from other color
communication methods, including ICC color profiles, Density, CIE-Lab, XYZ, RGB, CMYK, PANTONE, RAL, NCS, Toyo, HKS, etc. CxF is
currently an object of the ISO standards development process under the collective title: ISO 17972 Graphic Technology — Colour Data
Exchange Format (CxF/X).
X-Rite continues to support new standards for our industry as they are defined and evolve. In so doing, we help our customers and
the industry rise to new levels of quality and prosperity. We are privileged to work with great people in many workflows, and we look
forward to continuing to support them in the Graphic Arts industries with the best measurement tools on the planet.
About the Authors
Ray Cheydleur has worked with X-Rite for more than a decade and in the Photo, Printing and Process control areas for more than
30 years. Ray is chairman of the Committee for Graphic Arts Technologies Standards (CGATS) accredited by ANSI, as well as chair of
CGATS SC3, Metrology and Process Control. Ray also participates in the US delegation to the ISO on Graphic Arts and Photographic
Kevin O’Connor has wrestled with color for decades as a photographer, designer, product manager, speaker and educator. He brings his
Irish wit and love of language to his passion—communicating complex color concepts in ways that can be understood.
Acronym List:
CGATS: Graphic Arts Technologies Standards
CxF: Color Exchange Format
D50: Daylight 5000 Kelvin
ISO: International Organization Standards
LED: Light emitting diodes
M: Measurement Mode
nm: Nanometers
UV: Ultraviolet
XML: eXtensible Markup Language
XRGA: X-Rite Graphic Arts Standards
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