Step9 把流量控制旋钮开到最小位置。开启冲洗按钮。
Turn the flow control knob to the minimum position. Then
open the flush button
Step10 根据清洗喷头的情况慢慢地旋转流量控制旋钮,
以免冲坏喷头。反抽操作要把喷头喷嘴浸入液面 2mm
According to the situation of cleaning the nozzle slowly
rotate the flow control knob, so as not to rush the nozzle.
Anti-pumping operation need put nozzle into the liquid
surface 2mm.
Step11 把喷头喷嘴浸入液面 2mm,开启超声波清洗,开 Step12 反复清洗几次,再按干净的清洗液清洗。直到冲
启时间约 30 秒后关闭,休息 3 分钟再开启 30 秒。超声 洗时,从喷孔里射出的清洗液整齐,干净后,把喷头清理
波循环开启不要超过 5 次。
The head nozzle should be immersed in the liquid surface
2mm. Open the ultrasonic cleaning after about 30
seconds , rest 3 minutes and then open 30 seconds. Do not
cycle more than 5 times.
Repeated cleaning for several times.and Cleaning the print
head again after changing the cleaning fluid . Until the
cleaning fluid which jet from the nozzle is neat and clean.
Then re-install it on the printer after cleaning up the print