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Duxe.ru VICSION VS500 59
3:Over-loading alarm
When the output current of inverter is over the over-loading alarm level, it will output the valid signal (Low level)
after the setting alarm delay time. When the output current is lower than the over-loading alarm level, it will output the
invalid signal (High resistance) after the same delay time.
Alarm level
[F 3.14]
O u tp u t c u rr en t
H i g h r e s is ta n c e
[F 3 .1 5]
H i g h r e s is t a n c e
[F 3.15]
4:External fault halt
Fig.6-16 Over-load alarm
When the external fault input signal is valid and it will lead to stop-machine, the terminal will output the valid signal
(Low level); otherwise it will output the invalid signal (High resistance).
5:Output frequency reaches the upper-limit
When the output frequency reaches the upper-limit frequency, the terminal will output the valid signal (Low level).
Otherwise, it will output the invalid signal (High resistance).
6:Output frequency reaches the lower-limit
When the output frequency reaches the lower-limit frequency, the terminal will output the valid signal (Low level).
Otherwise, it will output the invalid signal (High resistance)
7: Running in zero speed
Running instruction is valid and output freq. is 0, if inverter is input freq., the terminal will output the valid signal
(Low electrical level). If inverter is not input freq., the terminal will output the invalid signal (High resistance).
8:Internal timer reaches the setting time
When the internal timer reaches the setting time, the terminal will output the valid pulse signal of 0.5 Sec pulse
widths. (Low electrical level)
9: PLC stage is end of run
When simple PLC is valid and current stage is end, this port will output pulse signal with 0.5s pulse width.
10:PLC periodic is end of run
When simple PLC is valid and current period is end, this port will output pulse signal with 0.5s pulse width.
11:Internal timer arrive regular time
If the internal timer arrive regular time, the corresponding port will output 0.5s width pulse signal.
12:Setting value of counter arrives
See the explanation about parameter F6.3
13:Designated value of counter arrives
See the explanation about parameter F6.4.
14:Deceleration running
16:Inverter fault
When inverter is running with fault, it will output available signal (low level).
17:Restrictions on wobble freq. of the upper and lower limit freq.
When parameters setting about wobble freq. result in that running freq. is beyond the upper and lower limit freq., this
port will output available signal (lower lever). Generally, this port output high resistance.
F3. 9 Frequency reach the checkout amplitude
Setting range:0.0 ~ 20.00Hz
VS500 series of general purpose inverter Duxe.ru