SIMPHOENIX Self-Defined Communication Protocol 81
(3) If the inverter fails to receive any message after detecting time from
communication timeout (function code: F4.04), it’s identified as off-line fault,
and then the inverter determines operating status of slave machine in line with
setting content set by communication aid function (function code: F4.03). (In
case of receiving message from main station in the period, it’s necessary to make
control based on control word of new message).
1.2.3 Message structure
The frame size of each message is between 11 and 18 bytes (depend on data
format) and the character type can be ASC II code and hexadecimal value.
Data representation rules: hexadecimal, high-order first and then low-order,
shown as below:
(1) The ASC II code of data 3800H is expressed as the following:
Data location 9 10 11 12
Data value (hexadecimal) 33 38 30 30
(2) The hexadecimal value of data 3800H is expressed as the following (invalid
bit is filled with hexadecimal “0”):
Data location 9 10 11 12
Data value (hexadecimal) 00 00 38 00
E500 Series Universal Low-Power Inverter