目标值 +
Target value
Ti S
Functional Details 69
Figure 6-18 PID Function Sketch
F5.00 PID function selection
0: PID function disabled
Setting range: 0 ~ 1
1: PID function enabled
F5.01 PID setting channel
Setting range: 0 ~ 1
It is used to select the setting channel of the PID target value.
0: Digital setting by [F5.02]
1: frequency input channel setting
PID’s set target value is a relative value. The setting 100% is corresponding to
100% of feedback system of the controlled system.
PID feedback channel is fixed as AI input, and its upper limit (100%) and lower
limit (0%) are corresponding to AI input upper limit voltage [F1.00] and AI
input lower limit voltage [F1.01].
F5.02 PID digital setting
Setting range: 0.0~100.0%
The base value of this parameter is the system’s maximum feedback signal.
F5.03 PID feed forward enabling
Setting range: 0000~0001H
0: Feed forward function disabled 1: Feed forward function enabled
System’s response speed at start can be increasd.
F5.04 Reserve
E500 Series Universal Low-Power Inverter