Functional Details 47
4: FWD jog control
5: REV jog control
When the external terminal of running command channel selection is effective, this
parameter can define the input terminal of external jog signals.
6: Frequency set channel selection 1
7: Frequency set channel selection 2
When the frequency input channel is set to be external terminal selection
(F0.00=4), the frequency set channel of the inverter will be determined by the
status of these two terminals, and for its corresponding relationship, please refer
to description of parameter [F0.00].
8: Free stop control
If terminal corresponding to this parameter is engaged, the inverter will lock
9: Three-line running control
When the running command terminal combination mode is set to three-line
mode, the external terminal defined by this parameter is inverter stop trigger
switch. See functional code [F0.02] for the three-line control mode in details.
10: DC braking control
At the inverter stop status, if the terminal defined by this parameter is engaged,
when the output frequency is lower than the DC braking initial frequency, the
DC braking function will be enabled until the terminal is disconnected. See
description of [F2.03] ~[F2.05] for relevant parameters of DC braking.
11: FWD control
12: REV control
13: Fault reset
When the inverter is at the faulty status, engaging the terminal set by parameter
can clear inverter’s fault.
14: Reserve
15: Reserve
E500 Series Universal Low-Power Inverter