Functional Details 39
3: Special mode for terminal machine:
This function is only applicable to special occasions such as terminal machine.
X1 is used as the approach switch counting and stop signal, and X2 is start signal.
LED Hundreds: REV prevention
0: REV prevention void
1: REV prevention effective
LED Kilobit: Power-on auto start
0: Power-on auto start forbidden
1: Power-on auto start allowed
F0.03 Lower limiting frequency
Setting range: 0.0 Hz ~ [F0.04]
This parameter is the minimum output frequency allowed for the inverter. For
the functioning mode when it is lower than the lower limiting frequency, please
refer to parameter [F0.19].
F0.04 Upper limiting frequency
Setting range: [F0.3] ~ 400.0Hz
F0.05 Acceleration time
F0.06 Deceleration time
Setting range: 0.1 ~ 600.0Sec
Setting range: 0.1 ~ 600.0Sec
It is used to define the velocity of increasing and decreasing of inverter’s output
Acceleration time: the time required for output frequency accelerating from
0.0Hz to the upper limiting frequency [F0.04].
Acceleration time: the time required for output frequency decelerating from
upper limiting frequency [F0.04] to 0.0Hz.
E500 Series Universal Low-Power Inverter