SAi Flexi Cloud and PhotoPRINT Cloud
Build 1987
23 August 2013
Bug Fixes/Improvements/Changes
• Fixed a license issue with switching between windows user accounts or inserting certain usb devices.
This fix requires a license update when running the installer from previous builds
• Fixed an issue that would occur when Flexi and Production Manager are installed on two different
computers and one of these computers enters into sleep mode
• Prepared Cloud Window to be ready for the implementation of a layout with folders
• Cloud Window now defaults open each time applications are opened on English systems
• Removed shift+click for cloud window
• Updated the icon for Cloud offline page
• In Designer/Editor, added “Proportional” checkbox to the Design Central Toolbar.
• Improved PDF file text and stroke import
• Fixed an issue with the lens effect causing pixelated edges
• Improved bitmap color vectorization
• Fixed an issue with Send to Versaworks for files containing transparencies
• Fixed an issue with opening files stored in a temporary folder with a location path of over 80
• Improved the way preference manager loads factory default settings
• Added support for input icc profiles version 4
• Fixed an issue with ICC generation in RGB mode
• Fixed an issue with the Eye One IO reading the same chart twice
• Clicking the Save button twice in the Color Profiler window no longer closes the dialog
• Fixed an error in the RGB characterization chart for the HP Z6200
• Color profiler no longer generates an extra blank page for the ECI characterization chart
• Windows 8 support added for the Barbieri LFP
• Fixed the rendering of multi-channel images in PDF files where non-CMYK channel data might be
• Fixed a crash during ripping process when color adjustment with light channels was added
• Fixed a color mismatch between the Production Manager preview and the printout
• Fixed the "Ram free" labels in Production Manager
• Fixed an issue with previews of certain TIFF files
• Fixed a crash when opening certain .PSD files directly in Production Manager
• Fixed a crash when printing a tilemap
• Added offset options for Roland EGX engraver models
• Production Manager no longer crashes on exit after adding a .FS file
• Product Manager now reads the correct size of jpg files
• Fixed an issue that sometimes a white line would appear in textile step and repeat when printing
with asymmetrical resolution
• Added rotate contour cut jobs before cutting
• Fixed spot black color printing (to print as process colors)
• Object Color Control now displays more precision for low CMYK values
• Fixed a memory issue when generating previews of job reports
• Added the option to print spot CMYK as process colors
• Fixed an issue when importing presets created on Flexi 8.0
• Added ability to skip importing input icc file from ptf file, if the icc already exists
• Fixed a bug passing driver options to spot color mapping swatches