must be consistent. Carving slope, the minimum power corresponds to the top of the
slope of the power, maximum power corresponds to its base of power.
Minimum power is top of the partial width is too small, the details at the Resolution
Minimum power is too large then the slope is not obvious.
On the laser dot process, the minimum power and maximum power can be set to the
If you check the "default", the actual power to set the power from the panel to
Click the button "Advanced", you can also set other layer parameters.
Pen Up and Down:
If the machine has been installed lift platform, and requires a high degree on different
platforms for processing, you can the function of Pen up and down.
This position corresponds to put pen to paper is the height at which the platform for
processing, carrying the pen position is empty, take the corresponding before, the platform
should be moved to the laser head height which then pan will not produce interference with
the workpiece to be processed. If the pan does not confirm the laser head to produce
interference with the workpiece to be processed, you can not lift the pen position set.