In terms of cutting speed, the better the processing effect is and the smoother the
track is; the faster the speed is, the worse the processing effect is;
On the scanning process, the more slowly, the same energy the deeper the next scan,
scan traces thickening, scanning resolution accordingly reduced. Faster to scan the same
energy the more shallow depth, detail distortion increases.
On the dot process, the main change is the speed of moving air.
If you check the "default", the actual speed of the speed set by the panel to decide.
Is blowing: If the machine add a fan, and fan has been enabled, then if the selection
is "Yes", then when processing the layer, it will open the fan, otherwise, will not open fan. If
the fan is not enabled, you either select "yes" or "No", are meaningless.
Processing mode: Processing mode, meaning the mode to process corresponding
If you select vector layer (color layer) currently, there are three options: Laser scanning,
Laser cutting and Laser dotting;
If you select bitmap layer (BMP layer) currently, there is only one option: Laser
Laser1, Laser2: Laser signal corresponding to the board 1 channel and 2-way laser
output. If a single head machine, the first 2-way laser meaningless.
Min power, Max power: The range of power value is 0~100, it means the intensity of laser
during the process; the higher the value is, the stronger the laser is, and the lower the value
is, the weaker the laser is.
Processing for different types have different meaning.
The cutting process, the actual power is compared with the cutting speed to follow, the
speed of low energy is also low, high-speed energy is high, so as to ensure the energy
evenly throughout the cutting process. Therefore, the speed of minimum power
corresponding to the lowest energy, the minimum speed is usually 0, but if you set a
minimum speed of take-off speed of the take-off speed; maximum power corresponds to the
layer speed.
How to set proper Min power and Max power
If the laser is too strong during the whole process, you should set the minimum and
maximal power lower, otherwise, set them higher;
If the laser is too weak in some places during the process, you should set the
maximal power higher;
If the laser is too strong in some places during the process, you should set the
minimum power lower.
If it is cut through, the minimum power and maximum power was no significant
difference can be set to the same.
On the scanning process, general scanning, minimum power and maximum power