Output the offline file (RD format)
After save offline file, click UfileOutput to select rd file to processing.
Download the file to the memory of the controller , then user can start the file through
the machine panel.
4.6 Output select graphics
After check Output select graphics,then only output the selected part, rather than
not output the part not selected.
4.7 Path optimize
After check Path Optimize,then automatically perform the path optimize before the
If has done the Path optimize or not need optimize, then not check Path Optimize can
reduce waiting time.
4.8 Test
Axis control, can only control one axis each time. You can set the information for axis
move, including move length、speed、laser on-off and laser power.
If you check “Move from origin”, then the offset you set means the offset to machine
If you not check move from origin, then the offset means the offset to the current