Service Support Spirit
TRANS indicator: The indicator is lighted, it means system has detected the effective arc
voltage value and piercing has competed. (it is piercing delay time of THC over, it is not contain
the piercing delay time of CNC).
ARC ON indicator: Turn on when THC send arc start signal out. If IHS completed, this
indicator is lighted when THC send arc start signal. During arc start test, the indicator is lighted.
DOWN indicator: Turn on when torch lift down.
COLLISION indicator: Turn on when torch touch workpiece or proximity switch effective.
AUTO indicator: The indicator up the button named【AUTO】is indicated whether allowed
auto height control. If the indicator is lighted, THC will allow auto height control. If the indicator
is extinguish, THC will not allow auto height control. The indicator is lighted after starting up. The
indicator condition will change when the button named【AUTO】is pressed.
IHS TEST indicator: The indicator up the button named【IHS TEST】is lighted during IHS
test, it means IHS test is working. The indicator is extinguish during other condition.
2.3 Menu operation explain
THC has concise menu, it can set some parameter and adopt to different work condition.
Menu operation use the button named【MENU】、【OK】、【+】、【-】and so on. It also use two
nixie tube to display parameter, the green nixie tube display parameter number and the red nixie
tube display parameter value.
When user use it on the scene, parameter number and meaning can refer to concise
parameter grid up the chassis.
During torch do not work, when arc start and IHS test do not work, user press the button
named【MENU】can enter into the menu operation model. After it enter into the menu model,
the button named【IHS TEST】、【ARCON TEST】is trashy. Only the button named【▲】、【▼】
and the signal named THC_UP、THC_DN that CNC send is useful. If THC enter into the menu
model, it will not test and cut.
When THC enter into the menu model, it mean THC enter into first submenu named “Pxx”
(xx is parameter number),if the button named【MENU】is pressed again, THC will enter
into second submenu named“Hxx”. When the button named【MENU】 is pressed, THC can
switch the next submenu. When it has switched the last submenu, if the button named 【MENU】
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