System parameter: used to set the basic parameters of device. Generally, the setting is performed by
manufacturers. Before entering the page, users need to enter password.
System password: 666888
Pulse on time: the time to start light emission in pulse mode
Pulse off time: the time to stop light emission in pulse mode
Slow rise time: used to set the time that the laser analog voltage rises from initial power to the
maximum power when the it is enabled.
Slow fall time: used to set the time that laser analog voltage falls from the maximum power to initial
power when it is stopped.
Light on power: used to set the initial power of laser, the percentage of welding power
Light on asymptotic time: the time to control the light on power of laser to rise slowly to the set power
Light off power: used to set the light off power of laser, the percentage of welding power
Light off asymptotic time: the time to control the light off power to fall slowly
Language: to switch language
Advance gas on delay: when starting processing, users can set gas activation delay. When the external
start button is pressed, after blowing delay for some time, the laser can emit light.
Gas off delay: when stopping processing, users can set gas closure delay. When processing is stopped,
stop the laser first. After delay for some time, stop gas blowing.
Automatic swing: used to set whether the galvanometer swings automatically. When automatic swing
function is enabled and the safety lock is connected, But if the safety lock is not connected, make the motor not carry out
automatic swing after delay for some time.
Device parameter: used to switch to the device parameter page. It requires password.
Authorization: for the authorization management of mainboard
Device number: used to set the bluetooth number of control system. When users have multiple devices
they can define the number for management.
Offset in middle: for the setting of the offset in middle of red light.