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4.2 光学镜片清洁Cleaning of optical lens
※工具: 无尘手套或无尘指套、无尘擦拭棉签、异丙醇、 灌装干燥纯净的压
※将异丙醇喷撒至无尘擦拭棉签上,镜片正对双眼,左手 大拇指和食指轻轻
捏住镜片的侧面边缘,右手持无尘擦拭棉 签,从下往上或者从左往右,单一方
向轻轻擦拭镜片正反两 面,(切忌不能来回擦拭,以免镜片二次被污染) 并用
灌装 干燥纯净的压缩空气吹拂镜片表面,确认清洁后镜片表面无 任何异物。
Operating method and cautions:
Tool: dust-free gloves or dust-free fingertips, dust-free cotton swab, isopropyl
alcohol and canned dry pure compressed air.
Spray the isopropyl alcohol onto the dust-free cotton swab, make the lens face your
eyes, gently pinch the side edge of the lens with the thumb and forefinger of your left
hand, wipe the front and back of the lens in one direction from left to right or from top to
bottom with dust-free cotton swab held in the right hand ( remember not to wipe the lens
back and forth to avoid the second contamination), and blow the surface of the lens with
dry pure compressed air to ensure there is no dust on the lens.