Welcome to SAi Flexi 12
The Flexi product group contains some of the world’s advanced tools for print production and sign
making software. We have added many new features based on your feedback.
Operating Systems Supported
• Windows 10
• Windows 8 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
• Windows 8 Pro 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
• Windows 8 Enterprise (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
• Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
• Windows 7 Professional 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
• Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
Installing on a Mac using parallels or bootcamp is not recommended and not supported.
SAi Flexi 12 (SP5)
Build 2878
Oct 17, 2018
Bug Fixes
Fixed issue of Job Properties window opening on disconnected monitor, 9634 and 9517
Fixed issue with Open Type Font not showing all of the font styles, 9560
Fixed issue of Roland VG mapping White to Cyan channel, 9556
Fixed issue of Fotoba marks on tilled job printing inside the image, 9501
SAi Store link removed from Help menu, 9472
Fixed margins issue with Mutoh VC registration marks, 9442
Fixed issue when tiff files colors are mixed, 9441
Fixed issue of Custom Color Swatch with change not applying correctly, 9440
Fixed the issue of Job Status frozen at 99%, 9424
Fixed Aristo Driver missing Contour name check box, 9410
Fixed issue of objects becoming ungrouped after using View filter, 9381
Fixed issue of text displaying in v12 from v8 files, 9373
Fixed issue of masked layer disappearing when file is exported as png, 9355
Fixed issue of v8 file with large mask running slow in v12, 9347
Fixed zooming issue with object is on large coordinates, 9339
Fixed issue of crop marks not saving correctly with preset, 9323
Fixed issue of not applying Contour Cut to thine stroke in ai file, 9296
Fixed issue of Fotoba marks prints inside the image when Skip Vertical mark is selected, 9276
Fixed issue of PDF boundaries to crop box not applied when file added to PM, 9213
Fixed issue of EPS page boundaries not applied when decimal symbol is “,”, 9212
Fixed issue with bad cut files for SummaFlex, 9204
Fixed issue error with compounding winding fill, 9193
Fixed issue with AI file with huge soft mask, 9192Here