Fixed a discrepancy between SO and ES when applying variable dot dither
params for iccs that are missing this information
Fixed preview not loaded for certain PDF files
Fix an issue of TTF size when the letter used as cap-height is missing from
the font
Addressed Step and Repeat shift between rows
Fixed issue of all objects showing in R&P preview and not only selected
SAi Production Suite 19 (SP1)
Build 3066
26 Jun 2019
Bug Fixes
Importing various pdf and eps files
Rip data mixed for large files
Multipage PDF RIP error when finishing applied
Tiling & adding "crop marks" or "margin marks" = RIP crash or "wrong data
Color issues with FMX Press profiles
Jobs nested with contour cuts get rotated the wrong way
Multi pages file for characterization printing
EPS file from Corel has masks added when imported
Spot Colors in AI File changed to White
Spot Colors not printing correctly
PDF files "loading" indefinitely in Production Manager
PDF/TIFF files distorted in V19
Can't recognize CutContour in Production Manager 19
OptiScout hand scanner barcode is not printed
Printing order of swatches for Barbieri SpctroPad in Optimize Pantone
color is incorrect
Condition parameter interface in CutPlot/RIP&Print/cutcontour misses out
words when in German
Margin marks forcing copies to move so print doesn't match preview.
Step and Repeat with Fotoba marks
OPOS bar printing light