Fixed objects disappearing or with gradient changing shape when sent from Flexi
Designer RIP and Print Dialog
Added poll size option to multiple Mutoh VJ models
Fixed issue with some gradients printing all white
Fixed Summa OPOS XY not printing correctly when color bar is turned on
Fixed issue where Cut Preview did not indicate holes being cut first
Fixed Summa S75T driver options velocity parameter miscalculation(1 mm = 2.5 mm)
Fixed Hotfolders reverting back to default Jobs path
Fixed cut jobs being sent to plotter out of order
Fixed Summa D140R Always advancing after the plot
Fixed "load HP Library fails" message when trying to add setup for HP T7200
Fixed shadow in PDF file not printing correctly
Fixed misplaced out file when using resolution 270x1440
Fixed issue with Grommets not printing print when proportional box was unchecked
Fixed Flexi icons to look bigger on hi-res monitors
Fixed HP Z 31000 not printing from Flexi 12 Build 2324 (SP2)
Added Flexi Knowledge Base –
Added ICC Media profiling wizard to Production Manager
Added Roland Soljet Pro III registration marks to Flexi Designer
Add SummaFlex marks to Flexi Designer
Added an icon for Send to EnRoute to the toolbar
Added Animated Cut Viewer enhancements
Allow moving objects relative to current position
Allow group layers by condition
Allow Cutting order by layers and cutting by layer
Added Reset buttons on each cut/plot tab
Added showing cutting direction
Allow grouping of vinyl colors by condition
Added spacing between horizontal and vertical copies
Added ability to pause between specific colors / layers
Added corner style to rectangular contour cut
Added Advance After Plot, which allows the user to set a certain distance to advance
after plotting
Added separate embedded ICC profile option per color mode
Other miscellaneous improvements
New Features for Subscription Licenses