6 Function details
6.1 Basic running parameter group
Functional Details 30
F0.00 Selection of frequency input channel/mode Setting range: 0 ~ 5
It is used to select setting channel/mode of inverter’s running frequency.
0: Digital setting
The inverter’s set frequency is set by parameter [F0.01].
1: External analog quantity
The running frequency is set by external input voltage signal (0~10V) or current
signal (0~20mA); for relevant characteristics, please refer to parameter [F1.00]
and [F1.01].
2: External communication
To receive frequency setting commands of upper computer or main inverter thr-
ough serial RS485 port.
3: panel potentiometer
The running frequency is set by the potentiometer on the operating panel.
4: External terminal selection
The frequency input channel is confirmed by external multifunctional terminal
(the selection of functional terminals is confirmed by the parameter [F1.08]
Frequency setting
channel selection 2
Frequency setting
channel selection 1
Frequency setting channel
Digital setting
External input signal
RS485 port
panel potentiometer
Note: It is “1” when the terminal and CM is engaged.
5: Combined setting
It is selected by [F1.28] group parameters.
E550 Series Universal Low-Power Inverter