软件许可协议 这是最终用户(个人或实体用户)与SA International 公司签署的法律协议。你如果不同意下列条款则应当立即返回该软件包。如果使用该程序,则表示你接收下列条款。 1. 许可协议 该包装内的计算机程序“软件”由SA International 公司许可而不是出售给你,仅在下列条件下以及非排他和非转让的基础上供你使用。SA International公司保留一切没有明确授予给你的权力。你不得向任何第三方透露与该软件或SA International公司有关的任何保密信息,或者利用这种信息损害SA International公司。 该软件受美国版权法和国际条约条款保护。因此,你应当将该软件视同为如其他拥有版权的材料如书籍等一样保护其版权。该许可准许你: (1)本软件原版拷贝仅用于备份时,你可以以机器可读格式制作该软件的拷贝。作为该许可的明确条件,在你制作的所有拷贝上都必须复制SA International公司的版权说明以及SA International公司提供的原版软件上的其他专利图标。 (2) 你以书面形式通知SA International公司并且经第三方阅读并接受该许可中的条件后,可以将本软件和该许可下的权力连同一份许可协议和岁本软件一起提供的所有印刷材料一起转让给第三方。 (3)只在一台计算机上使用本软件,但是,在保证一次只在一台计算机上使用的前提下,可以将本软件转换到其他计算机上使用。“实用”是指是指装载到计算机的暂时存储器(即随机存储器)或永久存储器(即硬盘、CD-ROM或其他存储设备)中。 2.限制 不得将本软件的拷贝分发给其他人,或者在网络上将本软件在计算机之间传播。不得对本软件进行解码、逆向工程设计、分解或者将本软件简化为可察觉的形式。不得对该软件或软件的任何部分进行更改、改编、转让、出租、为赢利而再出售、分发、将其应用于网络或生成衍生软件。 3.终止 该许可在终止日起前有效。如果你违反了该许可的任何条款,则该许可立即终止。许可终止时,你必须将本软件及其所有拷贝返还SA International公司,你也可以通过将本软件及其所有拷贝返还SA International公司来随时终止该许可。 4.出口法律保证 你同意不将本软件或其直接产品直接或间接转让或出口到受到美国出口管理法或国际出口法及其限制和条例禁止的国家,也不得将其用于受到上述法律禁止的任何用途。 5.不担保声明与补偿和索赔限度 在任何情况下,SA International公司都不会根据任何责任论对因为使用本软件而在任何情况下引起的任何索赔,包括侵权、数据丢失、利润损失、费用或其他特殊、直接或间接损害承担责任。即使在SA International公司或授权经销商或销售商已经收到这种索赔的通知,该限度依然适用。SA International公司对于本软件不做任何明确的或者隐含的担保,并完全拒绝用于特定目的之适销性和适宜性的任何隐含担保。SA International公司不但保任何标图、扫描驱动程序或设备。这些驱动程序仅作为一种服务提供给我们的用户,它们是使用设备制造商当时提供给我们的信息而开发的。 SA International公司对于软件或文件中版面错误不承担任何责任。 6.概述 如果你是一位美国政府中的最终用户,本软件的许可中仅包含“有限权力”。该软件的使用、透露和复制均遵循《联邦采购条例》52.227-7013(c)(iii)款。该许可按宾夕法尼亚州法律起草,但对于在美国获得、处理法律冲突的法体或者在美国以外获得的管辖法等情况除外。如果该许可的任何条款被具有管辖资格的法庭认为与法律抵触,该条款依然具有完全效力。 SA International 2002年申请了此软件的版权,并保留此软件的所有权利。任何人不得在未得到出版商书面事先许可的情况下以任何形式(如电子文件、机械、照片、录音或其他方式)复制、检索储存或发送此软件。此软件本在美国打印。此手册中的内容随时改变,恕不另行通知,SA International公司也没有责任另行通知。 Acrobat(r) Reader “复制”right(c)是1987-2002 Adobe系统有限公司的版权标志。Adobe系统有限公司保留所有权利。Adobe和Acrobat是Adobe系统有限公司的商标,在某些司法裁决中可能要用到。PostScript软件版权1984-1998属于 Adobe系统有限公司。保留此软件的所有权利。 这儿提及的Flexi, FlexiFamily, FlexiSIGN-Pro, FlexiSIGN Plus, FlexiEXPERT, FlexiSIGN, FlexiLETTER, FlexiDESIGNER, FlexiCUT, FlexiENGRAVE, PhotoPRINT Server, PhotoPRINT, PhotoPRINT SE, EnRoute-Pro, EnRoute Plus, EnRoute, EnRoute Machine Shop和/或其它SA International产品是SA International有限公司的商标或者注册商标。FreeHand是Macromedia公司的注册商标。CorelDRAW!是Corel系统有限公司的商标。AppleTalk, ImageWriter, LaserWriter和Macintosh是苹果计算机有限公司的注册商标。Windows是微软公司的注册商标。此处提及的真正的公司明和产品名也许就是一公司或子公司的商标或注册商标,也许已在某些司法裁决中注册。PostScript(r)是Adobe系统有限公司或它的子公司的商标,也许已在某些司法裁决中注册。 SA International 1490 N. 2200 West, Suite 120 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 USA License Agreement for Users of Adobe(r) Configurable PostScript(r) Interpreter and Coded Font Programs 1. Licensor grants to Licensee a nonexclusive sublicense, subject to Paragraph 7 below and the other provisions hereof (a) to use the CPSI Application Object ("Software") solely for Licensee's own internal business purposes in a single central processing unit ("CPU"), optional associated display with a resolution of less than one hundred fifty dots per inch, and, optionally, connected to a single or multiple output device (the "Computer System"); (b) to use the digitally-encoded machine-readable outline programs ("Font Programs") provided by Licensor in a special encrypted format ("Coded Font Programs") and identified herewith to reproduce and display designs, styles, weights, and versions of letters, numerals, characters and symbols ("Typefaces") solely for Licensee's own customary business or personal purposes on the Computer System; and (c) to use the trademarks used by Licensor to identify the Coded Font Programs and Typefaces reproduced therefrom ("Trademarks"). Licensee may assign its rights under this Agreement to a licensee of all of Licensee's right, title and interest to such Software and Coded Font Programs provided the licensee agrees to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. Licensee acknowledges that the Software, Coded Font Programs, Typefaces and Trademarks are proprietary to Licensor and its suppliers. Licensee agrees to hold the Software and Coded Font Programs in confidence, disclosing the Software and Coded Font Programs only to authorized employees having a need to use the Software and Coded Font Programs as permitted by this Agreement and to take all reasonable precautions to prevent disclosure to other parties. 3. Licensee will not make or have made, or permit to be made, any copies of the Software or Coded Font Programs or portions thereof, except as necessary for its use with a single Computer System hereunder. Licensee agrees that any such copies shall contain the same proprietary notices which appear on or in the Software or the Coded Font Programs. 4. Except as stated above, this Agreement does not grant Licensee any rights to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, trademarks (whether registered or unregistered), or any other rights, franchises, or licenses in respect of the Software, Coded Font Programs, Typefaces, or Trademarks. Licensee will not adapt or use any trademark or trade name which is likely to be similar to or confusing with that of Licensor or any of its suppliers or take any other action which impairs or reduces the trademark rights of Licensor or its suppliers. The Trademarks can only be used to identify printed output produced by the Coded Font Programs. At the reasonable request of Licensor, Licensee must supply samples of any Typeface identified by a Trademark. 5. Licensee agrees that it will not attempt to alter, disassemble, decrypt or reverse engineer the Software or Coded Font Programs. 6. Licensee acknowledges that the laws and regulations of the United States restrict the export and re-export of commodities and technical data of United States origin, including the Software or Coded Font Programs. Licensee agrees that it will not export or re-export the Software or Coded Font Programs in any form without the appropriate United States and foreign government licenses. Licensee agrees that its obligations pursuant to this section shall survive and continue after any termination or expiration of rights under this Agreement. 7. The Software licensed hereunder may be used to generate screen displays on a single Computer System having a screen resolution of less than 150 dots per inch and to generate output on the associated output device. Licensee agrees not to make use of the Software, directly or indirectly, (i) to generate bitmap images on a screen display with a resolution of 150 dots per inch or greater, (ii) to generate Typefaces for use other than with the Computer System, or (iii) to generate printed output on other than an output device that Licensor has designated to be approved for use with the Software on the Computer System. Any failure of Licensee to comply with this provision is a material breach of this End User Agreement. 8. NEITHER LICENSOR NOR ANY OF ITS REPRESENTATIVES MAKES OR PASSES ON TO LICENSEE OR OTHER THIRD PARTY ANY WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION ON BEHALF OF LICENSOR'S THIRD PARTY SUPPLIERS. 9. Licensee is hereby notified that Adobe Systems Incorporated, a California corporation located at 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704 ("Adobe") is a third-party beneficiary to this Agreement to the extent that this Agreement contains provisions which relate to Licensee's use of the Software, the Coded Font Programs, the Typefaces and the Trademarks licensed hereby. Such provisions are made expressly for the benefit of Adobe and are enforceable by Adobe in addition to Licensor. 10. The Adobe Postscript Interpreter includes an implementation of LZW licensed under U.S. Patent 4,558,302. The Adobe(r) PostScript(r) Interpreter, also referred to as CPSI, is provided on an as is basis. SA International, Inc. is not responsible for any damages arising from the use of the program however caused and on any theory of liability.