Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd
reduction of acceleration so as to reduce the running speed of the whole figure.
For the axles with larger inertia, such as Y axle corresponding to the beam, its
typical setting range is 800~3000mm/s2; for the axles with smaller inertia, such
as X axle corresponding to the car, its typical setting range is
scope: it means the farthest distance that the motion axle can move, which is
determined in accordance with the actual condition of the machine.
Key Move Takeoff Speed: it means the starting speed to move this axle by way
of the keys on the keyboard, which can’t be higher than the takeoff speed.
Key Move Acceleration: it means the acceleration to move this axle by way of
the keys on the keyboard, which can’t be higher than the maximum acceleration
of this axle.
Scram Acceleration: if this axle enables the hard-spacing protection, when this
axle moves to the spacing position, it will scram operation at the scram
acceleration. This value can be 2~3 times of the maximum acceleration for this
Distance from Origin to Hard Spacing: if this axle enables hard-spacing
protection, generally this value should be set to be 2~5mm; if it is set to be 0,
when this motion axle moves to the smallest coordinate, i.e. 0, this spacing may
be validate, which may wrongly triggers the hard-spacing protection and scram
the machine. If the hard-spacing protection is not enabled, this value can be set
to be 0~5mm.
(2) Laser parameters
Laser Configuration: single laser and double lasers are available for option and
set in accordance with the laser-tube quantity provided by the manufacturer.
Laser Type: glass tube, RF laser (not need pre-ignition pulse) and RF laser
(needing pre-ignition pulse) available for option.
Maximum Power 1
Minimum Power 1
Laser PWM Frequence 1
Maximum Power 2
Minimum Power 2
Laser PWM Frequence 2
Laser Attenuation Quotiety
Laser PWM Frequence is used to set the pulse frequency of control signal used
by this laser, in general, glass tube is about 20KHZ, RF laser is about 5KHZ ; the
maximum/minimum power (%) is used to set the limit power of this laser, that is to
say, during the operation, the maximum power set by the user can’t be higher than
that set here and the minimum power set by the user can’t be less than that set here,
either. When a laser’s power is attenuated, then the laser attenuation quotiety may
be set.