Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd
Graph Preview Area
System status
File No.
Work speed
Laser max power
X,Y,Z’s coordinate
Layer Info.
Work No.
Figure: 8.2-2
Net status
Graph Preview Area: To display the whole file’s track, and display the running track.
System status: To display the current status of the machine, such as Idle, Run, Pause,
Finsh, etc..
Work No.:To accumulate the work number of the current file.
Net status:To display the connecting status of the ethernet.
Data:To display the system time.
Layer Info.:To display the layers’ information of the current file, such as max or min
power, speed etc.. When system is idle, dblclick the layer, then users can change the
layer’s parameters and the changing would be saved.
XYZ’s coordinate:To display the coordinate of XYZ axes, and the size accurate to 0.1mm.
Laser max power:When system is idle, to display the “Laser” key’s power, when
system is running, to display the max laser power of the running layer.
Work speed: When system is idle, to display the “Up/Down” or “Left/Right” key’s
speed, when system is running, to display the running speed of the current layer.
File No.:To display the current selected file’s number.
8.2.3 Speed settings
Push the “Speed” key when the screen is on the main interface, it will show as below: