Shenzhen Reader Technology Co., Ltd
4.6 USB Interface
USB interface is a USB-BM, using this interface, the mainboard can communicate
with PC by USB2.0.
4.7 Ethernet Interface
Using this interface, the mainboard can communicate with PC by 10/100MHZ
Pin to Pin ethernet parallel line is recommended.
4.8 General Output Port CN2
Definition of general output port (6Pin, 3.81mm space)
Pin Symbols
1 OGND External power ground (output)
2 Out4
General output 4, with the function reserved.
3 Out3
General output 3, with the function reserved.
4 Out2
General output 2, and the signal port of operating status. If this port is
externally connected with the relay, the relay coil is broken over when
it works; no influence is produced when it suspends working. When its
work ends or is stopped manually, the relay coil will be cut off.
5 Wind
General output 1. When the blower control is enabled, this port will
output the control signal of the blower, otherwise it will output other
special control signals. When the blower is connected and its control
enabled, the blower switch can be set separately on each layer. If the
relay is connected externally, the relay coil will be broken over when
the blower is on; the relay coil will be cut off when the blower is off.
6 O 24V External power output (If the interface of main power source is
powered with 24V power supply, this pin should be 24V; if it is
powered with 36 V power supply, this pin should be 36V.)
All outputs are isolated through the optocoupler, and 500mA current for each,
OC gate output, each can directly drive the 6V/24V relay.
4.9 3-axle Spacing and Special Input Interface CN3/CN4
Z-axle spacing and special input interface CN3 (6Pin, 3.81mm space)
No. Symbols
External power ground (output)
Input from protective port. If the machine needs to be
protected in the special state (such as door open protection),