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4.10.2 Laser Scan Parameters Setting
Laser:Software to distinguish between different layers of the graphics processing technology
parameters. For scanning processing methods, more are in the same layer bitmaps, and whole as a
picture output, if hope each bitmap single output, it can be a graph respectively placed in different
layer can.
Is Output:Have two options: yes and no. Choice is, the corresponding layer will output
processing; Choose no, won't output processing.
Speed:The corresponding processing method of processing speed.
For cutting processing is concerned, the slower, processing the better, the more smooth track;
The faster the processing results, the worse the trajectory smooth;
To scan for processing, the slower, under the same energy scanning depth, deep and scanning
trace the thick, scanning the resolution also reduced.
The faster the same energy the shallow depth of the scanning, details distortion increase.
To fix for processing, the main change is empty the speed of the move.
If, check the "default", the actual speed by panel set up to speed.
If Blowing:f the machine external fan, and fan has enabled, then if choose "is", then this layer
data processing, will open the fan, otherwise, will not open the fan. If you do not make can fan, no
matter choose "yes" or "no", are meaningless.
Processing methods: says the method of processing corresponding layer;
If the currently selected is vector layer (i.e. color layer), it includes three choices: laser
scanning, laser cutting, laser rabis;
If the currently selected is a tutu layer (namely BMP layer), the only include a choice: laser
Laser 1, laser 2: corresponding to the main board laser signals 1 and 2 of the way way laser
output. If it is only head machine, the second road laser meaningless.
The minimum power, the maximum power: the power of the values of the range of 0 to 100,
said that in the process of the strength of the laser processing; Big value, the laser is strong, is
small, the laser weak. Minimum power loss to the most power is less than or equal to.
For different processing type has a different meaning.
For cutting processing, the actual power is cutting speed and phase follow, speed, low energy
is also low, high speed is high also, so that we can guarantee the whole process of cutting energy