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Data check, integration of the closed inspection, the inspection, the inspection, the
intersection of the fellowship data overlap a check. The user can select a check, inspection to the
problem after data, will be in the dialog box right tip have been found and, at the same time, the
problem in selected state graphics. Check-> ruled out repeatedly error-> inspection process until
all the data are conform to the requirements of the processing.
2.13.11 Generation parallel lines
Selected to create parallel lines after the data, click on the menu commands the 【 Handle 】 /
【Offset poly】, or click system toolbar .
Red line in the figure for the original graphics, green line is inside shrink graphics.
2.13.12 LGP design
Click the menu commands the 【edit】 /【LGP design 】 , or click drawing toolbar, already can
start reflex block design tools, the tools are specific to block the sun processing, is an independent
functions, such as the user is not involved in the sun block can be ignored this section processing