Laser Engraving & Cutting Control System Manual
a). Press < > to move the cursor;
b). Press ENTER to confirm;
c). Press ESC to return to main interface.
4.5.1 Cutting Contour
Select CUT COUNTOUR using the mouse and the press ENTER:
When the machine is cutting CONTOUR, only the START and the STOP buttons can be used. It will return to the main
interface once the motion is completed.
4.5.2 Laser Set
Select LASER SET using the mouse and press ENTER:
a). The default value of TIME is 0 ms, while the default POWER value is100%.
b). Press < > to move the cursor and to choose Time or Power.
c). Press ∧ ∨ to set parameters. Correct setting = 1.
d). Time ranges from 0 to 99999ms. Power ranges from 0 to 100%. Press ENTER to make the settings effective.
e). Press ESC to return to supporting interface without activating entered settings.
f). If the time = 0, the laser will be ON immediately upon pressing the LASER button, and be off when you stop pressing. If
the time is set to a fixed value, the laser will be ON a certain time for each press.
4.5.3 Jog Set