Laser Engraving & Cutting Control System Manual
4.3.3 Cursor Disappear
Press ESC and the cursor will disappear instantly.
Press < > ∧ ∨ to move the laser head.
4.3.4 Laser
Press LASER to beam according to the settings of shooting;
4.3.5 Test
Press TEST to make contouring motion:
When contouring finished, system will return to the main interface. **IMPORTANT**: When contouring, only START
and STOP can be used.
4.4 Process
4.4.1 Process Interface
Press START to start the processing:
Parameter descriptions are as follows:
b). File: Processing the file name.
c). Speed: Percentage of the processing speed.
d). Power: Percentage of the processing power. The FIRST one is the power corresponding to LOW SPEED. The second
one is the power corresponding to HIGH SPEED.
e). Time: Processing time spent.
4.4.2 Process Control
a). During the process, only the following buttons can work: START, STOP, <, >, ∧ , ∨ :
b). These buttons: ∧ and ∨ are used to change the processing speed. Stepping=1. The value ranges from 0 to 100.
c). These buttons: < and > are used to change the power corresponding to high speed. Stepping=1. The value ranges from 0