;错误代码对应的错误信息及解决方案 (Error message and solution of the error code) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_LOAD_DRIVER [30011] ErrorString = 载入驱动文件失败 (Failed to load the driver file. Procedure) Solution[0] = 检查安装程序是否完整 (Check that the installation program is complete) Solution[1] = 卸载软件,重新安装 (Uninstall the software and reinstall it) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_GET_FUNCTION [30012] ErrorString = 从驱动文件载入功能函数接口失败 (Failed to load the function interface from the driver file) Solution[0] = 检查安装程序是否完整 (Check that the installation program is complete) Solution[1] = 卸载软件,重新安装 (Uninstall the software and reinstall it) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_GET_API_FACE [30013] ErrorString = 提取函数向量表失败 (Failed to extract function vector table) Solution[0] = 检查安装程序是否完整 (Check that the installation program is complete) Solution[1] = 卸载软件,重新安装 (Uninstall the software and reinstall it) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_INIT_DEVICE [30014] ErrorString = 初始化打印机失败 (Failed to initialize the printer. Procedure) Solution[0] = 检查打印设备是否上电 (Check whether the printing device is powered on) Solution[1] = 检查电脑主机与打印设备的USB连接是否正常 (Check whether the USB connection between the computer host and the printing device is normal) Solution[2] = 检查打印设备板卡是否正常 (Check whether the board of the printing device is normal) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_FREE_DEVICE [30015] ErrorString = 释放驱动异常 (The release drive is abnormal) Solution[0] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_USB_LOW_MODE [30016] ErrorString = USB 通信低速传输状态报警 (USB communication low speed transmission status alarm) Solution[0] = 检查 USB 连接线是否正常 (Check whether the USB cable is normal) Solution[1] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_USB_GET_STATUS [30017] ErrorString = USB 通信获取打印机状态失败 (Failed to obtain printer status through USB communication. Procedure ) Solution[0] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) Solution[1] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) Solution[2] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_INIT_PRINTER [30018] ErrorString = 初始化打印机异常 (The printer initialization is abnormal. Procedure) Solution[0] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) Solution[1] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) Solution[2] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOTOR_REPOSITION [30019] ErrorString = 复位运动异常 (Reset motion anomaly) Solution[0] = 检查电机模块是否正常 (Check whether the motor module is normal) Solution[1] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) Solution[2] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOTOR_STOP_MOVE [30020] ErrorString = 停止运动异常 (Stop motion anomaly) Solution[0] = 检查电机模块是否正常 (Check whether the motor module is normal) Solution[1] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) Solution[2] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOTOR_WAIT_STOP [30021] ErrorString = 等待停止运动超时 (The wait to stop movement timed out) Solution[0] = 检查电机模块是否正常 (Check whether the motor module is normal) Solution[1] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) Solution[2] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOTOR_GET_POSITION [30022] ErrorString = 获取小车位置错误 ( Error obtaining cart position ) Solution[0] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) Solution[1] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOTOR_GET_STATUS [30023] ErrorString = 获取运动状态异常 (Get abnormal motion status) Solution[0] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) Solution[1] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOTOR_START_RUN [30024] ErrorString = 启动指定方式运动异常 (The specified startup mode is abnormal) Solution[0] = 检查配置文件是否匹配 (Check whether the configuration files match) Solution[1] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) Solution[2] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOTOR_RUNING [30025] ErrorString = 马达运动中,无法执行下一个运动动作 (Motor movement in progress, unable to perform the next movement) Solution[0] = 检查配置文件是否匹配 (Check whether the configuration files match) Solution[1] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) Solution[2] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_SET_MICRO_STATUS [30026] ErrorString = 设置微喷状态错误 (Error setting microjet status) Solution[0] = 检查配置文件是否匹配 (Check whether the configuration files match) Solution[1] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) Solution[2] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_GET_MICRO_STATUS [30027] ErrorString = 获取微喷状态错误 (Error setting microjet status) Solution[0] = 检查配置文件是否匹配 (Check whether the configuration files match) Solution[1] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) Solution[2] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PRINT_THREAD_EXCEPTION [30028] ErrorString = 打印线程异常错误 (Prints thread exception errors) Solution[0] = 检查配置文件是否匹配 (Check whether the configuration files match) Solution[1] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) Solution[2] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) Solution[3] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_DATA_PROCESS_THREAD_EXCEPTION [30029] ErrorString = 数据处理线程异常错误 (Data processing thread exception error) Solution[0] = 检查配置文件是否匹配 (Check whether the configuration files match) Solution[1] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) Solution[2] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_DATA_COMBINATION [30031] ErrorString = 数据交织错误 (Data interleaving error) Solution[0] = 检查配置文件是否匹配 (Check whether the configuration files match) Solution[1] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) Solution[2] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_COPY_DATA_HEAD_CACHE [30032] ErrorString = 拷贝数据至喷头缓冲区错误(Error copying data to sprinkler buffer) Solution[0] = 检查配置文件是否匹配 (Check whether the configuration files match) Solution[1] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) Solution[2] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MOVE_LEN_OUT [30033] ErrorString = 运动距离超出范围错误 (Out of range error) Solution[0] = 将运动距离设置小一点 (Set the distance smaller) Solution[1] = 检查配置文件是否匹配 (Check whether the configuration files match) Solution[2] = 重新启动软件和硬件的版本是否匹配 (Check whether the software and hardware versions match) Solution[3] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_INIT_PRINT_PARAM [30034] ErrorString = 初始化打印参数错误 (Error initializing print parameters) Solution[0] = 检查 ini 配置文件是否匹配 (Check whether the INI configuration file matches) Solution[1] = 检查软件设置参数是否在正常范围 (Check whether the software Settings are within the normal range) Solution[2] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MAINBOARD_FIBER_RECIVERS_EXCEPTION [30035] ErrorString = 主板光纤接收异常 (Optical fiber receiving on the mainboard is abnormal) Solution[0] = 确认主板光纤接口已插好 (Ensure that the optical fiber port on the mainboard is properly inserted) Solution[1] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_HEADBOARD_FIBER_RECIVERS_EXCEPTION [30036] ErrorString = 喷车板光纤接收异常 (The optical fiber receiving of spray car is abnormal) Solution[0] = 确认喷车板光纤接口已插好 (Verify that the optical fiber interface of the spray board is inserted properly) Solution[1] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_HEADBOARD_ORIGIN_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [30037] ErrorString = 喷车板原点限位信号被触发 (The origin limit signal of spray car plate is triggered) Solution[0] = 检查与喷车板连接的原点限位开关是否正常 (Check whether the origin limit switch connected with the spray car plate is normal) Solution[1] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MAINBOARD_ORIGIN_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [30038] ErrorString = 主板原点限位信号被触发 (The motherboard origin limit signal is triggered) Solution[0] = 检查与主板连接的原点限位开关是否正常 (Check whether the origin limit switch connected to the motherboard is normal) Solution[1] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_HEADBOARD_END_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [30039] ErrorString = 喷车板终点限位被触发 (The end limit sensor of the spray plate is triggered) Solution[0] = 检查与喷车板连接的终点限位开关是否正常 (Check whether the terminal limit switch connected with the spray car plate is normal) Solution[1] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MAINBOARD_END_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [30040] ErrorString = 主板终点限位信号被触发 (The terminal limit signal of the motherboard is triggered) Solution[0] = 检查与主板连接的终点限位开关是否正常 (Check whether the terminal limit switch connected to the motherboard is normal) Solution[1] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_LACK_OF_DATA_BETWEEN_ONE_PASS_PRINTTING [30041] ErrorString = 打印途中发生缺数据情况 (Lack of data occurred during printing) Solution[0] = 检查打印PRN文件是否正常 (Check whether the PRN file can be printed normally) Solution[1] = 检查板卡信号灯是否正常 (Check whether the signal light of the board is normal) Solution[2] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) Solution[3] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_WRITE_DATA_TO_CARD [30042] ErrorString = 写入数据到板卡错误 (Error writing data to board) Solution[0] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) Solution[1] = 检查板卡信号灯是否正常 (Check whether the signal light of the board is normal) Solution[2] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) Solution[3] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_DATA_COMBIN_NOT_SUPPORT [30043] ErrorString = 不支持指定的数据组合方式 (The specified data combination is not supported) Solution[0] = 暂时不支持当前设置的喷头组数 (The current number of sprinkler heads is not supported) Solution[1] = 重新设置配置文件中的喷头组数值 (Reset the sprinkler group value in the configuration file) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PRINT_PASS_DATA_COUNTS [30044] ErrorString = 打印 1Pass 数据,喷出的数据累计数量错误 (Error occurred when 1Pass data was printed) Solution[0] = 检查光栅 (Check the grating) Solution[1] = 检查USB接口 (Checking USB Ports) Solution[2] = 重启机器和软件 (Restart the machine and software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PRN_COLORS [30045] ErrorString = 打印文件的颜色通道数量大于当前实际能打印的颜色通道数量 (The number of color channels in the printed file is larger than the actual number of color channels) Solution[0] = 检查PRN的颜色通道数量是否和当前实际能输出的颜色通道数量相匹配 (Check whether the number of PRN color channels matches the actual number of output color channels) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PRN_DOT_BITS [30046] ErrorString = 当前PRN的墨点位数和当前喷头的墨点位数不符合 (The number of ink dots in the PRN is inconsistent with that in the nozzle) Solution[0] = 检查当前PRN的墨点位数和当前喷头的墨点位数是否符合 (Check whether the ink dot number of the current PRN is consistent with that of the current nozzle) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_FILE_READ_PASS [30047] ErrorString = 读取一PASS数据错误 (Error reading one PASS data) Solution[0] = 请与软件提供商联系 (Please contact your software provider) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MACHINE_TYPE_EXCEPTION [30048] ErrorString = 机型不正确 (Incorrect model) Solution[0] = 请选择正确的配置文件 (Select a correct configuration file) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MB_OPTICAL_EXCEPTION [30049] ErrorString = 主板光纤模块异常 (The optical fiber module of the mainboard is abnormal) Solution[0] = 请与软件提供商联系 (Please contact your software provider) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_HB_OPTICAL_EXCEPTION [30050] ErrorString = 喷车板光纤模块异常 (The optical fiber module of the spray panel is abnormal) Solution[0] = 请与软件提供商联系 (Please contact your software provider) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PRINT_CAR_OVERCOME_FIRESTART [30051] ErrorString = 小车位置已经越过打印起始位置 (The trolley position has passed the initial printing position) Solution[0] = 请跟换X马达驱动器 (Please change the X motor driver) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_YDPILESS [30052] ErrorString = 当前图形的YDPI太小 (The YDPI of the current graph is too small) Solution[0] = 请重新RIP图形 (Please re - RIP graphics) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_XSPEEDMORE [30053] ErrorString = 当前小车速度过快 (The car is running too fast at present) Solution[0] = 请降低小车速度 (Please slow down the car) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_CTRLPANNEL_UNCONNECTED [30054] ErrorString = 控制面板连接异常 (The control panel is improperly connected) Solution[0] = 检查控制面板和主板之间的接线是否正确 (Check that the connection between the control panel and the main board is correct) Solution[1] = 正确接线后,需要重启软件 (After the cables are correctly connected, restart the software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_TESTPAPER_EXCEPTION [30055] ErrorString = 测纸过程中出现异常 (An anomaly occurred during the paper measurement) Solution[0] = 检查测纸传感器是否连接正常 (Check whether the paper sensor is properly connected) Solution[1] = 更换测纸传感器 (Replace the paper sensor) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_MAILSOLT_CREATE_FAILED [30056] ErrorString = 和Rip软件存在通信异常 (The communication with Rip software is abnormal. Procedure) Solution[0] = 重启Rip软件和PrintExp (Restart the Rip software and PrintExp) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_DONGLE_NOT_DETECTED [30057] ErrorString = 没有检测到加密狗 (No dongle detected) Solution[0] = 请把厂家提供的加密狗插入到电脑的USB接口上去 (Please plug the dongle supplied by the manufacturer into the USB port of your computer) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_DONGLE_NOT_DETECTED_AT_PRINTTING [30058] ErrorString = 打印过程中,检测到加密狗被拔出,为避免不可预料的错误发生,请插好后,继续打印 (During the printing process, the dongle is detected to be removed. To avoid unexpected errors, insert the dongle and continue printing) Solution[0] = 请重新插好加密狗,关掉错误提示对话框,点击继续打印按钮 (Please reinsert the dongle, close the error dialog box, and click the Continue printing button) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PRINTER_NOT_READY [30059] ErrorString = 打印未就绪 (Print not ready) Solution[0] = 请尝试复位,然后重新打印.若问题依然存在,请重启软件.(Please try to reset and then reprint. If the fault persists, restart the software.) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_DOUBLE_YMOTO_DIFFERENCE [30060] ErrorString = 双Y马达发生严重偏差被强制停止 (The double Y motor was forced to stop due to serious deviation) Solution[0] = 重启机器 (Restart the machine) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_FIBER_CONNECTION [30061] ErrorString = 光纤通讯异常 (Optical fiber communication abnormal) Solution[0] = 重启机器,若问题依然存在,请更换光纤 (Restart the device. If the fault persists, replace the optical fiber) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_FIND_CLEAN_PARAM [30062] ErrorString = 无法找到匹配的清洗参数 (A matching cleaning parameter could not be found) Solution[0] = 请安装软件 (Please install software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PARAM_EXCEPTION [30063] ErrorString = 软件打印参数异常,已经重置成最近一次打印参数 (The software print parameter is abnormal and has been reset to the last print parameter) Solution[0] = 之前的打印参数出现异常,一重置为最近一次可用打印参数.无需处理 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND_BACKUP_PARAM [30064] ErrorString = 找不到备份打印参数 (Backup print parameters could not be found) Solution[0] = 请重新安装软件 (Please reinstall the software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_WAVE_SET_ERROR [30066] ErrorString = 打印波形参数设置出错 (Error setting of print waveform parameters) Solution[0] = 请重启软件或联系供应商 (Restart the software or contact the supplier) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_WAVE_SET_ERROR [30072] ErrorString = 喷头温度过高,停止打印 (If the nozzle temperature is too high, stop printing) Solution[0] = 停止打印,待喷头温度恢复正常 (Stop printing and wait for the temperature of the nozzle to return to normal) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_FUCTION_IN_PARAM [30120] ErrorString = 函数输入参数错误 (The function input parameter is incorrect) Solution[0] = 检查配置文件是否匹配 (Check whether the configuration files match) Solution[1] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_PRINT_LENGTH [30121] ErrorString = 打印长度错误 (Print length error) Solution[0] = 将白边值设小一点 (Let's make the white margin a little bit smaller) Solution[1] = 将图形尺寸设小一点 (Make the size of the graph smaller) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_ALLOC_MEMORY [30122] ErrorString = 分配内存错误(Memory allocation error) Solution[0] = 检查要打印的 PRN 文件是否正常 (Check whether the PRN file to be printed is normal) Solution[1] = 检查配置文件是否匹配 (Check whether the configuration files match) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_OPEN_PRN_HEAD [30123] ErrorString = 文件没有找到或文件错误 (File not found or file error) Solution[0] = 检查要打印的 PRN 文件是否正常 (Check whether the PRN file to be printed is normal) Solution[1] = 检查配置文件是否匹配 (Check whether the configuration files match) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXP_ERROR_PRINT_Y_LENGTH [30124] ErrorString = 打印图像长度超出幅宽范围 (Print image length out of width range) Solution[0] = 检查输出图像打印长度 (Check the print length of the output image) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXP_ERROR_PHOTO_TO_OUT [30125] ErrorString = 打印超出纸边界 (Print beyond paper boundaries) Solution[0] = 检查输出图像打印宽度 (Check the print width of the output image) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXP_ERROR_PAPER_OUT [30126] ErrorString = 未检测到纸张 (No paper detected) Solution[0] = 检查打印机是否缺纸,请重新上纸 (Check whether the printer is short of paper, please reload) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_MAINBOARD_FIBER_RECIVERS_EXCEPTION [33001] ErrorString = 主板光纤接收异常 (Optical fiber receiving on the mainboard is abnormal) Solution[0] = ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_HEADBOARD_FIBER_RECIVERS_EXCEPTION [33002] ErrorString = 喷车板光纤接收异常 (The optical fiber receiving of spray car is abnormal) Solution[0] = ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_LACK_OF_DATA_BETWEEN_ONE_PASS_PRINTTING [33003] ErrorString = 打印途中发生缺数据情况 (Lack of data occurred during printing) Solution[0] = ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_HEADBOARD_LEFT_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [33004] ErrorString = 喷车板原点限位信号被触发 (The origin limit signal of spray car plate is triggered) Solution[0] = ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_MAINBOARD_LEFT_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [33005] ErrorString = 主板原点限位信号被触发 (The motherboard origin limit signal is triggered) Solution[0] = ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_HEADBOARD_RIGHT_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [33006] ErrorString = 喷车板终点限位被触发 (The end limit of the spray plate is triggered) Solution[0] = ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;PASS_ERROR_MAINBOARD_RIGHT_LIMIT_SWITCH_IS_TRIGGERED [33007] ErrorString = 主板终点限位信号被触发 (The terminal limit signal of the motherboard is triggered) Solution[0] = ;PASS_ERROR_HEADBOARD_EMITTING_IS_NOT_ENOUGH [33008] ErrorString = 1PASS数据打印异常 (1PASS data printing is abnormal) Solution[0] = ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;EXP_ERROR_SYSTEM [39000] ErrorString = 非法访问内存或流程异常 (The memory is accessed illegally or the process is abnormal) Solution[0] = 检查配置文件是否匹配 (Check whether the configuration files match) Solution[1] = 检查打印机是否连接正常 (Check whether the printer is properly connected) Solution[2] = 重新启动软件 (Restart the software) Solution[3] = 重新启动硬件 (Restarting hardware)