! Copyright (c) 2010 by ! CGS Computer Graphic Systems GmbH, Hainburg, Germany ! ! This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied ! only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the ! inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other ! copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any ! other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby ! transferred. ! ! The information in this software is subject to change without notice ! and should not be construed as a commitment by Computer Graphic ! Systems GmbH. ! ! CGS assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its ! software on equipment which is not supplied by CGS. !++ ! FACILITY: ! ORIS translation system ! ! ABSTRACT: ! This module contains translations for texts in wpf dialogs. The name of ! this file indicates which language this is for, _deu for Germany and so on. ! ! ENVIRONMENT: ! This file is read as is by the programs requiring the translation. ! ! AUTHOR: ! Jan de Maeyer ! ! CREATION DATE: 20-Aug-2010 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! NOTE: We cannot put SourceSafe history stuff in here (dollar Log ... dollar), because ! SourceSafe doesn't put the right comment character here. ! ! .FACILITY dlgmf,12/prefix=dlgmf_ ! .SEVERITY SUCCESS .BASE 1 ! ! Dialog MF_ACC_OPT_ACM ! title_mf_acc_opt_acm "Iterative Color Matching for PS Printers" mf_acc_opt_acm_cal_file "Related printer calibration file" mf_acc_opt_acm_target "Target ICC profile or measurement file" mf_acc_opt_acm_chart "Test chart" mf_acc_opt_acm_k_sep "Black Separation" mf_acc_opt_acm_keep_k "Keep pure black" ! ! ! Dialog MF_ACC_OPT_ACM_ADV ! title_mf_acc_opt_acm_adv "Iterative Color Matching for PS Printers" mf_acc_opt_acm_adv_sep_k100 "Keep K100" mf_acc_opt_acm_adv_prim "Keep primaries" mf_acc_opt_acm_adv_stab "Stabilizer" mf_acc_opt_acm_adv_start_pt "Starting point" mf_acc_opt_acm_adv_rgb_cmyk "RGB-CMYK Separation" mf_acc_opt_acm_icc_target "Target ICC profile or measurement file" mf_acc_opt_act_adv_check "Media relative" ! ! All other text from MF_ACC_OPT_ACM ! ! ! Dialog MF_ACC_OPT_ACT ! title_mf_acc_opt_act "Iterative Color Matching for Files" mf_acc_opt_act_target "Target ICC profile" mf_acc_opt_act_chart "Test chart" mf_acc_opt_act_save_as "Save test chart after color transformation as" mf_acc_opt_act_black "Black Separation" mf_acc_opt_act_keep_k "Keep pure black" mf_acc_opt_act_sep_k100 "Keep K100" mf_acc_opt_act_prim "Keep primaries" ! ! All other text from MF_ACC_OPT_ACT ! ! ! Dialog MF_ACC_OPT_ACT_WIZ ! ! All text from MF_ACC_OPT_ACT ! ! ! Dialog MF_ACC_OPT_ACT_WIZ_ADV ! mf_acc_opt_act_save "Save test chart after color transformation as" mf_acc_opt_act_intent "CMYK-CMYK rendering intent" mf_acc_opt_act_stab "Stabilizer" mf_acc_opt_act_start "Starting point" mf_acc_opt_act_ink_cvr "Total ink coverage" mf_acc_opt_act_rgb "RGB-CMYK Separation" mf_acc_opt_act_ink_table "Separation table (Tiff)" mf_acc_opt_act_ink_icc "ICC" mf_acc_opt_act_rgb_prof "RGB profile" mf_acc_opt_act_cmyk_prof "CMYK profile" ! ! ! MF_ACC_OPT_APC_FO ! title_acc_opt_apc_fo "Printer Calibration - Options" acc_opt_fo_calib "Calibrate proof printer to reference printer (recommended)" acc_opt_fo_ref_profile "Reference printer profile" acc_opt_fo_text_chart "Test chart" acc_opt_fo_save "Save test chart after calibration as" acc_opt_fo_no_calib "No calibration to reference printer (choose only if no RFP file is available)" acc_opt_fo_note "The calibration file will include the linearization and ink limiting data only." acc_opt_fo_settings "Proof print settings" acc_opt_fo_change_lin_button "Change linearization..." acc_opt_fo_create_lin_button "New linearization..." acc_opt_fo_ink_limit "Ink limit (%)" ! ! ! Dialog MF_ACC_WIZ_ACM_ICC_DEVLINK_FROM_DAT ! title_acc_wiz_dl_from_dat "Create ICC Device Link Profile from !{OEM_ORIS__DAT}" acc_wiz_dl_from_dat_info "The !{OEM_ORIS__DAT} color table can be exported as ICC device link or ICC output profile.\nThis allows you to transfer the color match to a RIP or digital front end." acc_wiz_dl_from_dat_cmyk "Create CMYK-to-CMYK device link (ORIS Link Profile)" acc_wiz_dl_from_dat_rgb "Create RGB-to-CMYK device link (has __rgb appended to file name)" acc_wiz_dl_from_dat_output "Create ICC output profile (has __output appended to file name)" acc_wiz_dl_from_dat_remain "Remaining ORIS Link Profiles profiles" acc_wiz_dl_from_dat_number_left "ORIS Link Profiles still allowed to be generated" ! ! ! Dialog MF_ACC_WIZ_ACT_EVAL ! mf_acc_wiz_act_eval_his "Color transformation history" mf_acc_wiz_eval_smooth "Smooth color match" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_ADVANCED_SETTINGS ! title_fp_adv_settings "Advanced Settings" fp_adv_settings_images "Images" fp_adv_settings_img_info "Define resolution, interpolation and compression and sharpen images" fp_adv_settings_modify "Modify" fp_adv_settings_mod_info "Replace, omit or set colors to overprint" fp_adv_settings_sel_info "Omit or include particular page elements" fp_adv_settings_trap_info "Define soft edges, black overprint and trapping" fp_adv_settings_screen_info "Define screening settings" fp_adv_settings_marks_info "Define page marks and bleed page" fp_adv_settings_trap "Trapping/Soft Edges" fp_adv_settings_screen "Screening" fp_adv_settings_marks "Page Marks" ! ! ! Dialogs MF_FP_BLEED_PAR and FP_BLEED_DIRECTPDF ! title_mf_fp_bleed_par "Page Marks" mf_fp_bleed_marks "Page marks/Bleed page" mf_fp_bleed_pm "Page marks" mf_fp_bleed_bp "Bleed page" mf_fp_bleed_info "Info line" mf_fp_bleed_crop "Crop marks" mf_fp_bleed_none "None" mf_fp_bleed_outline "Outline" mf_fp_bleed_corners "Corners" mf_fp_bleed_offset "Corner offset" mf_fp_bleed_reg "Register marks" mf_fp_bleed_cross "Cross" mf_fp_bleed_cross_circle "Cross and circle" mf_fp_bleed_scale "Color control bar" mf_fp_bleed_scale_perc "10% to 100% scale" mf_fp_bleed_page "Bleed page" mf_fp_bleed_units "Unit of \nmeasurement" fp_bleed_job_name "Job name" fp_bleed_sep_names "Separation names" ! title_fp_bleed_directpdf "Process Control" fp_bleed_additions "Additional Information" ! ! ! MF_FP_COLORM_PAR ! title_mf_fp_colorm_par "Color Correction" mf_fp_colorm_no_cc "No color correction of CMYK images, convert RGB images to CMYK \nusing the default table" mf_fp_colorm_icc_only "ICC profiles only" mf_fp_colorm_sel "ICC parameters..." mf_fp_colorm_dlp_only "Device link profiles" mf_fp_dlp_colorm_sel "Device link parameters..." mf_fp_colorm_dat "!{OEM_ORIS__DAT} color table" mf_fp_adapt_enter_px_txt "Media relative match" mf_fp_adapt_enter_pw "Adapt source paper white..." mf_fp_adapt_enter_target_pw "Adapt target paper white..." mf_fp_colorm_is_rep "Ink savings report" mf_fp_colorm_emb "Embedded Profiles" mf_fp_colorm_def "Default profiles" mf_fp_colorm_gray "Grayscale" mf_fp_colorm_rgb "RGB" mf_fp_colorm_cmyk "CMYK" mf_fp_colorm_output "Output Color Space" mf_fp_colorm_pdf "PDF/X Input Files" mf_fp_colorm_ignore "Use embedded profiles and output intent, ignore profile settings" mf_fp_color_par_more "More options" mf_fp_color_par_set "Set..." ! ! ! MF_FP_COLORM_WG_PAR ! title_mf_fp_colorm_wg_par "Wide-Gamut Color Correction" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_CONTROL_PAR ! title_mf_fp_control_par "Control" mf_fp_control_par_info "Cancel output if at least one of the following criteria is met:" mf_fp_control_par_formats "PDF, EPS and PS Files" mf_fp_control_par_rgb "RGB data is used" mf_fp_control_par_lab "Lab data is used" mf_fp_control_par_icc "Embedded ICC profiles are used" mf_fp_control_par_hairlines "Hairlines are used" mf_fp_control_par_ovp_white "Overprinting white tints are used" mf_fp_control_par_ovp_other "Other colors than K100 are overprinting" mf_fp_control_par_miss_fonts "Fonts are missing" mf_fp_control_par_spots "Spot colors are used" mf_fp_control_par_hr_miss "High resolution OPI images are missing" mf_fp_control_par_img_res_low "Image resolution is below" mf_fp_control_par_img_res_high "Image resolution exceeds" mf_fp_control_par_img_formats "Image Data Formats" mf_fp_control_par_rgb_data "Files in RGB color space" mf_fp_control_par_cc_missing "Color table or output profile missing" mf_fp_control_par_page_eps "Page EPS" mf_fp_control_par_eps_info "If page EPS are used" mf_fp_control_par_eps_cancel "Cancel output" mf_fp_control_par_eps_preview "Use preview for output" more_plural_button "More..." ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_EPS_PAGE_PAR ! title_FP_EPS_PAGE_PAR "Page" fp_eps_page_par_orig "Use resolution of original page" fp_eps_page_par_prop "Scale proportionally" fp_eps_page_par_dcs "DCS format" fp_eps_page_par_none "None (EPS)" fp_eps_page_par_dcs1 "DCS 1.0 (multiple files)" fp_eps_page_par_dcs2_sngl "DCS 2.0 (single file)" fp_eps_page_par_dcs2_mult "DCS 2.0 (multiple files)" fp_eps_page_par_preview "Preview" fp_eps_page_par_preview_none "None" fp_eps_page_par_preview_gray "TIFF (Grayscale)" fp_eps_page_par_preview_rgb "TIFF (RGB)" fp_eps_page_par_comp "with composite image" fp_eps_page_par_img_res "Comp. image res." fp_eps_page_par_keep_col "Keep original" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_FEPS_PAGE_PAR ! ! All text from dialog MF_FP_EPS_PAGE_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_FEPS_DATA_FORMAT ! title_FP_FEPS_DATA_FORMAT "Data Format" fp_feps_data_format_ps "PostScript" fp_feps_data_format_format "Data format" fp_feps_data_format_comp "Compression" fp_feps_data_format_lw "Linework" fp_feps_data_format_k100 "Create white tints underneath K100 linework areas" fp_feps_data_format_binary "Binary" fp_feps_data_format_none "None" fp_feps_data_format_runlength "Runlength" fp_feps_data_format_path "Path" fp_feps_data_format_tiles "Tiles" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_FPDF_DATA_FORMAT ! title_FP_FPDF_DATA_FORMAT "Data Format" fp_fpdf_data_format_params "PDF Parameters" fp_fpdf_data_format_pdfx "PDF/X" fp_fpdf_data_format_version "PDF version" fp_pdf_pagelayout "Page layout" fp_pdf_pl_default "Default" fp_pdf_pl_single "Single page" fp_pdf_pl_single_cont "Single page continuous" fp_pdf_pl_double "Two-up (facing)" fp_pdf_pl_double_cont "Two-up continuous (facing)" fp_pdf_pl_two_cover "Two-up (cover page)" fp_pdf_pl_two_cont "Two-up continuous (cover page)" fp_fpdf_data_format_format "Data format" fp_fpdf_data_format_out_form "Output Formats" fp_fpdf_data_format_lw "Linework" fp_fpdf_data_format_comp "Compression" fp_fpdf_data_format_oi "Output Intent" fp_feps_data_format_use_oi "Use output intent embedded in PDF file" fp_fpdf_data_format_icc "ICC profile" fp_fpdf_data_format_desc "Description" fp_fpdf_data_format_info "Information" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_FPDF_PAGE_PAR ! ! All other text from dialog MF_FP_EPS_PAGE_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_FPS_DATA_FORMAT ! ! All text from dialog MF_FP_FEPS_DATA_FORMAT ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_FPS_PAGE_PAR ! title_FP_FPS_PAGE_PAR "Page" fp_fps_page_par_sep "Separated output" ! ! All other text from dialog FP_EPS_PAGE_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_IN_AND_OUT_FOLDER ! title_FP_IN_AND_OUT_FOLDER "Input" fp_in_out_wf "Watched folder" fp_in_out_info "If a virtual printer is connected to this queue its destination directory will also be changed to the new Watched Folder." fp_in_out_par "Input parameters" fp_in_out_prev "Create thumbnails and previews" pr_pripa_enable_all "Enable previews for all pages" fp_in_out_folder "Output folder" fp_in_out_subdir "Scan subdirectories" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_IT_DATA_FORMAT ! title_FP_IT_DATA_FORMAT "Data Format" fp_it_data_format_version "TIFF/IT" fp_it_data_format_img_compr "Image compression" fp_it_data_format_qual "Quality" fp_it_data_format_small "Small" fp_it_data_format_size "File size" fp_it_data_format_large "Large" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_IT_PAGE_PAR ! fp_it_page_par_ct_sep "CT in separated files" fp_it_page_par_lw_sep "LW in separated files" fp_eps_page_par_aa_ct_lw "Anti-aliasing (CT and LW)" ! ! All other text from dialog FP_EPS_PAGE_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_JPEG_PAGE_PAR ! fp_jpeg_page_par_no_spot "Directly convert spot colors to CMYK" ! ! All other text from dialogs FP_EPS_PAGE_PAR and MF_FP_IT_DATA_FORMAT ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_MASK_PAR ! title_FP_MASK_PAR "Masks" fp_mask_par_interpol "Interpolate cutout masks" fp_mask_par_none "None" fp_mask_par_all "All" fp_mask_par_marked "Marked only" fp_mask_par_resize "Resize interpolated masks" fp_mask_par_shrink "Shrink" fp_mask_par_grow "Grow" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_MODIFY_PAR ! title_FP_MODIFY_PAR "Modify" fp_modify_par_del_all "Delete all" fp_modify_par_del_sel_col "Selected color" fp_modify_par_del_all_spot "All spot colors not listed above" fp_modify_par_del_only_page "List colors used on page only" fp_modify_par_maintain "Maintain" fp_modify_par_cmyk "Replace with CMYK" fp_modify_par_repl "Replace with..." fp_modify_par_omit "Omit" fp_modify_par_ovp "Overprint" fp_modify_par_yes "Yes" fp_modify_par_no "No" fp_modify_par_repl_gray "Replace gray RGB tints (R=G=B) with K" fp_modify_par_standard_names "Standardize Pantone and HKS names" fp_modify_par_def_suffix "Default suffix for Pantone" fp_modify_par_hks "HKS" ! ! Context menu for MF_FP_(PDF)MODIFY_PAR ! mod_color_change "Keep color" mod_color_change_1 "Replace color with CMYK" mod_color_change_2 "Replace color..." mod_color_change_3 "Omit color" mod_color_overprint "Maintain overprinting" mod_color_overprint_1 "Always overprint" mod_color_overprint_2 "Never overprint" mod_color_del "Delete" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_ORIS_PAGE_PAR ! title_FP_ORIS_PAGE_PAR "Target Directory" fp_oris_page_par_dir "Target directory" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_OUTPUT ! title_FP_OUTPUT "Output" fp_output_folder "Output folder" fp_output_file "File Name" fp_output_example "For example: FileName_PMW.pdf" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PAGE_FORMAT ! title_FP_PAGE_FORMAT "Page Format" fp_page_format_out_pages "Output Pages" fp_page_format_all "All pages" fp_page_format_current "Current page" fp_page_format_from "Pages from" fp_page_format_to "to" fp_page_format_cover "Cover pages" fp_page_format_front "Front" fp_page_format_ifront "Inside front" fp_page_format_iback "Inside back" fp_page_format_back "Back" fp_page_format_filter "Page filter" fp_page_format_all_sel "All selected pages" fp_page_format_odd "Odd pages only" fp_page_format_even "Even pages only" fp_page_format_single "Export as single pages" fp_page_format_out_area "Output Area" fp_page_format_crop "Crop size" fp_page_format_portrait "Portrait" fp_page_format_area "Area format" fp_page_format_o_size "Original Size" fp_page_format_user "User-defined" fp_page_format_landscape "Landscape" fp_page_format_size_x "Area size X" fp_page_format_size_y "Y" fp_page_format_offset_x "Area offset X" fp_page_format_offset_y "Y" fp_page_format_naming "Use multi-page file naming conventions for single page output" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PDF_COLORM_PAR ! title_FP_PDF_COLORM_PAR "Color Correction" fp_pdf_colorm_par_space "Output Color Space" fp_pdf_colorm_par_corr_method "Correction Method" fp_pdf_colorm_par_no_corr "No color correction of CMYK images, convert RGB images to CMYK using the default table" fp_pdf_colorm_par_dat "!{OEM_ORIS__DAT} color table" fp_pdf_colorm_par_icc "ICC profiles only" fp_pdf_colorm_par_icc_params "ICC parameters..." fp_pdf_colorm_par_imgs_only "Color correct images only" fp_pdf_colorm_par_keep_k100 "Keep K100 of tints and color correct their CMY values only" fp_pdf_colorm_par_ovp_icc "Apply overprint to ICC-based CMYK tints" fp_pdf_colorm_par_spot_scg "Spot color correction via .SCG file" fp_pdf_colorm_par_nocc "No color correction on" fp_pdf_colorm_par_keep_bw "greyscale objects" fp_pdf_colorm_par_keep_rgb "RGB objects" fp_pdf_colorm_par_keep_k100_fonts "K100 fonts" fp_pdf_colorm_par_keep_ovp "overprinting objects" fp_pdf_colorm_par_keep_ovp_bw "overprinting greyscale objects" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PDF_MODIFY_PAR ! fp_pdf_modify_annot "Annotations" fp_pdf_modify_rem_annot "Remove annotations" ! ! All text from dialog MF_FP_MODIFY_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PDF_OUTPUT_PAR ! title_FP_PDF_OUTPUT_PAR "Data Format" fp_pdf_output_par_params "PDF Parameters" fp_pdf_output_par_pdfx "PDF/X" fp_pdf_output_par_no_pdfx "No PDF/X" fp_pdf_output_version "PDF version" fp_pdf_output_format "Data format" fp_pdf_output_par_bin "Binary" fp_pdf_output_par_ascii "ASCII" fp_pdf_output_par_out "Output Formats" fp_pdf_output_par_lw "Linework" fp_pdf_output_par_bitmap "Bitmap" fp_pdf_output_par_rl "Runlength" fp_pdf_output_path_bin "Path" fp_pdf_output_par_tiles "Tiles" fp_pdf_output_gradients "Gradients" fp_pdf_output_path_ps "PostScript" fp_pdf_output_par_img "Image" fp_pdf_output_par_fonts "Fonts" fp_pdf_output_par_use_pagesize "Use page size" fp_pdf_output_par_embed_fonts "Embed PostScript fonts" fp_pdf_output_par_conv_fonts "Convert fonts to paths" fp_pdf_output_par_oi "Output Intent" fp_pdf_output_par_use_oi "Use output intent embedded in PDF file" fp_pdf_output_par_icc "ICC profile" fp_pdf_output_par_desc "Description" fp_pdf_output_par_info "Information" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PDF_PAGE_PAR ! fp_pdf_page_par_sep "Separated output" fp_pdf_page_par_distiller "Use Distiller for PDF generation" ! ! All other text from dialog MF_FP_EPS_PAGE_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PDF_PICTURE_PAR ! title_FP_PDF_PICTURE_PAR "Images" fp_pdf_pic_par_res "Resolution And Interpolation" fp_pdf_pic_par_reduce "Reduce image resolution" fp_pdf_pic_par_adjust "Adjust images to output resolution \n(may result in loss of quality)" fp_pdf_pic_par_interpol "Interpolate images" fp_pdf_pic_par_img_compr "Image Compression" fp_pdf_pic_par_compr "Compression" fp_pdf_pic_par_qual "Quality" fp_pdf_pic_par_sharpen "Sharpen Images" fp_pdf_pic_par_sharp_imgs "Sharpen images" fp_pdf_pic_par_all "Sharpening factor for all images" fp_pdf_pic_par_scaled "Factor for scaled images only" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PICCONVERT_COLORM_PAR ! title_mf_fp_picconvert_col "Color Correction" mf_fp_picconvert_col_no_cc "No color correction of CMYK images, convert RGB images to CMYK using the default table" mf_fp_picconvert_col_icc_only "ICC profiles only" mf_fp_picconvert_col_icc_par "ICC parameters..." mf_fp_picconvert_col_cc_table "!{OEM_ORIS__DAT} color table" mf_fp_picconvert_col_emb_prof "Embedded Profiles" mf_fp_picconvert_col_def "Default Profiles" mf_fp_picconvert_col_gray "Grayscale" mf_fp_picconvert_col_rgb "RGB" mf_fp_picconvert_col_cmyk "CMYK" mf_fp_picconvert_col_col_space "Output Color Space" ! ! All other text from dialogs PR_COLORS and FP_COLORM_PAR ! fp_colorm_par_dat "!{OEM_ORIS__DAT} color table" fp_colorm_par_is_rep "Ink Saver usage report" fp_colors_emb "Embedded Profiles" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PICCONVERT_MORE ! title_FP_PICCONVERT_MORE "Image Data" fp_picconvert_more_format "Data Format" fp_picconvert_more_img_compr "Image compression" fp_picconvert_more_qual "Quality" fp_picconvert_more_small "Small" fp_picconvert_more_large "Large" fp_picconvert_more_ip_imgs "Interpolate Images" fp_picconvert_more_no "No" fp_picconvert_more_linear "Linear" fp_picconvert_more_cubic "Cubic" fp_picconvert_more_eps_out "EPS/DCS Output" fp_picconvert_more_ps "PostScript" fp_picconvert_more_ps_l2 "Level 2" fp_picconvert_more_ps_l3 "Level 3" fp_picconvert_more_data_format "Data format" fp_picconvert_more_size "File size" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PICCONVERT_PAGE_PAR ! title_FP_PICCONVERT_PAGE_PAR "Image Conversion" fp_picconvert_page_par_format "Image format" fp_picconvert_page_par_out_col "Output color space" if_keep "Maintain" if_jpeg "JPEG" if_tiff "TIFF" if_bitmap "Bitmap" if_sct "Scitex CT" if_screen_cmyk "Screen CMYK" if_eps_np "EPS, no preview" if_eps_tgp "EPS, TIFF grayscale preview" if_eps_trp "EPS, TIFF RGB preview" if_dcs1_np "DCS 1.0, no preview" if_dcs1_tgp "DCS 1.0, TIFF grayscale preview" if_dcs1_trp "DCS 1.0, TIFF RGB preview" if_dcs2_snp "DCS 2.0, single file, no preview" if_dcs2_stp "DCS 2.0, single file, TIFF grayscale preview" if_dcs2_strp "DCS 2.0, single file, TIFF RGB preview" if_dcs2_mnp "DCS 2.0, multiple files, no preview" if_dcs2_mtgp "DCS 2.0, multiple files, TIFF grayscale preview" if_dcs2_mtrp "DCS 2.0, multiple files, TIFF RGB preview" if_mono "Monochrome (for TIFF images only)" fp_picconvert_page_par_mismatch "Cancel if format and color space do not match" fp_picconvert_page_par_rot "Rotate to format" fp_picconvert_page_par_no "No" fp_picconvert_page_par_port "Portrait" fp_picconvert_page_par_lscape "Landscape" fp_picconvert_page_par_res "Resolution" fp_picconvert_page_par_maintain "Maintain" fp_picconvert_page_par_prop "Maintain proportions" fp_picconvert_page_par_recalc "Resample images" fp_picconvert_page_par_width "Width/Height" fp_picconvert_page_par_edges "Edges" fp_picconvert_page_par_image_size "Image Size" ! ! ! Other text from dialog FP_EPS_PAGE_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PICTURE_PAR ! title_FP_FP_PICTURE_PAR "Images" fp_pic_par_interpol "Interpolate images" fp_pic_par_no "No" fp_pic_par_linear "Linear" fp_pic_par_cubic "Cubic" ! ! Other text from dialog MF_FP_PDF_PICTURE_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PS_COLORM_PAR ! title_FP_PS_COLORM_PAR "Color Correction" fp_pdf_colorm_par_none "None" fp_ps_colorm_par_keep_ovp "overprinting tints" fp_ps_colorm_par_ovp_keep_fonts "K100 fonts" fp_ps_colorm_par_ovp_keep_marked "marked layers" fp_ppf_colorm_par_imgs_only "Spot color correction via SCG file" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PS_CONTROL_PAR ! ! All text from dialog MF_FP_CONTROL_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PS_OUTPUT_PAR ! title_FP_PS_OUTPUT_PAR "Data Format" fp_ps_output_par_dev_params "Device Parameters" fp_ps_output_par_ps "PostScript" fp_ps_output_par_ps_l2 "Level 2" fp_ps_output_par_ps_l3 "Level 3" fp_ps_output_par_format "Data format" fp_ps_output_par_bin "Binary" fp_ps_output_par_ascii "ASCII" fp_ps_output_par_paths "Paths" fp_ps_output_par_min_size "Minimum path size" fp_ps_output_par_pix "pixels" ! ! All other text from dialog MF_FP_PDF_OUTPUT_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PS_PAGE_FORMAT ! title_FP_PS_PAGE_FORMAT "Page Format" fp_page_format_copies "Copies" fp_ps_page_format_org_copies "Use number of copies of original page" fp_ps_page_format_num_copies "Number of copies" mf_fp_page_format_naming "Use multi-page file naming conventions" ! ! All other text from dialog MF_FP_PAGE_FORMAT ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PS_PAGE_MARKS ! mf_fp_ps_page_marks_dmtx "Dummy text marks" mf_fp_ps_page_marks_dmtx_rect "Text on yellow rectangle" mf_fp_ps_page_marks_info "Information" mf_fp_ps_page_marks_sep_names "Text and separat. names" mf_fp_ps_page_marks_bleed_page "Bleed page" mf_fp_ps_page_marks_info_txt "Info text/page" mf_fp_ps_page_marks_guides "Output guides" ! ! All other text from dialog MF_FP_BLEED_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PS_PAGE_PAR ! title_FP_PS_PAGE_PAR "Page" fp_ps_page_par_ps_sep "Separated output" fp_ps_page_par_keep_org "Keep original colorspace" ! ! All other text from dialog MF_FP_EPS_PAGE_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PS_PATH_PAR ! title_FP_PS_PATH_PAR "Paths" fp_ps_path_min "Minimum path size" fp_ps_path_pxl "pixels" fp_ps_path_flat "Flatten path curves" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PS_PICTURE_PAR ! title_FP_PS_PICTURE_PAR "Images" ! ! All other text from dialogs MF_PDF_PICTURE_PAR and MF_FP_IT_DATA_FORMAT ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_PS_PLATES ! title_FP_PS_PLATES "Screening" fp_ps_plates_use "Use screening values" fp_ps_plates_ruling "Screen ruling" fp_ps_plates_angle "Screen angle" fp_ps_plates_shape "Dot shape" fp_ps_plates_eucl "Euclidean" fp_ps_plates_round "Round" fp_ps_plates_square "Square" fp_ps_plates_ellip "Elliptical" fp_ps_plates_lines "Lines" fp_ps_plates_spot "Spot Colors" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_RECO_PAR ! title_FP_RECO_PAR "Export Layout" fp_reco_par_format "Output format" fp_reco_par_eps "EPS, DCS" fp_reco_par_ps "PostScript" fp_reco_par_sci "Scitex" fp_reco_par_tif "TIFF" fp_reco_par_tifit "TIFF/IT" fp_reco_par_fps "Flat PostScript" fp_reco_par_copy "Export a copy" fp_reco_par_pdf "PDF" fp_reco_par_fpdf "Flat PDF" fp_reco_par_feps "Flat EPS, DCS" fp_reco_par_cc "PDF color correction" fp_reco_par_name "Layout name" fp_reco_par_dest "Destination" fp_reco_par_profile "Profile" fp_reco_par_profiles "Profiles" fp_reco_par_work_dir "Working \ndirectory..." ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_RECO_PAR_TREE_PROP ! ! All text from dialog MF_FP_RECO_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_RECO_WORKS ! title_FP_RECO_WORKS "Convert to PostScript" ! ! ! MF_FP_SCI_PAGE_PAR ! title_FP_SCI_PAGE_PAR "Page" fp_eps_page_par_lw_back "LW background transparent" fp_eps_page_par_no_spot "Directly convert spot colors to CMYK" fp_sci_page_par_1lw "T1 Linework" fp_sci_page_par_nlw "NLW format" ! ! All other text from dialog MF_FP_EPS_PAGE_PAR ! ! ! MF_FP_SELECT_PAR ! title_FP_SELECT_PAR "Select" fp_select_par_mode "Select mode" fp_select_par_txt "Text" fp_select_par_transp "Transparent and soft-edged layers" fp_select_par_imgs "Images" fp_select_par_lw "Linework" fp_select_par_col "Color" fp_select_par_to_col "to color" fp_select_par_tints "Tints" fp_select_par_txt_col "Text" fp_select_par_all "All" fp_select_par_omit_wo_knockout "Omit without knockout" fp_select_par_print_wo_knockout "Print without knockout" fp_select_par_omit_with_knockout "Omit with knockout" fp_select_par_print_with_knockout "Print with knockout" ! ! All other text from dialog MF_MODIFY_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_SOFTEDGE_PAR ! title_FP_SOFTEDGE_PAR "Trapping/Soft Edges" fp_softedge_par_none "None (Sharp)" fp_softedge_par_hard "Hard" fp_softedge_par_soft "Soft" fp_softedge_par_vhard "Very Hard" fp_softedge_par_vsoft "Very Soft" fp_softedge_par_frame "Frame" fp_softedge_par_soft_egdes "Soft Edges" fp_softedge_par_area "Area" fp_softedge_par_inside "inside" fp_softedge_par_outside "outside" fp_softedge_par_apply "Apply" fp_softedge_par_imgs "images" fp_softedge_par_eps "EPS images with path contained in PS files" fp_softedge_par_any "any image with path contained in PS files" fp_softedge_par_ovp "Black overprint" fp_softedge_par_excl "Exclude CopyDot images from trapping" fp_softedge_par_trap "Trapping" fp_softedge_par_mode "Mode" fp_softedge_par_lw_only "LW only" fp_softedge_par_lw_smaller "LW<--- CT" fp_softedge_par_lw_greater "LW --->CT" fp_softedge_par_lw_equal "LW<--->CT, color dependent" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_SUBDIALOG_A ! title_FP_SUBDIALOG_A "ICC Parameters" fp_subdialog_a_out_cspace "Output Color Space" fp_subdialog_a_in_cspace "Input Color Space" fp_subdialog_a_out_prof "Use output profile embedded in PDF files" fp_subdialog_a_add "Apply additional output profile" fp_subdialog_a_out_name "Profile name" fp_subdialog_a_grey "Grayscale" fp_subdialog_a_rgb "RGB" fp_subdialog_a_cmyk "CMYK" fp_subdialog_a_profiles "Embedded profiles" fp_subdialog_a_apply "Apply if existing, else apply default profile" fp_subdialog_a_ignore "Ignore and apply default profile" fp_subdialog_a_cancel "Apply, cancel output if not existing for all images" fp_subdialog_a_no_cc "Apply if existing, else no color correction" fp_subdialog_a_embed "Embed profile" fp_subdialog_a_system "Apply values from system setting" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_SUBDIALOG_DIRECT_PDF ! title_FP_SUBDIALOG_DIRECT_PDF "Additional Options" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_imgs_only "Color correct images only" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_keep_k100 "Keep K100 of tints and color correct their CMY values only" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_ovp_icc "Apply overprint to ICC-based CMYK tints" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_scg "Spot color correction via SCG file" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_cal_spoco "Use calibration with spot color correction" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_cmyk_spoco "Always convert spot colors in SCG file to CMYK + additional channels (if defined in device profile)" mf_fp_colorm_oi "Output Intent" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_keep_oi "Keep original output intent" fp_direct_pdf_embedd_custom_oi "Embed custom output intent" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_no_cc "No color correction on" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_grey_obj "greyscale objects" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_rgb_obj "RGB objects" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_k100_fonts "K100 fonts" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_ovp_obj "overprinting objects" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_keep_ovp_bw "overprinting greyscale objects" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_cancel_spot "Cancel output in case of missing spot color in SCG file" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_compl_transp "In case of possible transparency inconsistencies ('blend mode', colors with alpha value)" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_transp_accept "Accept transparencies" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_transp_cancel "Cancel output" fp_subdialog_direct_pdf_transp_new_pdf "Output as new PDF file" fp_subdialog_direct_distiller "Use Distiller" pr_color_correction "Color Correction" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_SUBDIALOG_DLP_PROFILES ! title_FP_SUBDIALOG_DLP_PROFILES "Device Link Profile Parameters" fp_subdialog_dlp_profiles "Device Link Profiles" fp_subdialog_dlp_cmyk "CMYK" fp_subdialog_dlp_rgb "RGB" fp_subdialog_dlp_grey "Grayscale" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_SUBDIALOG_EXCEPT ! fp_subdialog_except_nocc_ovp "overprinting tints" fp_subdialog_except_grey_cmyk "Color-corrected greyscale images in CMYK format" fp_subdialog_cc_on_final_ct "First calculate output data, then apply color correction" ! ! All other text from dialog MF_FP_SUBDIALOG_DIRECT_PDF ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_SUBDIALOG_PICC_ICC ! title_FP_SUBDIALOG_PICC_ICC "ICC Parameters" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_TIF_DATA_FORMAT ! title_FP_TIF_DATA_FORMAT "Data Format" fp_tif_data_format_img_comp "Image compression" fp_tif_data_format_lw_comp "LW compression" ! ! All other text from dialog MF_FP_IT_DATA_FORMAT ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_TIF_PAGE_PAR ! ! All text from dialogs MF_FP_EPS_PAGE_PAR and MF_FP_JPEG_PAGE_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_TRAP_EXCEP ! title_FP_TRAP_EXCEP "Exceptions" fp_trap_excep_from "From color" fp_trap_excep_to "To color" fp_trap_excep_new "New color" fp_trap_excep_only_sel "Display only rules of selected color" fp_trap_excep_rules "Rules" fp_trap_excep_colors "Colors" fp_trap_x_dir_auto "Automatic trapping" fp_trap_x_dir_none "No trapping" fp_trap_x_dir_choke "Choke" fp_trap_x_dir_spread "Spread" ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_TRAP_PAR ! title_FP_TRAP_PAR "Trapping Parameters" mf_fp_trap_par_prof "Profile" fp_trap_par_export "Export" ! ! ! All other text from dialog MF_FP_RECO_PAR ! ! ! Dialog MF_FP_TRAP_PLATES ! title_FP_TRAP_PLATES "Basic Settings" fp_trap_plates_ct_bck "CT background color" fp_trap_plates_white "White threshold" fp_trap_plates_black "Black threshold" fp_trap_plates_lum "Luminance" fp_trap_plates_min_tol "Min. tolerance" fp_trap_plates_max_tol "Max. tolerance" ! ! ! Dialog MF_IMPORT_QUEUE ! title_import_queue "Import Queue" import_queue_file "Import file name" import_queue_queue "Queue" import_queue_model_gldmsg "gldmsg Printer model name" import_queue_use_for "Use queue for" import_queue_only "Display matching\nprinter models only" import_queue_wf "Watched folder" import_queue_out_folder "Output folder" import_queue_virtual "Create a virtual \nprinter" import_queue_import "Import" import_queue_sel_wo "Select original watched and output folders" ! ! ! MF_PAINTBOX_DIALOG ! title_PAINTBOX_DIALOG "Color Selection" paintbox_spots "Spot colors..." paintbox_spots_list "Spot colors" paintbox_cmyk "CMYK" paintbox_lab "Lab" paintbox_hsb "HSB" paintbox_rgb "RGB" paintbox_gray "Grayscale" paintbox_marks "Register marks" ! ! ! Dialog MF_PR_CERTIFICATION ! title_pr_certification "Certification" pr_cert_target "Print target" pr_cert_cert_requ "Proof certification required\n(Certification results indicated in COLOR TUNER)" pr_cert_spot "Certify spot colors" pr_cert_manual "Color bar" pr_cert_pos "Position" ! ! ! Dialog MF_PR_PAGE ! title_pr_page "PDF/PS Input" pr_page_sel_num "Select page number" pr_page_all "All pages" pr_page_preflight "Preflight parameters..." pr_page_opi "Define OPI paths..." pr_page_other "Other..." ! ! ! Dialog MF_PR_TREIBER ! title_pr_treiber "Driver" pr_treiber_ps_config "Keep PS printer configuration" pr_treiber_use_dic_size "Use document size as paper size" pr_treiber_qual "Printing quality" pr_treiber_setup "Setup" pr_treiber_load "Load print parameters..." pr_treiber_save "Save print parameters..." pr_treiber_win_drv "Windows Driver" pr_treiber_prop_drv "Proprietary Driver" ! ! ! Dialog MF_PS_PARSE_PAR_WORKS ! title_PS_PARSE_PAR_WORKS "Import PDF or PostScript Data" ! ! ! Dialog MF_PSP_AUTO_CORRECT ! title_PSP_AUTO_CORRECT "Correct" psp_auto_correct_minimum_width "Minimum width for lines" psp_auto_correct_knockout "Always knockout white tints" psp_auto_correct_incr_tints "Increase size of tints and image clipping paths" psp_auto_correct_rgb_cmyk "Convert RGB tints to CMYK" psp_auto_correct_ign_checksum "Ignore checksum mismatch of Flate compressed data" psp_auto_correct_repair_illu "Repair faulty Illustrator gradients (spot colors are converted to CMYK)" psp_auto_correct_acro_comp "Use Acrobat compatibility mode" psp_auto_correct_acro7 "Acrobat 7 or older" psp_auto_correct_acro8 "Acrobat 8 or newer" ! ! ! Dialog MF_PSP_CHECK ! title_PSP_CHECK "Check" psp_check_error "Output Error Message If" ! ! All other text from dialog Dialog PSP_SUBDIALOG_C (common_dialogs_enu.txt) ! ! ! Dialog MF_PSP_IMAGES ! title_PSP_IMAGES "Images" psp_c_keep_spot "Keep image spot color separations" psp_c_keep_phs_imgs "Keep Photoshop V2.5 - 4 image spot color separations" psp_c_comp_imgs "Compress images" psp_c_keep_one_col_imgs "Keep single-colored images" ! ! ! Dialog MF_PSP_OPI ! title_PSP_OPI "OPI" ! ! All other text from dialog Dialog PSP_SUBDIALOG_A (common_dialogs_enu.txt) ! ! ! Dialog MF_PSP_PAGE ! title_PSP_PAGE "Page" psp_page_use_name "Layout name" psp_page_use_numbers "Use Quark or InDesign page numbers" psp_page_round "Rounding values" psp_page_round_none "None" psp_page_round_mm "Up to mm" psp_page_round_1_10mm "Up to 1/10 mm" psp_page_round_1_8inch "Up to 1/8 inch" psp_page_round_1_16inch "Up to 1/16 inch" psp_page_round_1_32inch "Up to 1/32 inch" psp_page_mode "Mode" psp_page_round_all_c "Rounding on all corners" psp_page_round_up_left "Keep upper left corner" psp_page_round_low_left "Keep lower left corner" psp_page_exp_res "Expected resolution" psp_page_incl_fonts "Include embedded fonts into page" psp_page_pdf_ori "Apply and then remove PDF orientation key" psp_page_omit_inact "Omit inactive Acrobat layers" ! ! All other text from dialog Dialog SETUP_WIZ_PSP (common_dialogs_deu.txt) ! ! ! Dialog MF_PSP_PAGE_WORKS ! psp_page_sel_num "Page number" psp_page_all_pages "All pages" ! ! All other text from dialogs MF_PR_PAGE and MF_PSP_PAGE ! ! ! Dialog MF_PSP_SUBDIALOG_A_FO ! title_mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo "Check - More" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_out_msg "Cancel output if at least one of the following criteria is met:" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_col_val_exc "an object's color values exceed" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_on_img_exceed "on images an area of" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_col_val_perc "%" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_page_width "page width exceeds" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_page_height "page height exceeds" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_bleed "bleed is less than" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_pdf "PDF version is higher than" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_pdf_comply "PDF files do not comply with" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_pdf_1a_2001 "PDF/X-1a:2001" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_pdf_3_2002 "PDF/X-3:2002" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_pdf_1a_2003 "PDF/X-1a:2003" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_pdf_3_2003 "PDF/X-3:2003" ! ! Notice to translators: ! The next two strings form the sentence '(If) font xxxxx is used' ! In languages with different word order it might be necessary to leave the second string empty (""). ! mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_font "font" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_used "is used" ! mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_spots "spot colors are used" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_spots_ambig "spot color has multiple CMYK equivalents" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_decomp "warnings occur during JPEG decompression" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_pdf14_transp "PDF 1.4 transparencies are used" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_small_font "font size is smaller than" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_pt "point" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_ink_less "and total ink coverage is less than or equal to" mf_psp_subdialog_a_fo_perc "%" ! ! ! Dialog MF_PSP_TRANSPARENCIES ! title_PSP_TRANSPARENCIES "Transparencies" psp_transparencies_use_ovp "Use overprint commands" psp_transparencies_use_trap "Use trapping" psp_transparencies_complex "Complex transparency for overprinting grayscale images" psp_transparencies_grey_img_ovp "Set grayscale images to overprint" psp_transparencies_grey_tints_ovp "Apply overprint also to grayscale tints" psp_transparencies_ignore_ovp "Ignore overprint for process colors in PostScript files" psp_transparencies_ovp_icc "Apply overprint to ICC-based CMYK tints" ! ! ! Dialog MF_SETTINGS_GEN and MF_SETTINGS_LOG ! settings_gen_title "General" header_user_level "User Level" settings_gen_standard "Standard (basic functionality)" settings_gen_adv "Advanced (additional functions)" header_linearization "Linearization" dens_based "Density based" cie_lab_based "CIE Lab based (for experts)" header_queue_setup_files "Queue Setup Files" use_def_loc "Use default location" header_ref_files "Reference Files" ref_files_text "The relationship between test charts and reference files is cached. Clear this cache if test charts are loaded incorrectly." clear_cache_button "Clear cache" ! set_log_use_prgr "Use program log file" ! ! ! Dialog MF_SETUP_WIZ_FILE_OUT_CAL ! setup_wiz_file_out_cal_tag "Calibration" setup_wiz_file_out_cal_title "Calibration" pr_kalib_new_lin "New linearization..." pr_kalib_new_cal "New calibration..." ! ! All texts from dialog MF_FP_CALIBRATION ! title_mf_pr_kalib "Calibration" ! ! Dialog MF_SETUP_WIZ_FILE_OUT_MODE ! title_SETUP_WIZ_FILE_OUT_MODE "Output Format" setup_wiz_file_out_mode_info "Please choose the output format." ! ! ! Dialog MF_SETUP_WIZ_FORM_SELECT_MF ! All other text from dialog PR_SAVE_AS ! setup_wiz_form_select_mf_tag "Output Queue" setup_wiz_form_select_mf_title "Output Queue" setup_wiz_form_select_mf_hint "Enter a name to create a new output queue." setup_wiz_form_select_mf_name "Name" setup_wiz_form_select_mf_format "Output format \nname" setup_wiz_form_select_mf_exist "Existing \noutput queues" setup_wiz_form_select_mf_new "New output \nqueue" setup_wiz_form_select_mf_input "Input / Output" setup_wiz_form_select_mf_wf "Watched folder" setup_wiz_form_select_mf_out "Output folder" setup_wiz_form_select_mf_crea_vp "Create a virtual printer" ! ! ! Dialog MF_SETUP_WIZ_LITE_INTRO ! title_SETUP_WIZ_LITE_INTRO "Setup Wizard" setup_wiz_intro_welcome "Welcome to the" setup_wiz_intro_sw "Setup Wizard" setup_wiz_intro_desc_ct "This wizard will guide you through the process of setting up a queue for color-matched output for !{OEM_CT_WEB}." setup_wiz_intro_select "Please select the printer or output format:" ! ! ! Dialog MF_SETUP_WIZ_PDF_MODE ! title_SETUP_WIZ_PDF_MODE "Output Format" setup_wiz_pdf_mode_info "Please choose the output format." setup_wiz_pdf_mode_pdf_cc "PDF color correction\n\nOnly PDF files are processed. They are color corrected only and otherwise left unchanged." setup_wiz_pdf_mode_pdf "PDF\n\nAll supported data formats are converted to PDF format.\nUse of Acrobat Distiller is optional." setup_wiz_pdf_mode_fpdf "Flat PDF\n\nAll supported data formats are converted to flat PDF format." ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_PRI_SETTINGS ! setup_wiz_pri_set_select "Please select a printer for the new COLOR TUNER queue" setup_wiz_pri_set_printer "Printer" setup_wiz_pri_set_name "Printer name" setup_wiz_pri_set_qs "Existing queues" setup_wiz_pri_set_new_q "New queue" setup_wiz_pri_set_wf "Watched folder" setup_wiz_pri_set_create_vp "Create virtual printer" ! ! ! Dialog MF_SETUP_WIZ_SPOTCORR ! title_setup_wiz_spotcorr "Spot Color Correction" setup_wiz_spotcorr_spec "Specify a spot color correction file (*.SCG, *.SCGX) to be able to optimize spot colors without adversely affecting process colors." setup_wiz_spotcorr_text "Spot colors are then simulated using the device-independent Lab values and the proof printer's reference printer profile (RFP) or ICC profile respectively, i.e. not using the CMYK equivalents." setup_wiz_spotcorr_none "None" setup_wiz_spotcorr_table "Table" setup_wiz_spotcorr_calib "Use calibration with spot color correction" setup_wiz_spotcorr_subst "Color substitution" ! ! ! Dialog MF_SPOTCOLORS ! title_SPOTCOLORS "Add Spot Colors" spoco_lib "Spot color libraries" spoco_load "Load others..." spoco_remove "Remove" ! ! ! Dialog MF_SPOTCOLORS_SYSTEM ! ! No translatable text. ! ! ! Dialog MF_SPOTCOLORS_SYSTEM_NONE ! title_SPOTCOLORS_SYSTEM "No Spot Color Library Selected" ! ! ! Dialog MF_USER_DEF_PW ! title_user_def_pw "Paper White Settings" user_def_pw_calc "Calculate paper white" user_def_pw_set "Set paper white" user_def_pw_set_range "Action range" user_def_pw_set_def "Set default" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_SWATCH_BOOK ! swatchbook_opt "I want to import a swatchbook and optimize its colors."