! Copyright (c) 2010 by ! CGS Computer Graphic Systems GmbH, Hainburg, Germany ! ! This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied ! only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the ! inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other ! copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any ! other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby ! transferred. ! ! The information in this software is subject to change without notice ! and should not be construed as a commitment by Computer Graphic ! Systems GmbH. ! ! CGS assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its ! software on equipment which is not supplied by CGS. !++ ! FACILITY: ! ORIS translation system ! ! ABSTRACT: ! This module contains translations for texts in wpf dialogs. The name of ! this file indicates which language this is for, _deu for Germany and so on. ! ! ENVIRONMENT: ! This file is read as is by the programs requiring the translation. ! ! AUTHOR: ! Jan de Maeyer ! ! CREATION DATE: 20-Aug-2010 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! NOTE: We cannot put SourceSafe history stuff in here (dollar Log ... dollar), because ! SourceSafe doesn't put the right comment character here. ! ! .FACILITY dlgcm,15/prefix=dlgcm_ ! .SEVERITY SUCCESS .BASE 1 ! ! ! General terms and system strings used in various dialogs ! ! ! System strings used in various dialogs ! add_button "Add" apply_button "Apply" back_button "Back" browse_button "Browse..." cancel_button "Cancel" change_button "Change..." close_button "Close" continue_button "Continue" create_button "Create" default_button "Default" delete_button "Delete" details_button "Details" duplicate_button "Duplicate..." edit_button "Edit..." edit_plain_button "Edit" help_button "Help" info_button "Info" load_button "Load" next_button "Next" measure_button "Measure..." modify_button "Modify..." more_button "More..." new_button "New..." ok_button "OK" new_in_menu_bar "New" open_in_menu_bar "Open" print_button "Print" purge_button "Refine" remove_button "Remove" rename_button "Rename..." replace_button "Replace" retry_button "Retry" save_button "Save" save_as_button "Save as..." select_button "Select" start_button "Start" store_button "Store" use_button "Use" ! ! ICC rendering intents and general terms ! rendering_intent "Rendering Intent" ri_perceptual "Perceptual (Image)" ri_relative "Relative colorimetric" ri_saturation "Saturation" ri_absolute "Absolute colorimetric" ! icc_sep_table "Separation table (Tiff)" icc "ICC" icc_rgb_profile "RGB profile" icc_cmyk_profile "CMYK profile" ! ! ! Time and measurement ! hours "hours" minutes "minutes" seconds "seconds" second "sec" hours_cap "Hours" hour_cap "Hour" minutes_cap "Minutes" minute_cap "Minute" seconds_cap "Seconds" days "days" centimeters "cm" millimeters "mm" cm_per_second "cm/s" mm_per_second "mm/s" percent "%" low "Low" middle "Middle" high "High" maximum "Maximum" none "None" off_cap "Off" sec_abbr "sec." ! ! ! Separation abbreviations used in various dialogs ! cyan_separation "C" magenta_separation "M" yellow_separation "Y" key_separation "K" my_separation "MY" cy_separation "CY" cm_separation "CM" ck_separation "CK" mk_separation "MK" yk_separation "YK" myk_separation "MYK" cyk_separation "CYK" cmk_separation "CMK" cmy_separation "CMY" cmyk_separation "CMYK" orange_separation "Or" green_separation "Gr" violet_separation "Vi" eight_separation "8th" cor_separation "COr" cgr_separation "CGr" mor_separation "MOr" mgr_separation "MGr" yor_separation "YOr" ygr_separation "YGr" kor_separation "KOr" kgr_separation "KGr" orgr_separation "OrGr" cmor_separation "CMOr" cmgr_separation "CMGr" cyor_separation "CYOr" cygr_separation "CYGr" ckor_separation "CKOr" ckgr_separation "CKGr" corgr_separation "COrGr" myor_separation "MYOR" mygr_separation "MYGr" mkor_separation "MKOr" mkgr_separation "MKGr" morgr_separation "MOrGr" ykor_separation "YKOr" ykgr_separation "YKGr" yorgr_separation "YOrGr" korgr_separation "KOrGr" cmyor_separation "CMYOr" cmygr_separation "CMYGr" cmkor_separation "CMKOr" cmkgr_separation "CMKGr" cmorgr_separation "CMOrGr" cykor_separation "CYKOr" cykgr_separation "CYKGr" cyorgr_separation "CYOrGr" ckorgr_separation "CKOrGr" mykor_separation "MYKOr" mykgr_separation "MYKGr" myorgr_separation "MYOrGr" mkorgr_separation "MKOrGr" ykorgr_separation "YKOrGr" cmykor_separation "CMYKOr" cmykgr_separation "CMYKGr" cmyorgr_separation "CMYOrGr" cmkorgr_separation "CMKOrGr" cykorgr_separation "CYKOrGr" mykorgr_separation "MYKOrGr" cmykorgr_separation "CMYKOrGr" metallic_separation "Mt" white_separation "Wh" ! ! ! Coordinates ! X_coordinate "X:" Y_coordinate "Y:" ! ! Color names used in various dialogs ! cyan "Cyan" magenta "Magenta" yellow "Yellow" key "Key" black "Black" proc_spot "Process and spot colors" cmyk "Process colors (CMYK, CMYK+)" rgb "RGB" bw "BW" gray "Grayscale" mono "Monochrome" ! ! General terms ! resolution "Resolution" high_resolution "High resolution" height "Height" width "Width" orientation "Orientation" binary "Binary" ascii "ASCII" anti_aliasing "Anti-aliasing" aa_all_in_ct "Anti-aliasing (All-in-CT)" out_color_space "Output Color Space" ! ! ! Wizard titles ! setup_wiz_header "Setup Wizard" spoco_wiz_header "Spot Color Wizard" rfp_wiz_header "Reference Printer Profile Wizard" recal_wiz_header "Recalibration Wizard" acc_wiz_header "Color Matching Wizard" cal_wiz_header "Calibration Wizard" out_wiz_wiz_header "Output ICC Profile Wizard" ! ! ! ICC color correction settings ! ! ! Dialog ACC_CLOSED_LOOP ! title_acc_closed_loop "Calibration" closed_loop_meas "Measurements" closed_loop_criteria "Stop Criteria" closed_loop_max_num "Maximum number of iterations" closed_loop_aver "Average dE better than" closed_loop_de "Maximum dE better than" closed_loop_exam "Examine measurements" closed_loop_finalize "Finalize" closed_loop_break "Break" closed_loop_close "Close" closed_loop_discard "Discard all measurements" closed_loop_undo "Undo" closed_loop_start "Start" ! ! ! ! Dialog ACC_CLOSED_LOOP_ACM ! title_acc_closed_loop_acm "Color Correction" closed_loop_acm_filter "Apply filter" closed_loop_acm_modify "Modify..." closed_loop_acm_white "Paper white settings" ! ! ! ! Dialog ACC_COPY ! title_copy_acc_files "Copy ACC Files" copy_acc_intro "The related printer calibration will also be copied." copy_acc_source_file "Source file" copy_acc_source_folder "Source base folder" copy_acc_dest_file "Destination file" copy_acc_dest_folder "Destination base folder" ! ! ! ! Dialog ACC_MAIN ! title_acc_main "Color Correction" acc_main_white_lin "Modify white linearization..." acc_main_silver_lin "Modify metallic linearization..." acc_main_meas "Measurements" acm_main_filter "Apply filter" acc_main_modify "Modify..." acc_main_print "Print" acc_main_white "Paper white settings" acc_main_lin "Change linearisation" acc_main_exam "Examine measurements" acc_main_finalize "Finalize" acc_main_close "Close" acc_main_discard "Discard all measurements" acc_main_skip "Skip printing" acc_main_load "Load measurement" acc_main_measure "Measure test chart" acc_main_calculate "Calculate" acc_main_undo "Undo" ! ! ! Dialogs ACC_WIZ_ACT_EVAL ! ACC_WIZ_ACM_EVAL ! ! All other text from dialog MF_ACC_WIZ_ACM_EVAL ! acc_wiz_acm_eval_his "Color matching history" acc_wiz_act_eval_his "Color transformation history" ! ! ! Dialog ACC_OPT_APC ! title_acc_opt_apc "Printer Calibration - Options" acc_opt_calib "Calibrate proof printer to reference printer (recommended)" acc_opt_ref_profile "Reference printer profile" acc_opt_text_chart "Test chart" acc_opt_mode "Closed-loop mode" acc_opt_chart_ref "Test chart reference" acc_opt_no_calib "No calibration to reference printer (choose only if no RFP file is available)" acc_opt_note "The calibration file will include the linearization and ink limiting data only." acc_opt_settings "Print settings" acc_opt_change_lin_button "Change linearization..." acc_opt_ink_limit "Ink limit (%)" acc_opt_white_lin "White linearization..." acc_opt_silver_lin "Metallic linearization..." ! ! ! Dialogs ACC_WIZ_INTRO ! RECAL_WIZ_INTRO ! title_acc_wiz_intro "Recalibration Wizard" acc_wiz_intro_welcome "Welcome to the" acc_wiz_intro_recal_wiz "Recalibration Wizard" acc_wiz_intro_recal_hint "This wizard will guide you through the process of recalibrating your !{OEM_ORIS} Digital Proofing System. It will perform the following steps:" acc_wiz_intro_recal_list1 "- Linearization" acc_wiz_intro_recal_list2 "- Printer Calibration" title_recal_wiz_intro "Recalibration Wizard" recal_wiz_intro_welcome "Welcome to the" recal_wiz_intro_recal_wiz "Recalibration Wizard" recal_wiz_intro_recal_hint "This wizard will guide you through the process of recalibrating your !{OEM_ORIS} Digital Proofing System. It will perform the following steps:" recal_wiz_intro_recal_list1 "- Linearization" recal_wiz_intro_recal_list2 "- Printer Calibration" ! ! ! Dialogs ACC_WIZ_ACM_MEAS ! ACC_WIZ_ACT_MEAS ! ACC_WIZ_ACT_TRANS ! ACC_WIZ_APC_MEAS ! RECAL_WIZ_MEAS ! title_ACC_WIZ_MEAS "Test Chart Measurement" recal_wiz_acm_meas_info "What do you want to do with the calibration test chart?" acc_wiz_acm_meas_info "What do you want to do with the color matching test chart?" acc_wiz_meas_load "I have measured the test chart already and want to load a measurement file" acc_wiz_meas_meas "I want to measure the test chart" acc_wiz_act_meas_info "What do you want to do with the color transformation test chart?" acc_wiz_apc_meas_info "What do you want to do with the calibration test chart?" acc_wiz_meas_info "What do you want to do with the test chart?" title_acc_wiz_trans "Transformation" acc_wiz_act_trans_info "The color transformation has been applied to the following test chart:" ! ! ! Dialogs ACC_WIZ_APC_EVAL ! RECAL_WIZ_EVAL ! ! All other text from dialog MF_ACC_WIZ_ACM_EVAL ! title_acc_wiz_eval "Evaluation" acc_wiz_apc_eval_his "Calibration history" acc_wiz_eval_ok "I am satisfied with the result" acc_wiz_eval_not_ok "I want to improve the result by further measurements" acc_wiz_eval_viewer "Gamut viewer" acc_wiz_eval_discard "Discard all measurements" acc_wiz_eval_pw "Paper white settings" ! ! ! Dialogs ACC_WIZ_ACM_PRI ! ACC_WIZ_APC_PRI ! RECAL_WIZ_PRI ! title_ACC_WIZ_PRI "Printing Test Chart" acc_wiz_acm_pri_info "Click 'Next' to print the color matching test chart." acc_wiz_apc_pri_info "Click 'Next' to print the calibration test chart." acc_wiz_acm_pri_filter "Apply filter" acc_wiz_acm_pri_copies "Copies" acc_wiz_apc_pri_lin "Change linearization" acc_wiz_apc_pri_white_lin "Change white linearization" acc_wiz_apc_pri_silver_lin "Change metallic linearization" ! ! ! Dialogs ACC_WIZ_CLOSED_LOOP_APC_MEAS ! ACC_WIZ_CLOSED_LOOP_ACM_MEAS ! RECAL_WIZ_CLOSED_LOOP ! RECAL_WIZ_CLOSED_LOOP_MEAS ! title_ACC_WIZ_CL_ACM_MEAS "Color Matching - Closed-loop Mode" title_ACC_WIZ_CL_APC_MEAS "Calibration - Closed-loop Mode" acc_wiz_cl_meas "Measurements" ! ! ! Dialogs ACC_WIZ_CLOSED_LOOP_ACM ! ACC_WIZ_CLOSED_LOOP_APC ! title_ACC_WIZ_CL_ACM "Color Matching - Stop Criteria" title_ACC_WIZ_CL_APC "Calibration - Stop Criteria" acc_wiz_cl_max_iter "Maximum number of iterations" acc_wiz_cl_aver "Average dE better than" acc_wiz_cl_max "Maximum dE better than" acc_wiz_cl_filter "Apply filter" acc_wiz_cl_pw "Paper white settings" ! ! ! Dialogs ACC_WIZ_COMPL ! RECAL_WIZ_COMPL ! acc_wiz_compl_grat "Congratulations!" acc_wiz_complete "Your printer is now recalibrated." ! ! ! Dialog ACC_WIZ_GAMUT_VIEWER ! acc_wiz_printer_gamut "Printer gamut" acc_wiz_target_gamut "Target gamut" acc_wiz_transp_gamut "Transp. printer gamut" ! ! ! Dialog ACC_WIZ_SAVE_ICC ! save_icc_title "ICC Output Profile Export" save_icc_opt "I want to export the new ICC output profile to:" ! ! ! Dialog ACC_WIZ_WG_COMPL ! acc_wiz_wg_complete "Your wide-gamut queue is now color-corrected." ! ! ! Dialogs LIN_WIZ_INTRO ! lin_wiz_intro_title "Linearization Wizard" lin_wiz_intro_welcome "Welcome to the" lin_wiz_intro_name "Linearization Wizard" lin_wiz_intro_txt "This wizard will guide you through the process of linearizing your proofing system." ! ! ! Dialog CLEAN_HEAD ! title_clean_head "Print Head Cleaning" clean_head_printer "Printer" clean_head_model "Model" clean_head_header "Head Cleaning" clean_head_min_idle "After minimum idle time of" clean_head_days "Days" clean_head_last_time "Last cleaning time" clean_head_last_print "Last printout" clean_head_after "Clean after" clean_head_num_print "printouts" clean_head_before "Clean before printing file" clean_head_normal "Normal cleaning" clean_head_power "Power cleaning" clean_head_special "Special cleaning" clean_head_auto "Auto cleaning" clean_head_nozzle "Print nozzle check pattern before/after cleaning" clean_head_now "Do immediate head cleaning" ! ! ! Dialog CLOSED_LOOP_LIN ! title_closed_loop_lin "Linearization" ! ! ! Dialogs CMONITOR_SETTINGS_MEASDEV, CP_SETTINGS_MEASDEV ! ! title_cmon_set_measdev "Measurement Device Setup" cmon_set_measdev_hdr_dev "Measurement device" cmon_set_measdev_instr "Device" cmon_set_measdev_instr_name "Device name" cmon_set_measdev_response "Response status" cmon_set_measdev_serial "Serial number" cmon_set_measdev_filter "Filter" cmon_set_measdev_dev_type "Device type" cmon_set_measdev_illu "Illuminant" cmon_set_measdev_observer "Standard observer" cmon_set_measdev_signal "Device signal on" cmon_set_measdev_sensor "Built-in sensor" cmon_set_measdev_correlate "Correlate" cmon_set_measdev_self_calib "Self-calibration" cmon_set_measdev_schedule "Schedule" cmon_set_measdev_test "Test" ! title_cp_settings_measdev "Measurement Device Setup" cp_set_measdev_setup "Measurement device setup" cmon_set_measdev_port "Port" cmon_set_measdev_baud "Data rate (Baud)" cmon_set_measdev_solid "Additionally measure solid densities" cmon_set_measdev_rela "Relative to paper" cmon_set_measdev_xgra "Use XRGA standard" cmon_set_measdev_strips "Measure strips" cmon_set_measdev_patches "Measure single patches" cmon_set_measdev_pos "Positive plates" cmon_set_measdev_neg "Negative plates" cp_header_prop "Device properties" cp_set_measdev_meas_mode "Measurement method" cp_set_measdev_patch_size "Patch size (mm)" cp_set_measdev_gap_size "Gap size (mm)" ! ! ! Dialogs COLOR_ATLAS, COLOR_ATLAS_TAB ! title_color_atlas "Define spot colors visually" col_atl_hint1 "Select color mix" col_atl_hint2 "Print swatches" col_atl_hint3 "Visually compare with sample" col_atl_hint8 "Click best-matching swatch" col_atl_base "Base Color" col_atl_addit "Additional Colors" col_atl_use_silv "Metallic silver" col_atl_col_steps "Color steps" title_color_atlas_tab "Swatches" ! ! ! Dialog COST_LOG ! title_cost_log "Cost Log" cost_log_queue "Queue" cost_log_all_queues "Apply settings to all queues" cost_log_create "Create printing costs information" cost_log_lf "Log file" cost_log_info "Information" ! ! ! Dialogs CT6_ACC_WIZ_PROP_SHEET ! CT6_RECAL_WIZ_PROP_SHEET ! CT6_RFP_WIZ_PROP_SHEET ! CT6_SETUP_WIZ_PROP_SHEET ! CT6_SPOCO_WIZ_PROP_SHEET ! ! (No particular text) ! ! Dialog CVC ! title_cvc "Selective Color Value Correction" cvc_header_cur_sel "Current Selections" cvc_cc_table "CC table" cvc_print_profile "Target profile" cvc_proof_profile "Device profile" cvc_ri "Rend.Intent" cvc_color_steps "Color steps (# grid points)" cvc_print "Input" cvc_c "C" cvc_m "M" cvc_y "Y" cvc_k "K" cvc_fixed "Fixed steps" cvc_check "Greyscale" cvc_header_ar "Action Range" cvc_cmyk "CMYK" cvc_header_print_proof "Input Output" cvc_header_cie "CIE" cvc_header_print "Input" cvc_header_proof "Output" cvc_header_delta "delta" cvc_header_estimated "estimated" cvc_l "L" cvc_a "a" cvc_b "b" cvc_dcab "dCab/dHab" cvc_graph_button "Graph" cvc_de "dE" cvc_de94 "dE94" cvc_proof "Output" cvc_mini_de "Minimize dE" cvc_corr "Correction" cvc_header_col_values "Color Values / Measurements" cvc_3d_button "3D View" cvc_stat_button "Statistics" cvc_add_button "Add entry" cvc_reset_button "Reset sample" cvc_slb_button "SLB" cvc_eval_button "Evaluate" cvc_diff_button "CC difference" cvc_view_3d_button "CC 3D view" cvc_view_2d_button "CC 2D view" cvc_1_to_1_button "1 : 1" cvc_min_de_button "Minimize dE" cvc_smooth_button "Smooth" cvc_black_versioning "Avoid ghosting" cvc_apply "Apply" cvc_undo_button "Undo" cvc_dat_button "!{OEM_ORIS__DAT}" ! acc_opt_purge_channels "Clear primary colors" cvc_tac "Total ink coverage" cvc_tac_abbr "Total ink cover." ! ! ! Dialog CVC_ADD_SAMPLE ! title_cvc_add_sample "Add Value" cvc_add_percent "Add value %s as" cvc_add_show_again "Show this dialog again at next value adding" ! ! ! Dialog CVC_CC_3D ! title_cvc_cc_3d "3D View" cvc_3d_axes "Axes" cvc_3d_xy "X/Y" cvc_3d_view "View" cvc_3d_ar "Action range only" cvc_3d_pts "Points" cvc_3d_edges "Edges" cvc_3d_areas "Areas" ! ! ! Dialog CVC_DIFF_3D ! title_cvc_diff_3d "3D View" ! ! ! Dialog CVC_LAB_MAP ! title_cvc_col_diff "Color Difference" cvc_lab_dadb "da db" cvc_lab_dl "dL" cvc_lab_dcab "dCab" cvc_lab_dhab "dHab" ! ! ! Dialog CVC_MEAS_3D ! title_cvc_meas_3d "3D View" cvc_meas_3d_view "View" cvc_meas_3d_ar "Action range only" cvc_meas_3d_weight "Show weighting" cvc_meas_3d_proof "Proof" cvc_meas_3d_prf_pts "Proof points" cvc_meas_3d_prf_edges "Proof edges" cvc_meas_3d_prf_areas "Proof areas" cvc_meas_3d_prf_transp "Proof transparent" cvc_meas_3d_print "Print" cvc_meas_3d_prt_edges "Print edges" cvc_meas_3d_prt_areas "Print areas" cvc_meas_3d_prt_err "Error vectors" ! ! ! Dialog CVC_OPT ! title_cvc_opt "Color Value Correction Optimization" apply_to "Apply to" optimize_color "Optimize" ! ! ! Dialog CVC_QUERY_SAMPLE_TYPE ! title_cvc_query "Sample Type" cvc_query_sample "Color sample" cvc_query_ref_file "Reference file" cvc_query_ref_rows "Number of rows" cvc_query_ref_columns "Number of columns" ! ! ! Dialog CVC_VIEW ! title_cvc_view "CVC View" cv_header "Color Axis" cv_cyan "C" cv_magenta "M" cv_yellow "Y" cv_key "K" ! ! ! Dialog CXF_SEL_SET_DM ! title_cxf_select "Select a Sample Set" cfx_file_info "File info" ! ! ! Dialog DAT_EDIT_SELECT ! title_dat_edit_select "Edit Color Correction Table" dat_edit_continue "I want to continue color matching" dat_edit_finish "I want to finish color matching and make manual corrections" ! ! ! Dialog DAT_MAKE_DEFAULT_FROM_ICC ! title_dat_make_def "Create Color Table from ICC Profiles" dat_header_pri_proof "Printer / Proofer" dat_make_def_pri "Printer" dat_make_def_paper "Paper" dat_make_def_pri_qual "Print quality" dat_make_def_profile "Proof profile" dat_header_col_space "Target Print Color Space" dat_make_def_targ_spc "Target color space" dat_make_pri_profile "Print profile" dat_header_rgb_col_space "RGB Input Color Space" dat_make_rgb_profile "RGB profile" dat_make_col_table "Color table name" dat_make_create_button "Create" ! ! ! DAT_SELECT_DEFAULT ! title_dat_sel_def "Color Table Selection" dat_sel_def_target "Target color space" dat_sel_def_printer "Printer" dat_sel_def_paper "Paper" dat_sel_def_print_qual "Print quality" dat_sel_def_col_table "Color table" dat_sel_def_col_status "Status" dat_sel_def_set_def_button "Set default color table" dat_sel_def_set_other_button "Other color table..." dat_sel_def_make_def "Make default color table" ! ! ! Dialogs DAT_VIEWER and MF_DAT_VIEWER ! title_dat_viewer "!{OEM_ORIS_DAT} Viewer" dat_viewer_dat "!{OEM_ORIS_DAT}" dat_viewer_demo "Created with demo version" dat_viewer_file_info "File Info" dat_viewer_modified "Last modified date" dat_viewer_checksum "Checksum" dat_viewer_cmyk_colcorr "CMYK Color Correction Parameters" dat_viewer_no_colcorr "No CMYK color correction" dat_viewer_num_grid "Number of grid points" dat_viewer_cmyk_default "Standard CMYK color correction" dat_viewer_global "Input gradation" dat_viewer_colcorr "Color correction" dat_viewer_prt_profile "Target profile" dat_viewer_prf_profile "Device profile" dat_viewer_corr_val "Col. value corrected" dat_viewer_col_match "Color matching" dat_viewer_is "Ink Saver" dat_viewer_pm "Press Matcher" dat_viewer_prf_grad "Output gradation" dat_viewer_devlnk "ICC Device Link Profile color correction" dat_viewer_devlnk_profile "Device Link Profile" dat_viewer_default "Standard" dat_viewer_cmyk "CMYK is print color space" dat_viewer_print "Print" dat_viewer_save_as "Save as text file..." ! dat_viewer_black_sep "Black separation settings" dat_viewer_keep_black "Keep pure black" dat_viewer_sep_method "Separation method" dat_viewer_start_pnt "Starting point" dat_viewer_cmy_red "CMY reduction" ! ! ! Dialog DDSCC ! title_ddscc "Color Table" header_cmyk_colcorr "CMYK Color Correction" no_cmyk_colcorr "No CMYK color correction" def_cmyk_colcorr "Standard CMYK color correction" global_colcorr "Input gradation" proofer_grad "Output gradation" colcorr "Color correction" icc_devlink_colcorr "ICC Device Link profile color correction" devlink_profile "Device Link profile" header_rgb_cmyk_sep "RGB-CMYK Separation" create_dat_button "Create !{OEM_ORIS__DAT}..." ! ! ! DIALOG DEMO_INFO ! title_demo_info "Info Demo Version" ! ! ! Dialog DENS_GET_GEOMETRY ! title_dens_get_geo "Chart Geometry" get_geo_patch_size "Patch size (mm)" get_geo_gap_size "Gap size (mm)" get_geo_black_patch "Black color patch at start and end of a color strip" ! ! ! Dialog DENS_GET_MEASUREMENTS ! title_dens_get_meas "Densities" dens_get_meas_next_button "OK, next" ! ! ! Dialogs DENS_GRD and NCLR_GRD_DETAILS ! title_dens_grd "Linearization by Densities" dens_grd_meas_dev "Measurement Device" dens_grd_dev "Device" dens_grd_sel "Select" dens_grd_pri_lin_chart "Print linearization test chart..." dens_grd_targ_dens "Target Densities" dens_grd_max_dens "Max. density" dens_grd_from_meas "From measurements" dens_grd_user_def "User-defined" dens_grd_max "Max" dens_grd_lin_method "Linearization method..." dens_grd_options "Options" dens_grd_optimize "Optimize active gradation" dens_grd_set_max "Set maximum color density to 100%" dens_grd_smooth "Smooth" dens_grd_dens_values "Density Values" dens_grd_col_perc "Color %" dens_grd_target_c "Target C" dens_grd_meas_c "Meas. C" dens_grd_target_m "Target M" dens_grd_meas_m "Meas. M" dens_grd_target_y "Target Y" dens_grd_meas_y "Meas. Y" dens_grd_target_k "Target K" dens_grd_meas_k "Meas. K" dens_grd_target_or "Target Or" dens_grd_meas_or "Meas. Or" dens_grd_target_gr "Target Gr" dens_grd_meas_gr "Meas. Gr" dens_grd_add_button "Add" dens_grd_del_button "Remove" dens_grd_meas_button "Measure printed color patches..." ! nclr_grd_details_target_c "C Targ" nclr_grd_details_meas_c "C Meas" nclr_grd_details_target_m "M Targ" nclr_grd_details_meas_m "M Meas" nclr_grd_details_target_y "Y Targ" nclr_grd_details_meas_y "Y Meas" nclr_grd_details_target_k "K Targ" nclr_grd_details_meas_k "K Meas" nclr_grd_details_target_or "Or Targ" nclr_grd_details_meas_or "Or Meas" nclr_grd_details_target_gr "Gr Targ" nclr_grd_details_meas_gr "Gr Meas" nclr_grd_details_target_vi "Vi Targ" nclr_grd_details_meas_vi "Vi Meas" nclr_grd_details_target_8 "8th Targ" nclr_grd_details_meas_8 "8th Meas" nclr_grd_details_max_c "C Max" nclr_grd_details_max_m "M Max" nclr_grd_details_max_y "Y Max" nclr_grd_details_max_k "K Max" nclr_grd_details_max_or "Or Max" nclr_grd_details_max_gr "Gr Max" nclr_grd_details_max_vi "Vi Max" nclr_grd_details_max_8 "8th Max" nclr_grd_details_reset "Get maximum densities from measurements" nclr_grd_details_grad "Gradation" dens_grd_color "Color" ! ! ! Dialog ESKO_SEL_SET ! title_esko_sel_set "Ink Book Selection" esko_sel_set_type "Ink book type" esko_sel_set_all "All" esko_sel_set_esko "Esko" esko_sel_set_smart "PANTONE Live" ! ! ! Dialogs ESPSP_TOOLS and CANONOIPF_TOOLS ! title_espsp_tools "Epson Spectro Proof Tools" esp_tool_chart_ref "Test chart reference" esp_tool_used "Used for" esp_tool_add_chart "Additional chart" esp_tool_job "Job" esp_tool_add_colbar "Color bar" esp_tool_printer "Printer" esp_tool_chart_image "Test chart / Image" esp_tool_col_bar "Color bar" esp_tool_settings_button "Settings..." esp_tool_chart_layout_hdr "Test Chart Layout" esp_tool_layout "Chart layout" esp_tool_keep_layout "Keep layout of reference" esp_tool_keep_warmup "Warmup frame" esp_tool_keep_gaps "Line gaps" esp_tool_keep_rows "Multiple rows" esp_tool_meas_format "Manual measuring format" esp_tool_device_type "Device type:" esp_tools_patch_width "Patch width (7.0 ... 20.0mm)" esp_tools_patch_height "Patch height (7.0 ... 20.0mm)" esp_tool_create_tiff "Create Tiff Test Chart" esp_tool_file_name "Tiff file name" esp_tool_net_size "Chart net size" esp_tool_create_button "Create..." esp_tool_print_meas_hdr "Print and Measure Chart" esp_tool_cie_lab "CIE Lab" esp_tool_cie_xyz "CIE XYZ" esp_tool_cie_yxy "CIE Yxy" esp_tool_cie_lch "CIE Lch" esp_tool_spec_data "Spectral data" esp_tool_dens "Densities" esp_tool_dry_time "Drying time (in sec.)" esp_tool_xrga "Use XRGA standard" esp_tool_uvcut "UV-cut filter" esp_tool_dir_meas_files "Directory for measurement files" esp_tool_print_meas_button "Print and measure" esp_tool_colbar "Color bar" esp_tool_warmup "Warmup frame" esp_tool_gaps "Line gaps" esp_tool_rows "Multiple rows" ! title_canon_ipf_tools "Canon iPF Spectrophotometer Tools" canonipf_pos_bar "Positioning bar" canonipf_keep_height "Keep page height" canonipf_patch "Patch size" canonipf_small "small" canonipf_standard "standard" canonipf_big "big" canonipf_margins "Margins (in mm)" canonipf_left "left" canonipf_right "right" canonipf_top "top" canonipf_bottom "bottom" canonipf_values "Values" canonipf_drying "Drying time (in sec.)" canonipf_uvcut "UV-cut filter" canonipf_calib "Calibration" canonipf_get_info "Get information ..." canonipf_check "Check color..." canonipf_hist "History" canonipf_assist "Color check assist..." canonipf_cal_link "Calibration link..." canonipf_update "Update paper list..." ! ! ! Dialog CANON_PRINTMODES_UPDATE ! title_canon_printmodes_update "Canon - Load Custom Media" canon_calib_printer "Printer" canon_upd_hf_type "Printing method" canon_upd_col_mode "Color mode" canon_upd_path "Media list file path" canon_upd_get "Load custom media" canon_upd_upd "Import media info file" canon_upd_reload "Reload media list" canon_upd_save "Save media list" ! ! ! Dialog CANON_GET_INFO ! title_canon_get_info "Canon Get Device Information" canon_calib_acquire "Acquire" ! ! ! Dialog CANON_GET_CUSTOM_MEDIA ! title_canon_get_custom_media "Canon - Load Custom Media" canon_get_custom_sel_all "Select all" ! ! ! Dialog CANON_COLOR_CHECK_ASSIST ! title_canon_col_check_assist "Canon Color Check Assist" canon_color_check_ref_data "Reference data" canon_color_check_multi "Multi sensor" canon_color_check_meas "Measure" canon_color_check_calib "Calibrate" canon_color_check_colcheck "Color check" canon_color_check_spectral "Spectral photometer" canon_color_check_norm_cal "Normal calibration" canon_color_check_norm_check "Normal color check" canon_color_check_safe_calib "Safety calibration" canon_color_check_safe_check "Safety color check" ! ! ! Dialog CANON_COLOR_CHECK ! title_canon_col_check "Canon Color Check" canon_calib_big_patch "Print big color patches" canon_col_check_start "Start color check" ! ! ! Dialog CANON_CALIBRATION_LINK ! title_canon_calib_link "Canon Calibration Link" canon_calib_link_MIT "Canon MIT Library version" canon_calib_link_list "Media list" canon_calib_link_show "Show media" canon_calib_link_upd "Update media info..." ! ! ! Dialog CANON_CALIBRATION_HISTORY ! title_canon_calib_hist "Canon Calibration History" ! ! ! Dialog CANON_CALIBRATION ! title_canon_calib "Canon Calibration" canon_calib_start "Start calibration" ! ! ! Dialog EVALCC ! title_evalcc "Evaluate the Colormatch" evalcc_aver_de "avg. dE" evalcc_std_de "std. dev. dE" evalcc_aver_rough "avg. roughness" evalcc_std_rough "std. dev. roughness" evalcc_worst_de "worst dE" evalcc_worst_rough "worst roughness" ! ! ! Dialog EXPORT_QUEUE ! title_exp_queue "Export Queue" exp_queue_existing "Existing queues" exp_queue_hint "To select several queues use +Left mouse key. To select all queues use +." exp_queue_exp_file_name "Export \nfile or path name" exp_queue_export_button "Export" ! ! ! GAMUT_DEF ! consisting of dialogs ! GAMUT_DEF_CC ! GAMUT_DEF_ICC ! GAMUT_DEF_MEAS ! GAMUT_DEF_SCG ! GAMUT_DEF_SCG_SIMULATION ! title_gamut_def "Gamut Definition" gamut_def_name "Name" gamut_def_col_corr "Color correction" gamut_calib "Calibration" gamut_def_profile "Profile" gamut_def_meas "Measurement" gamut_def_scg "Spot color correction" ! ! ! Dialog GAMUT_SELECTION ! title_gamut_sel "Gamut Display Selection" gamut_sel_meas "Gamut of a measurement" gamut_sel_icc "Gamut of an ICC profile" gamut_sel_printer "Gamut of a printer with color correction applied" gamut_sel_spot_target "Target values of a spot color correction" gamut_sel_spot_sim "Simulation of a spot color correction" ! ! ! Dialog GAMUT_VIEWER ! title_gamut_viewer "Gamut Viewer" gamut_vwr_Filter "Filter" gamut_vwr_range_center "Range center" gamut_vwr_range "Range" gamut_vwr_all "All" gamut_vwr_chroma "Chroma cylinder" gamut_vwr_gamut "Gamut" gamut_vwr_color "Color" gamut_vwr_transparency "Transp." gamut_vwr_areas "Areas" gamut_vwr_edges "Edges" gamut_vwr_points "Points" gamut_vwr_target "Target gamut =" gamut_vwr_actual "Actual gamut =" ! ! ! Dialog GCR_MATCH ! title_cgr_match "Ink Saver Standard" gcr_icc_profile "ICC profile" gcr_meas "Measure" ink_saver_separation "Ink Saver" total_ink_coverage "Total ink coverage" starting_point "Starting point" keep_k_below_start_k "Keep K below the starting point" cmy_reduction "CMY reduction" header_cmyk_sep_params "RGB-CMYK Separation" ! ! ! Dialog GET_PR_DISPLAY_NAME ! title_get_display_name "Change Queue Name" get_display_name "Please enter the new name under which the queue is to be displayed:" ! ! ! Dialog GFX_CUSTOMIZECOL ! title_customizecol "Customize Columns" free_columns "Free columns" shown_columns "Shown columns and order" add_gt_button "Add ->" lt_remove_button "<- Remove" moveup_button "Move up" movedown_button "Move down" ! ! Dialog GFX_FORMATCOL ! title_gfx_formatcol "Column Format" free_fields "Free fields" format "Format" label "Label" label_2 "Label 2" characters "characters" alignment "Alignment" radio_left "left" radio_center "center" radio_right "right" ! ! ! Dialogs GRD_DOTGAIN and GRD_SPOCO ! title_grd_dotgain "Overall Spot Color Dot Gain" grd_dotgain_dg "Dot gain" grd_spoco_target "Target" grd_spoco_actual "Actual" grd_spoco_dE "dE" grd_dotgain_x "X:" grd_dotgain_y "Y:" grd_dotgain_add "Add point" grd_dotgain_rem "Remove point" grd_dotgain_undo "Undo" grd_dotgain_undo_pnt "Undo point" ! title_grd_spoco "Spot Color Gradation" grd_spoco_color "Color" ! ! ! Dialog GRD_INKLIN ! title_GRD_INKLIN "Ink Linearisation" grd_inklin_grad "Gradation" inklin_linear "Linear" inklin_custom "Custom" ! ! ! Dialog GRD_NEW ! title_grd_new "Color Gradation" header_gradation "Gradation" grad_file_name "File name" grad_max "Max" grad_100 "100.0" grad_x_axis "X:" grad_y_axis "Y:" grad_y_max "Max. Y:" header_grad_color "Color" grad_c "C" grad_m "M" grad_y "Y" grad_k "K" grad_ymc "YMC" header_grad_step "Step" grad_add_point_button "Add point" grad_undo_point_button "Undo point" grad_remove_point_button "Remove point" grad_one_to_one_button "1:1" grad_measurements_button "Measurements..." grad_all_one_to_one_button "All 1:1" grad_undo_button "Undo" grad_apply_button "Apply" ! ! ! Dialog HPDJZ_TOOLS ! title_hp_tool "HP Designjet Z Series Tools" hp_tool_ref "Test chart reference" hp_tool_for "Used for" hp_tool_add_chart "Additional chart" hp_tool_job "Job" hp_tool_col_bar "Color bar" hp_tool_printer "Printer" hp_tool_set "Settings..." hp_tool_chart_layout "Test Chart Layout" hp_tool_shape "Patch shape" hp_tool_rect "Rectangle" hp_tool_hex "Hexagonal" hp_tool_layout "Chart layout" hp_tool_def "Default" hp_tool_opt "Optimum" hp_tool_keep_ref "Keep layout of reference" hp_tool_contrast "Contrast lines" hp_tool_warmup "Warmup area" hp_tool_align "Alignment marks" hp_tool_create_tiff "Create Tiff Test Chart" hp_tool_file_name "Tiff file name" hp_tool_print_chart "Print and Measure Chart" hp_tool_values "Values" hp_tool_lab "CIE Lab" hp_tool_xyz "CIE XYZ" hp_tool_spectral "Spectral data" hp_tool_dens "Densities" hp_tool_all "All" hp_tool_dry "Drying time (in sec.)" hp_tool_dir "Directory for \nmeasurement files" hp_tool_print "Print and measure" ! ! ! Dialog HTML_POPUP ! (No text) ! ! ! Dialog ICC ! title_icc "CC Table" header_icc_profile_settings "Profile Settings" icc_print "Target" icc_proof "Device" icc_save_cc_button "Save CC..." icc_create_dat_button "Create !{OEM_ORIS__DAT}..." icc_close_button "Close" ! ! ! Dialog ICC_EXT ! title_icc_ext "CC Table" icc_ext_prof_set "Profile Settings" icc_ext_print "Print" icc_ext_proof "Proof" icc_ext_col_modes "Color Modes" icc_ext_clean "Clean primaries" icc_ext_black_mode "Black mode" icc_ext_sep "Separation" icc_ext_mode "Mode" icc_ext_key "Key" icc_ext_start "Start" icc_ext_max "Max." icc_ext_width "Width" icc_ext_total_ink "Total ink coverage" icc_ext_save "Save CC..." icc_ext_create "Create !{OEM_ORIS__DAT}..." ! ! ! ICC_DEVLINK_ENC ! title_icc_devlink "Create ICC Device Link Profile from ORIS DAT" icc_devlink_dat_file "!{OEM_ORIS__DAT} file" icc_devlink_dongle_id "Dongle IDs to decode the ICC device link profile" icc_devlink_file_name "File name for new ICC device link profile" icc_devlink_create "Create profile(s)" ! ! ! Dialog ICC_DEVLINK_EXP_OPT ! title_devlink_opt "ICC Device Link Profile Options" devlink_opt_8bit "8 bit table" devlink_opt_clut "CLut points" devlink_opt_16bit "16 bit table" devlink_opt_in_lut "InputLut entries" devlink_opt_out_lut "OutputLut entries" ! ! ! Dialog ICC_DEVLINK_FROM_DAT ! title_devlink_dat "Create ICC Device Link Profile from !{OEM_ORIS__DAT}" devlink_dat_file "!{OEM_ORIS__DAT} file" devlink_dat_create_cmyk_link "Create CMYK-to-CMYK device link" devlink_dat_create_rgb_link "Create RGB-to-CMYK device link (has __rgb appended to file name)" devlink_dat_create_output "Create ICC output profile (has __output appended to file name)" devlink_dat_new_icc_name "File name for new profile(s)" devlink_cc_create_prof "Create profile(s)" ! ! ! Dialog ICC_DEVLINK_FROM_DAT_COUNT ! devlink_dat_remaining "Remaining ORIS Link Profiles" devlink_dat_allowed "ORIS Link Profiles still allowed to be generated" devlink_dat_increment "Please contact your local dealer if you want to increment this counter." ! ! ! Dialog ICC_DEVLINK_TO_CC ! title_devlink_get "Get Color Correction from ICC Device Link Profile" devlink_get_profile "Device Link profile" devlink_get_extract "Extract and convert profile data to" devlink_get_global "Input gradation" devlink_get_col_corr "Color correction" devlink_get_icc_in "ICC input profile" devlink_get_icc_out "ICC output profile" devlink_get_proof_grad "Output gradation" devlink_get_convert "Convert" ! ! ! Dialog ICC_GAMUT_COMPARE ! title_devlink_gamut "ICC Profile Gamut Comparison" devlink_gamut_target "Target profile" devlink_gamut_test "Test profile" devlink_gamut_de "Max. dE" devlink_gamut_abs_ri "Absolute RI" devlink_gamut_rel_ri "Relative RI" devlink_gamut_perc_ri "Perceptual RI" devlink_gamut_percent "In gamut (%)" devlink_gamut_max_de "Max. dE" ! ! ICC_PROFILE_DUMP ! title_icc_profile_dump "ICC Profile Viewer" icc_pd_profile "Profile" header_icc_pd_header "Header (Byte 0 ... 127)" icc_pd_prof_size "Profile size" icc_pd_vers_num "Profile version number" icc_pd_cmm_type "CMM type" icc_pd_dev_class "Profile/Device class" icc_pd_col_space "Data color space" icc_pd_conn_space "Profile connection space" icc_pd_crea_date "Creation date" icc_pd_signature "Signature" icc_pd_prim_platf "Primary platform" icc_pd_flags "Flags" icc_pd_dev_manuf "Device manufacturer" icc_pd_dev_model "Device model" icc_pd_dev_attr "Device attributes" icc_pd_illum "Illuminant" icc_pd_creator "Creator" icc_pd_ink_cov "Total Ink Coverage" header_icc_pd_tags "Tag Table (Byte 128 ...)" icc_pd_tag_num "Number of tags" icc_pd_extract_meas "Extract measurement file..." save_table_as "Save table as..." ! ! ! Dialog ICC_PROFILE_LIST_DM ! title_profile_list "ICC Profiles" profile_list_dir "Profile directory" profile_list_icm "ICM" profile_list_rfp "RFP" ! ! ! Dialog ICC_GRAD ! title_icc_grad "ICC Profile Gradation Viewer" ! ! ! Dialog INFO_DLG ! title_info_dlg "Info" ! ! Dialogs INK_LIMIT, INK_LIMIT_NCLR6_DLG ! and INK_LIMIT_NCLR6_COMPLEX_DLG ! title_ink_limit "Ink Limiting" ink_limit_one_ch "For one channel" ink_limit_two_ch "For two channels" ink_limit_three_ch "For three channels" ink_limit_four_ch "For four channels" ink_limit_print "Print" ink_limit_details "Details..." ink_limit_complex "Complex..." ink_limit_discard "Discard detail settings" ink_limit_incl_k "including K" ink_limit_perc "( 0 ... 100%)" ! ink_limit_five_ch "For five channels" ink_limit_six_ch "For six channels" ink_limit_seven_ch "For seven channels" ink_limit_eight_ch "For eight channels" ink_limit_except "Exceptions" ink_limit_ch_name "Channel name" ! title_ink_limit_complex "Complex Ink Limiting" ! ! ! Dialog INK_LIMIT_COMPLEX ! title_il_complex "Ink Limiting Complex" il_complex_sum "Sum" ! ! ! Dialog INK_LIMIT_DETAIL ! title_il_details "Ink Limiting Details" il_details_k "K in CMYK" ! ! ! INKLIMIT_WIZARD ! title_il_wizard "Ink Limiting" il_wizard_discard "Discard detail settings" il_wizard_1_ch "For one channel" il_wizard_print "Print" il_wizard_2_ch "For two channels" il_wizard_details "Details" il_wizard_3_ch "For three channels" il_wizard_4_ch "For four channels" il_wizard_incl_k "including K" ! ! ! Dialog INKSAVER_PREMIUM ! title_inksaver_premium "Ink Saver Premium" inksaver_source "Source ICC profile (color space of your documents before the color match)" inksaver_target "Target ICC profile (color space after the color match)" inksaver_k_sep "Black Separation" inksaver_keep_k "Keep pure black" inksaver_keep_col "Keep pure colors" inksaver_keep_k100 "Keep K100" inksaver_bvc "Avoid ghosting" inksaver_ri "CMYK-CMYK Rendering Intent" inksaver_is "Ink Saver" inksaver_sep_params "RGB-CMYK Separation" ! ! All other text from dialog GCR_MATCH ! ! ! Dialog ISIS2NET_MEASUREMENTS ! isis2net_measurements "Eye-One iSis 2 NET Measurements" is2net_ref_file "Reference file" is2net_vendor_id "Vendor ID" is2net_match_chart "Show measurements matching the reference file only" ! ! ! Dialog KJ_ABOUT, FA_ABOUT and LP_ABOUT ! title_about "About COLOR TUNER" product_copyright "COLOR TUNER ®" version "Version:" link_date "Link Date:" copyright "Copyright 1997 - !{YEAR}\nCGS Publishing Technologies International GmbH\nD-63512 Hainburg, Kettelerstraße 24, Germany" copyright2 "Tel.:" copyright3 "Fax.:" website "Website:" email "Email:" version_info "Version information of product components" lic_info_button "License info..." ! fa_title_about "About Falbard AQUA" lp_title_about "About LabProof SE" fa_product_copyright "Falbard AQUA" lp_product_copyright "LabProof SE" cgs_inside "CGS technology inside" cma_cp_title_about "About CMA ColorPortal" cma_cp_product_copyright "CMA ColorPortal" cma_cp_copyright "CMA IMAGING \n8, Avenue de Finlande S.A.\n1420 Braine-l’Alleud, Belgium" rco_title_about "About Roland Color Optimizer" rdc_title_about "About Roland Device Checker" ! ! ! Dialog LAB_GRD ! title_lab_grd "Linearization by CIE-Lab" lab_grd_meas "Measurements" lab_grd_active "Optimize active gradation" lab_grd_smooth "Smooth" lab_grd_set_max "Set maximum color density to 100%" lab_grd_opt "Options" ! ! ! Dialog LICENSE_INFO ! title_sw_license "Software License" sw_lic_text1 "If you have a software protection dongle please plug it onto the computer." sw_lic_text2 "If not, please activate the software with your serial number and the hardware ID on our website www.cgs.de under 'Product Activation'. The serial number is printed on the CD and on the delivery note." hw_id "Hardware ID:" sw_lic_text3 "Shortly afterwards you will receive a license file via email. To load this license file please click on 'License'." license_button "License" lic_info_ext_file_hdr "Licensing with a License File" lic_info_ext_file_txt "If you have received a license file, please add the license." lic_info_ext_code_hdr "Online Licensing with a License Code" lic_info_ext_code_act "If you have received a license code, please activate the license." lic_info_ext_act "Activate license" lic_info_ext_code_deact "To use the license code on a different computer deactivate the license on this computer." lic_info_ext_deact "Deactivate license" lic_info_ext_code_upd "If your license code has been updated you can install the update now." lic_info_ext_upd "Update license" ! ! ! ! Dialog LICENSE_INFO_EXT ! title_license_info_ext "License Info" lic_info_ext_hint lic_info_ext_ext "Extended" lic_info_ext_lic_date "License expiration date:" lic_info_ext_test_date "Test expiration date:" lic_info_ext_dlp_date "DLP creation expiration date" lic_info_ext_dongle_date "Dongle date:" lic_info_ext_dongle_id "Dongle ID or serial number:" lic_info_ext_hw_id "Hardware ID:" lic_info_ext_restart "To add a new license you need a license file or a license code. \nThe program has to be restarted afterwards." lic_info_ext_add "Add license" ! ! ! Dalog LIN_METHOD ! title_lin_method "Linearization Method" lin_method_md "Murray-Davies" lin_method_yn "Yule-Nielsen" lin_method_meas "Measurement linearization" lin_method_yn_factor "YN factor" ! ! ! Dialog MAKESKILL_DLG ! title_make_skills "Make Skills" make_skills_meas_dev "Measurement Device" make_skills_dev "Device" make_skills_sel "Select" make_skills_values "Skill Values" make_skills_print "Print skillchart" make_skills_meas "Measure printed skillchart" make_skills_load "Load Densities" make_skills_save "Save Skills" ! ! ! Dialog MAXDENSITY ! title_max_dens "Maximum Color Density" max_dens_method "Method" method_linear "Linear" method_smooth1 "Smooth 1" method_smooth2 "Smooth 2" max_dens_warning "This function is not steady!" max_dens_min "Min." max_dens_max "Max." ! ! ! MEASDEV_PROPERTIES ! title_measdev_prop "Device Properties" measdev_prop_status "Response status" measdev_prop_filter "Filter" measdev_prop_illum "Illuminant" measdev_prop_obs "Standard observer" measdev_prop_meas_mode "Measurement method" measdev_prop_meas_geometry "Measurement geometry" measdev_prop_beep "Device signal on" ! ! ! Dialog MEASDEVICE ! title_measdevice "Measuring Device Setup" measdev_instrument "Device" measdev_port "Serial port" measdev_baud "Data rate (Baud)" set_emb_measdev_xrga "Use XRGA standard" measdev_prop_button "Properties" measdev_test_button "Test" measdev_abort_button "Abort" ! ! ! Dialog MEASURE_CHART ! title_measure_chart "Measure Test Chart" meas_device "Device" meas_chart_corr_opt "Correct for optical brightener" meas_device_select "Select..." reference_file "Reference file" browse_ref_file "Browse..." start_measurement "Start measurement..." remeasure_strip "Remeasure strip" meas_chart_back "<" meas_chart_forw ">" ! ! ! Dialog MEASURE_IMPIKA ! title_measure_impika "Measure Impika Rank Data" impika_color "Color" impika_pattern_width "Pattern width" impika_print_mode "Print mode" impika_drop_size "Drop size" impika_serial "Printhead serial number" impika_inches "inches" impika_picoliter "pL" ! ! ! Dialog MEASUREMENT_AVERAGE ! title_meas_aver "Average Measurement Files" meas_aver_files "Measurement files" meas_aver_del "Delete files" meas_aver_add "Add files..." meas_aver_save "Average and save..." ! ! ! Dialog OSC_EDIT_FORM ! title_osc_edit "Define Brand Colors" osc_edit_hint "Modifications will affect all queues." osc_edit_name "Name" osc_edit_copy "Duplicate" ! ! ! Dialog OUT_ICC_WIZ_INTRO ! OUT_ICC_WIZ_MATCH_PROFILE ! OUT_ICC_WIZ_COMPL ! out_icc_wiz_header "Output ICC Profile Wizard" out_icc_wiz_hint "Use this wizard to create an ICC output profile of the current queue." out_icc_wiz_complete "The new ICC output profile has been saved here:" title_OUT_ICC_WIZ_MATCH_PROFILE "Matching ICC output profile" out_icc_wiz_match_hint "If already known, select the ICC input profile to be matched to the new output ICC profile. If you are unsure, select 'PCS Reference Medium'." out_icc_wiz_match_prm "PCS Reference Medium" out_icc_wiz_match_huge "Huge" out_icc_wiz_match_file "ICC input profile" ! ! ! Dialog OUT_ICC_WIZ_PRISM_OPT ! prism_parameter_title "Parameters for ICC Profile generation" prism_INTEL_BLACK "Use intelligent black" prism_USE_MAX_BLACK "Use maximum black" prism_INK_LIMIT "Ink limit" prism_BLACK_START "Black start" prism_MAX_BLACK "Max. black" prism_BLACK_CURVE_TYPE "Black curve type" prism_BLACK_WIDTH "Black width" prism_NEUTRALIZE_GRAY "Neutralize gray" ! ! ! Dialog PRISM_OPT_FIX_MEAS ! prism_opt_title "Profiling Options" prism_opt_meas "Measurement" prism_opt_profile "Profile" prism_opt_saturation "Saturation" prism_opt_contrast "Contrast" prism_opt_neutral "Neutral amount" prism_opt_black_smooth "Smoothness" prism_opt_gray "Gray" prism_opt_hue "Hue likeness" prism_opt_a2b_size "A2B size" prism_opt_b2a_size "B2A size" prism_opt_separ "Separations" prism_use_std_val "Use standard values" prism_opt_max_black "Use maximum black" maximum_k "Maximum black" perception "Perception" tables "Tables" prism_bit_depth "Bit depth" CALC_ICC_button "Calculate profile" prism_opt_version "Version" prism_opt_pro_ver "Profile version" ! ! ! Dialog XG2_ICC_OPT ! xg2_black_max "Maximum black" xg2_black_width "Width" xg2_more "More" xg2_contrast "Contrast" xg2_saturation "Saturation" xg2_bleed "Bleed" xg2_gamutmap "Gamut mapping" xg2_intended_tic "Intended total\nink coverage" ! ! ! Dialog PR_ADJUST ! title_pr_adjust_ct6 "Print Layout" pr_adjust_set_button "Layout adjustment and size..." pr_adjust_set_header "Print Settings" pr_adjust_imp "2-sided printing" pr_adjust_sep "Single separations" pr_adjust_filter "Apply filter" pr_adjust_alpha_ign "Apply alpha channels of TIFF images" pr_adjust_mirror "Mirror" pr_adjust_invert "Invert" pr_adjust_mod "Modify..." pr_adjust_k100 "Keep pure K100" pr_adjust_k100_cmy "Keep K100 and color correct CMY values only" pr_adjust_sharp_hdr "Image Sharpening" pr_adjust_sharpen "Sharpen images" pr_adjust_factor_all "Factor for all images" pr_adjust_factor_scaled "Factor for scaled images only" pr_adjust_interpol "Image Interpolation" pr_adjust_interpol_no "No" pr_adjust_interpol_lin "Linear" pr_adjust_interpol_cubic "Bi-cubic" pr_adjust_fine "Fine printing" pr_adjust_misreg "Misregistration" pr_adjust_misreg_sub "Apply misregistration" pr_adjust_flexo "Paper Simulation" pr_adjust_flexo_use "Apply paper simulation" ! ! All other text from dialog PR_ADJUST ! ! ! Dialog PR_ADJUST_CT6 ! ! All text from dialog PR_ADJUST ! ! ! Dialog PR_ADJUST_USER ! title_adjust_user "Adjustment and Size" adjust_user_orig "Original size and orientation" adjust_user_auto_scale "Scale automatically" adjust_user_auto_rot "Rotate automatically" adjust_user_scaling "Scaling" adjust_user_scale "Scale" scale_shrink "Shrink to paper size" scale_scale "Scale to paper size" scale_factor "Factor" adjust_user_scale_x "Scaling factor X" adjust_user_scale_y "Scaling factor Y" adjust_user_prop "Maintain proportions" adjust_user_orient "Orientation" ! ! ! Dialog PR_BLEED ! title_pr_bleed "Marks/Info" pr_bleed_header "Header" pr_bleed_additional "More..." pr_bleed_errors "Errors" pr_bleed_font_size "Header font size" pr_bleed_logo "Customer logo" pr_bleed_logo_cert "Customer logo for \nautom. certification" pr_bleed_marks_page "Page marks / Bleed page..." ! ! ! Dialog PR_BLEED_ALL ! title_pr_bleed_all "Page Marks/Bleed Page" pr_bleed_none "None" pr_bleed_marks "Page marks" pr_bleed_crop "Crop marks" pr_bleed_outline "Outline" pr_bleed_corners "Corners" pr_bleed_offset "Corner offset" pr_bleed_reg "Register marks" pr_bleed_cross "Cross" pr_bleed_cross_circle "Cross and circle" pr_bleed_scale "Color scale" pr_bleed_scale_perc "10% to 100% scale" pr_bleed_page "Bleed page" pr_bleed_units "Unit of \nmeasurement" pr_bleed_align "Roland printer align points" pr_align_none "None" pr_align_roland "Print" pr_align_roland_mirrored "Print mirrored" ! ! ! Dialog PR_BLEED_MARKS ! title_pr_bleed_marks "Page Marks" ! ! ! Dialog PR_BLEED_PAGE ! title_pr_bleed_page "Bleed Page" ! ! ! Dialog PR_COLOR_SETTINGS ! title_vorlage "Color Settings" pr_col_set_cal "Calibration" pr_col_set_col_corr "Color correction" pr_col_set_spot_corr "Spot color correction" ! ! ! Dialog PR_COLORS(_DP) ! title_pr_colors "Color Correction" pr_colors_emb_prof "Embedded Profiles (used for PDF/X files if enabled)" pr_colors_def "Default profiles" pr_colors_rgb "RGB" pr_colors_hex "Hexachrome, GOP,\nN-channel, HiFi color" pr_colors_hexachrome "Hexachrome" pr_colors_output "Output Color Space" pr_colors_none "None/Undefined" pr_colors_icc_only "ICC profiles only" pr_colors_sel "Select profiles..." pr_colors_cc_table "!{OEM_ORIS__DAT} color table" emb_prof_try "Apply if existing, else apply default profile" emb_prof_always "Always use default profiles" emb_prof_never "Use profiles or separation table in !{OEM_ORIS__DAT} file" pr_colors_pdf "PDF/X Input Files" pr_colors_ignore "Use embedded profiles and output intent, ignore profile settings" ! fp_adapt_enter_target_pw "Adapt target paper white..." fp_adapt_enter_pw "Adapt proof paper white..." ! ! ! Further ICC settings used in MF_FP_PICCONVERT_COLORM_PAR and MF_FP_COLORM_PAR ! emb_prof_default "Ignore and apply default profile" emb_prof_dat "Use profiles or separation table in !{OEM_ORIS__DAT} file" emb_prof_apply_or_none "Apply if existing, else no color correction" emb_prof_try_cancel "Apply, cancel output if not existing for all images" ! ! ! Dialog PR_COLORS_SUB ! title_pr_colors_sub "Select ICC Profiles" pr_colors_sub_col_space "Document Color Space" pr_colors_sub_hint "PDF/X files: Embedded profiles are always used and matched with the output intent." pr_colors_sub_other "Other documents:" pr_colors_sub_ues_emb "Use embedded profiles, if available, otherwise the following default profiles:" pr_colors_rgb_profile "RGB profile" pr_colors_sub_target "Target Color Space" pr_colors_sub_hint_2 "PDF/X files: Output intent is used, if available, otherwise the following profile:" pr_colors_sub_cmyk_prof "CMYK profile" pr_colors_sub_dev "Device Color Space" pr_colors_sub_proof "Proof profile" ! ! ! Dialog PR_DOTPROOF ! title_pr_dotproof "Dot Proofing Settings" pr_dotproof_quality "Dot proofing quality" dp_standard "Standard" dp_medium "Medium" dp_high "High" ! ! ! Dialog PR_DOTPROOF_CCM ! title_pr_dp_ccm "Dot Proofing Settings" pr_dp_ccm_quality "Dot proofing quality" pr_dp_ccm_limit "Ink Limiting" pr_dp_ccm_1_ch "For one channel (max. 100%)" pr_dp_ccm_4_ch "For four channels (max. 400%)" pr_dp_ccm_gamma "Gamma" pr_dp_ccm_gamma_0_4 "Gamma: (0.0 ... 4.0)" ! ! ! Dialog PR_DOTPROOF_TI ! title_pr_dp_ti "Dot Proofing Settings" pr_dp_ti_res "Dot proofing resolution" pr_dp_ti_angles "Screen Angles" pr_dp_ti_spot1 "Spot color 1" pr_dp_ti_spot2 "Spot color 2" pr_dp_ti_spot3 "Spot color 3" pr_dp_ti_spot4 "Spot color 4" pr_dp_ti_degree "+ 7,5°" pr_dp_ti_def "Default" ! ! ! Dialog PR_DP_ADJUST ! title_pr_dp_adjust "Print Layout" pr_dp_adjust_settings "Layout adjustment and size..." pr_dp_adjust_set_header "Print Settings" ! ! ! Dialog PR_DP_ADJUST_USER ! title_dp_adjust_user "Adjustment and Size" ! ! ! Dialog PR_DP_BLEED ! title_pr_dp_bleed "Marks/Info" ! ! ! Dialog PR_DP_CERTIFICATION ! title_pr_dp_cert "Certification" pr_dp_cert_target "Certification with following \nprint target" pr_dp_cert_cert_required "Proof certification required (Certification results indicated in COLOR TUNER)" pr_dp_cert_col_bar "Color Bar" pr_dp_cert_auto_meas "Measure color bar automatically" pr_dp_cert_ref "Color bar reference" pr_dp_cert_dry_time "Drying time (in min.)" pr_dp_cert_dir "Directory for \nmeasurement files" pr_dp_cert_spectral "Write spectral data instead of Lab values" pr_dp_cert_pos "Position" ! ! ! Dialog PR_DP_COLORS ! title_pr_dp_colors "Color Correction" pr_dp_colors_icc "ICC profiles" pr_dp_colors_target "Target (CMYK)" pr_dp_colors_proof "Proof" ! ! ! Dialog PR_DP_ROLAND ! title_pr_dp_roland "Roland" pr_dp_roland_return "Return to origin after printing" pr_dp_roland_align "Align points" pr_roland_none "None" pr_roland_print "Print" pr_roland_print_mirrored "Print mirrored" pr_roland_apply "Apply" pr_dp_roland_ovp "Overprint" pr_dp_roland_times "times" pr_dp_roland_vacuum "Printing vacuum" pr_dp_roland_panel "Printer panel" pr_dp_roland_default "Default" pr_dp_roland_high "High" pr_dp_roland_low "Low" pr_dp_roland_speed "Print head speed" milimeters_per_second "mm/s" pr_dp_roland_space "Paper space" pr_dp_roland_height "Print head height" pr_dp_roland_ignore "Do not care" pr_dp_roland_feed "Paper feed calibration" pr_dp_roland_use_varnish "Varnish" pr_dp_roland_silver "Metallic" pr_dp_roland_ink "Metallic ink" pr_dp_roland_varnish "Varnish name" pr_dp_roland_color_names "Color names..." pr_dp_roland_duty "Metallic ink duty" ! ! ! Dialog PR_DP_TREIBER ! title_pr_dp_driver "Driver" pr_dp_driver_manu "Manufacturer" pr_dp_driver_model "Model" pr_dp_driver_col_mode "Color mode" pr_dp_driver_neutral "Neutral grey" pr_dp_driver_increase "Increase ink coverage" pr_dp_driver_cmyk "CMYK driver" pr_dp_driver_col_method "Printing method" pr_dp_driver_settings "Dot proofing settings..." pr_dp_driver_adv "Advanced printing settings" prt_dp_quality_standard "Standard quality" prt_dp_quality_improved "Improved quality" ! ! ! Dialog PR_EMAIL_EVENTS ! title_pr_email "Email Notification" pr_email_send "Send Email Notification" pr_email_always "All types" pr_email_cat "For all events of the following type:" pr_email_infos "Information" pr_email_warn "Warning" pr_email_succ "Success" pr_email_err "Error" pr_email_sp "For specific events:" pr_email_if_sp "Softproof being created" pr_email_sp_rej "Softproof available" pr_email_start "Output started" pr_email_term "Output finished" pr_email_err_fold "Job copied to error folder" pr_email_succ_fold "Job copied to success folder" pr_email_cert_requ "Certification requested" pr_email_add_scatter "Job added to scatter proof form" ! ! ! Dialog PR_FILEHANDLING ! title_pr_filehandling "Success/Error Handling" pr_filehandling_success "In Case of Success" pr_filehandling_copy_succ "Copy job to success folder" pr_filehandling_del "Delete job from queue" pr_filehandling_error "In Case of Error" pr_filehandling_copy_err "Copy job to error folder" ! ! ! Dialog PR_FILTER, PR_DP_FILTER ! title_pr_filter "Filter" pr_filter_start "Start ink coverage" pr_filter_start_value "Color start value (0...20%)" pr_filter_noise "Noise" pr_filter_dp "(0...100%)" pr_filter_cyan "Cyan (0...100%)" pr_filter_magenta "Magenta (0...100%)" pr_filter_yellow "Yellow (0...100%)" pr_filter_key "Key (0...100%)" pr_filter_same "Same noise for all channels" ! pr_filter_noise_def "Default setting" ! ! ! Dialog PR_FLEXO ! title_pr_flexo "Paper Simulation" pr_flexo_texture "Texture" pr_flexo_dens "Texture density" pr_flexo_rotate "Rotate texture" ! ! ! Dialog PR_HPDJZ_ADVANCED ! title_pr_hp_advanced "HP Designjet Z Series Tools" hp_tool_keep_width "Keep image width" hp_tool_advanced "Measure Chart" ! ! ! Dialog PR_IMAGEOUT ! title_pr_imageout "Print to File" pr_imgout_dir "Output directory" pr_imgout_res "Resolution" pr_imgout_comp "Compression" ! ! ! Dialog PR_IMPOSITION ! title_pr_imposition "2-Sided Printing - Offset" pr_imposition_odd "Offset of odd pages" pr_imposition_top "Top" pr_imposition_left "Left" pr_imposition_even "Offset of even pages" ! ! ! Dialog PR_KALIB ! title_pr_kalib "Calibration" pr_kalib_hdr "Linearization and Calibration" pr_kalib_none "None" pr_kalib_table "Table" pr_kalib_lin "Linearization" pr_kalib_cal "Calibration" pr_kalib_recal "Recalibration" pr_kalib_sched "Schedule..." ! ! ! Dialog PR_LOADBALANCE ! title_pr_loadbalance "Load Balancing" pr_load_balance_queue "Queue" pr_load_balance_hint "Add queues to load-balance jobs between these queues" pr_load_balance_all "All queues" ! ! ! PR_MAIN ! title_pr_main "Print" pr_main_printer "Printer" pr_main_queue "Queue" pr_main_job "Job" pr_main_copies "Copies" pr_main_print_file "Print file" pr_main_presets "Presets" pr_main_test_batch "Create Test Batch..." pr_main_options "Options >>" ! ! ! Dialog PR_MISREG ! title_pr_misreg "Misregistration" pr_misred_add_spot "Add spot color" pr_misred_reset "Reset value" pr_misred_clear "Clear all values" pr_misreg_h_mismatch "Horizontal mismatch" pr_misreg_mm "mm" pr_misreg_v_mismatch "Vertical mismatch" pr_misreg_h_dist "Horizontal distortion" pr_misreg_v_dist "Vertical distortion" ! ! ! Dialog PR_PAPIER ! title_pr_paper "Paper" pr_papier_type "Paper type" pr_papier_upd "Paper list update..." pr_papier_res "Resolution" pr_papier_qual "Quality" pr_papier_mode "Printing mode" pr_papier_source "Paper source" pr_paper_bk_sharp "BK sharp" pr_papier_width "Width" pr_papier_size "Paper size" pr_papier_height "Height" pr_papier_tray "Output tray" pr_papier_cut "Auto cut" pr_papier_line "Print page line" pr_nozzle_check "Print nozzle check pattern" pr_auto_roll "Auto roll source selection" pr_chroma_opt "Chroma optimizer" pr_auto "Auto" pr_all "All" pa_print_borderless "Print borderless" ! ! ! Dialog PR_PRINT_INFO ! title_pr_print_info "Additional Information" pr_print_info_opt "Optional Info Lines" pr_print_info_program "Program info" pr_print_info_doc "Document name and size" pr_print_info_inch "Sizes in inches" pr_print_info_date "Date and time" pr_print_info_user "User name" pr_print_info_colcorr "Color correction info" pr_print_info_dat "Components of !{OEM_ORIS__DAT} file" pr_print_info_complete "Specify files with complete path names" pr_print_info_params "Print parameters" pr_print_info_queue "Queue name" pr_print_info_qual "Program parameters/qualifiers (for support purposes)" ! ! ! Dialog PR_PRINTPARAMETERS ! title_pr_printparameters "Workflow" pr_pripa_softproof "Softproof Enabled" pr_pripa_icc "ICC output profile" pr_pripa_sp_requ "Softproof required" pr_pripa_set "Softproof settings" pr_pripa_email "Email Notification" pr_pripa_address "Email address" pr_pripa_events "Events on which to notify..." pr_pripa_wf "Watched Folder" pr_pripa_input_folder "Input folder" pr_pripa_subdir "Scan subdirectories" pr_pripa_wait "Start jobs manually (e.g. wait to view previews)" pr_pripa_prev "Create thumbnails and previews" pr_pripa_all_pages "Enable previews for all pages" pr_pripa_max_jobs "Maximum number of jobs to be processed simultaneously" ! ! ! Dialog PR_PS_ADJUST ! title_pr_ps_adjust "Print Layout" pr_adjust_layout "Layout Adjustment" pr_ps_adjust_orig "Original size and orientation" pr_ps_adjust_auto "Automatic" pr_ps_adjust_rot "Rotate" pr_ps_adjust_scale "Scale" pr_ps_adjust_user "User-defined" pr_adjust_center "Center" pr_adjust_center_no "No" pr_adjust_center_width "Width and height" pr_adjust_center_height "Width" pr_ps_adjust_2sided "2-Sided-Printing" pr_ps_adjust_use_2sided "Apply 2-sided printing" pr_ps_adjust_res_drvr "Use resolution of printer driver" pr_adjust_scale "Scale" pr_adjust_scale_x "Scaling factor X" pr_adjust_scale_y "Scaling factor Y" pr_adjust_prop "Maintain proportions" pr_adjust_orientation "Orientation" ! ! ! Dialog PR_PS_ADJUST_CT6 ! pr_ps_adjust_auto_scale "Scale automatically" pr_ps_adjust_auto_rot "Rotate automatically" pr_ps_adjust_center "Center" pr_adjust_scaling "Scaling" ! ! ! Dialogs PR_ROLAND ! title_pr_roland "Roland" pr_roland_contour "Contour Cutting" pr_roland_cut_only "Cut only" pr_roland_cut_img_bound "Cut image boundaries" pr_roland_cut_img_return "Return to origin after cutting" pr_roland_cut_contour "Cut contour" pr_roland_cut_vacuum "Cut vacuum" pr_roland_more "Advanced Settings" pr_roland_passes "Cut passes" pr_roland_times "times" pr_roland_speed "Speed" pr_roland_press "Pressure" pr_roland_gf "gf" pr_roland_blade "Blade offset" ! ! Dialogs PR_ROLAND and SETUP_WIZ_MUTLIPASS ! matte_varnish "Matte Varnish" gloss_varnish "Gloss Varnish" embossing "Embossing" ! ! ! Dialog PR_ROLAND_COLDFOIL ! title_pr_roland_coldfoil "Cold Foil Varnish Settings" pr_roland_coldfoil_name "Varnish name" pr_roland_coldfoil_duty "Varnish ink duty" pr_roland_coldfoil_channels "Varnish ink channels" pr_roland_coldfoil_uv_ctrl "UV Lamp Control" pr_roland_lamp_pos "Position" pr_roland_home "Home" pr_roland_front "Front" pr_roland_lamp_pos_l "Left lamp" pr_roland_lamp_pos_r "Right lamp" pr_roland_lamp_power_header "Power" pr_roland_lamp_power "For head movement from" pr_roland_head_r_l "Right to left" pr_roland_head_l_r "Left to right" ! ! ! Dialog PR_ROLAND_CUT ! title_PR_ROLAND_CUT "Cut Settings" pr_roland_color_names "Color names..." pr_roland_list_panel "Printer panel" pr_roland_default "Default" pr_roland_high "High" pr_roland_low "Low" pr_roland_perf_cut "Perforation Cut" pr_roland_cut_length "Cut length" pr_roland_score_length "Perforation length" pr_roland_score_force "Perforation pressure" pr_roland_perf_cut_contour "Perforation cut contour" ! ! ! Dialog PR_ROLAND_EX ! title_pr_roland_ex "Roland" pr_roland_head_speed "Print head speed" pr_roland_drying_time "Drying time before paper feeding" pr_roland_multipass "Multi-Pass Print Sequence" pr_roland_colors "Colors" pr_roland_ex_ovp "Overprint" pr_roland_ex_var_mode "Varnish mode" pr_roland_ex_pass1 "1. Pass" pr_roland_ex_pass2 "2. Pass" pr_roland_ex_pass3 "3. Pass" pr_roland_ex_maxspeed "Max. speed" pr_roland_ex_white "White settings" pr_roland_ex_var_set "Varnish settings" pr_roland_ex_silver "Metallic settings" pr_roland_uv_set "UV lamp settings" pr_roland_cf_set "Cold foil varnish settings" pr_roland_ex_cut "Cutting" pr_roland_ex_printer "Printer" pr_roland_add_set "Additional Settings" pr_roland_ex_pink "Pink settings" ! ! ! Dialog PR_ROLAND_PRINTER ! title_pr_roland_printer "Additional Printer Settings" pr_roland_align "Print/apply align points" pr_roland_space "Paper space" pr_roland_control "Use Intelligent Pass Control" pr_roland_height "Print head height" pr_roland_ignore "Do not care" pr_roland_vacuum "Printing vacuum" pr_roland_feed "Paper feed calibration" pr_roland_panel "Printer panel" pr_roland_clean_while_printing "Clean while printing" pr_roland_user_def "User-defined" pr_roland_wiping "Wiping" pr_roland_less "Less" pr_roland_normal "Normal" pr_roland_medium "Medium" pr_roland_clean_time "Clean every" ! ! ! Dialog PR_ROLAND_SILVER ! title_pr_roland_silver "Metallic Settings" pr_roland_silver "Metallic" pr_roland_silver_ink "Metallic ink" pr_roland_silver_duty "Metallic ink duty" ! ! ! Dialog PR_ROLAND_VARNISH ! title_pr_roland_varnish "Varnish Settings" pr_roland_varnish "Varnish" pr_roland_varnish_name "Varnish name" pr_roland_varnish_duty "Varnish ink duty" ! ! ! Dialog PR_ROLAND_WHITE ! title_pr_roland_white "White Settings" pr_roland_print_white "Print with White Ink" pr_roland_white_sep "White separation (spot color)" pr_roland_white_bck_areas "Background for printed areas" pr_roland_white_ink_cover "Ink coverage (0...100%)" pr_roland_white_bck_page "Background for complete page" pr_roland_white_duty "White ink duty" white_high_density "High contrast white" pr_roland_white_tinted "Tinted white" pr_roland_white_merge_mode "Overlapping white separations" merge_mode_max "Use maximum value" merge_mode_add "Add values together" ! ! ! Dialog PR_ROLAND_PINK ! title_pr_roland_pink "Pink Settings" pr_roland_pink "Pink" pr_roland_pink_name "Pink name" pr_roland_pink_duty "Pink ink duty" ! ! ! Dialog PR_SAVE_AS ! title_pr_sqave_as "Duplicate Queue" pr_save_as_complete "Duplicate queue setup files (no links to original files)" pr_save_as_hint "Please enter a new name for the COLOR TUNER queue" pr_save_as_exist "Existing queues" pr_save_as_new "New queue" pr_save_as_wf "Watched folder" pr_save_as_select_create_vp "Create virtual printer" ! ! ! Dialog PR_SCATTERPROOF_SETTINGS ! title_pr_scatter "Scatter Proofing" pr_scatter_use "Use Scatter Proofing" pr_scatter_print "Print jobs:" pr_scatter_auto "automatically when scatter proof form is full" pr_scatter_intervals "automatically at following regular intervals,\nat the latest when scatter proof form is full:" pr_scatter_manu "manually via 'Utilities | Scatter Proof Manager' (jobs can be rearranged)" pr_scatter_info "Additional information for each document" pr_scatter_other "Other..." pr_scatter_colbar "Color bar" pr_scatter_paper "Paper usage..." pr_scatter_oversize "Oversized documents..." pr_scatter_layout "Document layout..." ! ! ! Dialog PR_SECOND_DAT ! title_pr_second_dat "Second Color Correction (2nd DAT)" pr_second_dat_file "Second color correction file" pr_second_dat_none "None" pr_second_dat_table "Table" ! ! ! Dialog PR_SEPARATIONS ! title_pr_separations "Separations" pr_separations_col_comb "Process Color Combination" pr_separation_all "Print all separations together" pr_separation_sep "Print each spot color separation separately" pr_separation_gray "Print single separations in grayscales" ! ! ! Dialog PR_SOFTPROOF_SETTINGS ! title_pr_sp_set "Softproof Settings" pr_sp_set_file "Softproof File" pr_sp_set_res "Output resolution" pr_sp_set_comp "Image compression" sp_compr_jpeg "JPEG" sp_compr_jpeg2000 "JPEG 2000" pr_sp_set_options "Softproof Options" pr_sp_set_val "Validity of monitor calibration (in days)" pr_sp_set_min "Minimum gamut match between monitor and output profile (in %)" pr_sp_set_d_max "Maximum Delta E" ! ! ! Dialogs PR_SPOCO, PR_SPOCO_NO_WHITE, RFP_WIZ_SPOCO ! title_pr_spoco "Spot Color Correction" pr_spoco_scc "Spot Color Correction" pr_spoco_none "None" pr_spoco_table "Table" pr_spoco_use_cal "Use calibration with spot color correction" pr_spoco_use_cxf "Apply CxF/X-4 data in PDF files" pr_spoco_strict "Check for exact spot color name suffix" pr_spoco_use_cxf_always "Always apply CxF/X-4" pr_spoco_sp_sub "Color substitution" pr_spoco_white_ink "Print with White Ink" pr_spoco_white_sep "White separation (spot color)" pr_spoco_col_names "Color names..." pr_spoco_white_back "Background for printed areas" pr_spoco_ink_cov "Ink coverage (0...100%)" pr_spoco_white_compl "Background for complete page" pr_spoco_duty "White ink duty" pr_spoco_tint "Tinted white" pr_spoco_strict_spot "Cancel output in case of missing spot color in SCG file" pr_spoco_crea_col_atl "Define spot colors visually" pr_spoco_edit_private_osc "Define brand colors" ! title_rfp_wiz_spoco_spoco "White Ink" ! ! ! Dialog PR_WHITE_FOR_CHART ! title_white_for_chart "White Ink Background" ! ! ! Dialog PRESSMATCHER ! title_pressmatcher "ICC Color Space Transformation" pressmatcher_source "Source ICC profile (color space of your documents before the color match)" pr_pressmatcher_meas "Measure..." pressmatcher_target "Target ICC profile (color space after the color match)" pressmatcher_total "Total ink coverage after the match" pressmatcher_keep_k "Keep pure black" pressmatcher_keep_col "Keep pure colors" pressmatcher_ri "CMYK-CMYK Rendering Intent" pressmatcher_sep "RGB-CMYK Separation" ! ! ! Dialog PRINT_ON_EPSON_ADVANCED ! (For internal use only!) ! ! ! Dialog PRINTER_LIST_DLG ! title_printer_list_dlg "Printer Driver List" printer_driver_list "Printer drivers:" ! ! ! Dialog PRINTER_STATUS ! title_printer_status "Printer Status" printer_status_pri "Printer" printer_status_auto "Automatically update every" printer_status_update "Update" printer_status_port "Printer port" printer_status_queue "Queue status" printer_status_num_jobs "Number of jobs queued" printer_status_meas_dev "Measurement device" printer_status_meas_dev_upd "Update" printer_status_ip "Printer IP address" printer_status_serial "Printer serial number" printer_status_model "Printer model" printer_status_state "Printer state" printer_status_media "Media type" printer_status_ink_levels "Ink Levels" ! ! ! Dialog PROGRESS_DIALOG ! title_progress_dialog "Progress" progress_load "Loading document..." progress_view "View log" ! ! ! Dialog PSP_SUBDIALOG_A ! title_psp_subdialog_a "Define OPI Paths" psp_a_use_opi "Use OPI comments" psp_a_dir "Directories" ! ! ! Dialog PSP_SUBDIALOG_B ! title_psp_subdialog_b "Advanced PostScript/PDF Parameters" psp_b_trap "Use trapping" psp_b_compl "Complex transparency for overprinting grayscale images" psp_b_grayscale "Set grayscale images to overprint" psp_b_keep_ps_spot "Keep Photoshop V2.5 - 4 image spot color separations" psp_b_min_width "Minimum width for lines" psp_b_knockout "Always knockout white tints" psp_b_increase "Increase size of tints and image clipping paths" psp_b_ignore "Ignore checksum mismatch of Flate compressed data" psp_b_repair_ill "Repair faulty Illustrator gradients (spot colors are converted to CMYK)" psp_b_pdf_rot "Apply and then remove PDF orientation key" psp_b_omit "Omit inactive Acrobat layers" psp_b_ovp_icc "Apply overprint to ICC-based CMYK tints" psp_b_acr_comp "Use Acrobat compatibility mode" psp_b_comp_acr7 "Acrobat 7 or older" psp_b_comp_acr8 "Acrobat 8 or newer" ! ! ! Dialog PSP_SUBDIALOG_C ! title_psp_subdialog_c "Preflight Parameters" psp_c_cancel "Cancel Print Job If" psp_c_miss_fonts "fonts are missing" psp_c_nonemb_fonts "fonts are not embedded" psp_c_nonemb_fonts_cap "Fonts are not embedded" psp_c_rgb "RGB data is used" psp_c_allow_rgb "Allow ICCBased RGB" psp_c_lab "Lab data is used" psp_c_allow_lab "Allow ICCBased Lab" psp_c_icc "embedded ICC profiles are used" psp_c_hairlines "hairlines are used" psp_c_ovp_white "overprinting white tints are used" psp_c_ovp_other "other colors than K100 are overprinting" psp_c_spots "spot colors are used" psp_c_spots_ambig "spot color has multiple CMYK equivalents" psp_c_jpeg_decomp "warnings occur during JPEG decompression" psp_c_jpeg_hr_miss "high resolution OPI images are missing" psp_c_img_res_below "image resolution is below" psp_c_img_res_above "image resolution exceeds" psp_c_col_val_exc_perc "%" psp_c_col_val_exc "an object's color values exceed" psp_c_on_img_exceed "on images an area of" psp_c_page_width "page width exceeds" psp_c_page_height "page height exceeds" psp_c_bleed "bleed is less than" psp_c_pdf "PDF version is higher than" psp_c_pdf_comply "PDF files do not comply with" psp_c_pdf_1a_2001 "PDF/X-1a:2001" psp_c_pdf_3_2002 "PDF/X-3:2002" psp_c_pdf_1a_2003 "PDF/X-1a:2003" psp_c_pdf_3_2003 "PDF/X-3:2003" ! ! ! Notice to translators: ! The next two strings form the sentence '(If) font xxxxx is used' ! In languages with different word order it might be necessary to leave the second string empty (""). ! psp_c_font "font" psp_c_used "is used" ! ! ! Dialogs SETUP_WIZ_CAL_CHART ! RECAL_WIZ_CAL_CHART ! title_SETUP_WIZ_CAL_CHART "Calibration Test Chart" setup_wiz_cal_chart_info "Select the calibration test chart related to the measurement device." ! ! ! ! ! Dialog RFP_CREATE ! title_rfp_create "Create Reference Printer Profile" rfp_create_meas_file "Measurement file" rfp_create_gam_limit "Degree of gamut limitation" ! ! ! Dialog RFP_EDIT ! title_rfp_edit "RFP Editor" rfp_edit_fields_filter "Fields Used to Filter the Matching RFP Files" rfp_edit_printer "PRINTER" rfp_edit_type "TYPE" rfp_edit_fields_display "Fields Used for Screen Display Only" rfp_edit_printer_dn "PRINTER_DN" rfp_edit_res_dn "RESOLUTION_DN" rfp_edit_comment "COMMENT" rfp_edit_presets_apc "Presets for APC" rfp_edit_method "PRINT METHOD" rfp_edit_medium "MEDIUM" rfp_edit_pdpi "PDPI" rfp_edit_dither "DITHER" rfp_edit_qual "QUALITY" rfp_edit_max_dens "MAX_DENSITY" rfp_edit_ink_limit "INK_LIMIT" rfp_edit_reset "Reset" rfp_edit_grad "GRADATION" rfp_edit_num_inks "NUM_INKS" rfp_edit_firmware "FIRMWARE" rfp_edit_scale "SCALE" rfp_edit_raster "RASTERRES/ANGLE" rfp_edit_ink_duty "INK_DUTY" rfp_edit_white_ink "WHITE_INK" rfp_edit_white_duty "WHITE_INK_DUTY" rfp_edit_condition "CONDITION" rfp_edit_rol_speed "ROLAND_PRINT_SPEED" rfp_edit_example "Example" rfp_edit_fill "Fill..." rfp_edit_cop_all "Copy all" rfp_edit_copy "Copy" ! ! ! Dialog RFP_LIST ! title_rfp_list "Reference Printer Profiles" rfp_list_dir "Directory" rfp_list_frp "RFP" rfp_list_show "Show also files not matching the printer model" ! ! ! RFP_WIZ_PROP_SHEET ! (No particular text) ! ! ! Dialog RFP_WIZ_COMMENT ! rfp_wiz_comment_tag "Enter Comment" rfp_wiz_comment_title "Enter Comment" rfp_wiz_comment "You can add an optional comment to the reference printer profile." ! ! ! Dialogs RFP_WIZ_COMPL ! LIN_WIZ_COMPL ! rfp_wiz_finished_tag "Reference Printer Profile Wizard" rfp_wiz_finished_title "Reference Printer Profile Wizard" rfp_wiz_grat "Congratulations!" lin_wiz_finished_tag "Linearization Wizard" lin_wiz_finished_title "Linearization Wizard" lin_wiz_txt "Your printer is now linearized." ! ! ! Dialog RFP_WIZ_EMBEDDED_MD ! rfp_wiz_emb_tag "Embedded Spectrophotometer" rfp_wiz_emb_title "Embedded Spectrophotometer" rfp_wiz_emb_sm "This printer has an embedded spectrophotometer." rfp_wiz_emb_use_ext "I want to use an external spectrophotometer for measuring" rfp_wiz_emb_use_emb "I want to use the embedded spectrophotometer for measuring" rfp_wiz_emb_dir "Directory for measurement files" rfp_wiz_emb_note "Note: The embedded spectrophotometer should only be used for proof output on paper. We recommend to use an external measurement device for proof output on film." ! ! ! Dialog RFP_WIZ_INK_LIMIT ! rfp_wiz_ink_limit_title "Reduce Ink Coverage" rfp_wiz_il_hint "To reduce ink drying time it is advisable to limit the total ink coverage." rfp_wiz_use_il "I want to limit the total ink coverage" rfp_wiz_no_il "I don't want to limit the total ink coverage" ! ! ! Dialog RFP_WIZ_INTRO ! rfp_wiz_intro_title "Reference Printer Profile Wizard" rfp_wiz_intro_welcome "Welcome to the" rfp_wiz_intro_name "Reference Printer Profile Wizard" ! ! ! Dialog RFP_WIZ_ITER_GRD ! rfp_wiz_iter_grd_tag "Optimize Linearization" rfp_wiz_iter_grd_title "Optimize Linearization" rfp_wiz_iter_grd_hint "You can optimize the linearization by making additional measurements. Two measurements are recommended." rfp_wiz_iter_grd_opt "I want to optimize the linearization by additional measurements" rfp_wiz_iter_grd_finish "I want to finish the linearization process" ! ! ! Dialog RFP_WIZ_LIMIT ! rfp_wiz_limit_tag "Limit Color Gamut" rfp_wiz_limit_title "Limit Color Gamut" rfp_wiz_limit_hint "The reference printer must have a slightly smaller color gamut than the actual printer." rfp_wiz_limit_select "Select the degree of gamut limitation" rfp_wiz_limit_rec "We recommend 'Minor' or 'Moderate'." ! ! ! Dialogs RFP_WIZ_LIMIT_NCLR_GRD and SETUP_WIZ_LIMIT_NCLR_GRD ! title_rfp_wiz_limit_nclr_grd "Maximum Target Densities" rfp_wiz_limit_nclr_grd_txt "Set the maximum target densities" rfp_wiz_limit_nclr_grd_meas "Measurement" rfp_wiz_limit_nclr_grd_rfp "RFP" ! ! ! Dialog RFP_WIZ_MEAS_4D ! rfp_wiz_4d_tag "Measure Profiling Test Chart" rfp_wiz_4d_title "Measure Profiling Test Chart" rfp_wiz_4d_hint "Profiling the printer" rfp_wiz_4d_meas "I want to measure the profiling test chart" rfp_wiz_4d_no_meas "I have measured the profiling test chart already and want to load the measurement file now" ! ! ! Dialog RFP_WIZ_MEAS_GRD ! rfp_wiz_meas_grd_tag "Measure Linearization Test Chart" rfp_wiz_meas_grd_title "Measure Linearization Test Chart" rfp_wiz_meas_grd_hint "To create the linearization data the printed test chart must be measured." ! ! ! Dialog RFP_WIZ_MEAS_NCLR_GRD ! rfp_wiz_meas_mclr_grd_txt "What do you want to do with the linearization test chart?" rfp_wiz_meas_mclr_grd_ok "I have measured the test chart already and want to load a measurement file" rfp_wiz_meas_mclr_grd_meas "I want to measure the test chart" ! ! ! Dialog RFP_WIZ_PRI_4D ! rfp_wiz_pri_4d_tag "Select Profiling Test Chart" rfp_wiz_pri_4d_title "Select Profiling Test Chart" rfp_wiz_pri_4d_hint "Select a test chart for profiling your printer.\nThis test chart will be printed afterwards." ! ! ! Dialog RFP_WIZ_PRI_GRD ! rfp_wiz_pri_grd_tag "Print Linearization Test Chart" rfp_wiz_pri_grd_title "Print Linearization Test Chart" rfp_wiz_pri_grd_hint1 "To linearize your printer you have to print a linearization test chart." rfp_wiz_pri_grd_hint2 "If you are using a printer with embedded measurement device please make sure that you have selected the correct test chart." ! ! ! Dialog SCATTERED_QUEUE ! title_scattered_queue "Scatter Proof Manager" sq_queue_file "Queue file" sq_jobs "Jobs scattered" sq_waiting "Jobs waiting to be scattered" sq_printed "Printed jobs" sq_delete "Delete immediately" sq_auto_mode "Automatic mode, no manual intervention possible" sq_man_mode "Manual mode, click green checkmark to print collection" sq_scale "Scale" ! Tool Tips sq_tt_prio_inc "Increase priority of selected job" sq_tt_prio_dec "Decrease priority of selected job" sq_tt_delete "Delete selected job" sq_tt_tool_rotate "Rotate job" sq_tt_tool_copy "Duplicate job" sq_tt_tool_add_coll "Add job to queue" sq_tt_tool_rem_coll "Remove job from queue" sq_tt_tool_crop "Crop" sq_tt_tool_delete "Delete job" sq_tt_print_this "Accept collection and print" sq_tt_undo_layout "Undo collection" sq_tt_tool_scale "Scale collection" ! ! Context menu ! ! Note to translators: ! The underscore may be placed before any letter within the menu items. ! Only make sure that the following letter remains unique within the context menu. ! sq_menu_rotate "_Rotate" sq_menu_remove "Remove _from queue" sq_menu_add "_Add to queue" sq_menu_delete "_Delete job" sq_menu_duplicate "Du_plicate job" sq_menu_crop "_Crop" ! ! ! Dialog SCATTERPROOF_SUBDIALOG_A ! title_sq_sub_a "Paper Usage" sq_form_size "Size of Scatter Proof Form" sq_print_height "Printable height of endless paper" sq_reduce "Reduce printable area" sq_width "Width" sq_height "Height" sq_hint "This area must be covered by at least" sq_hint2 "Printing starts as soon as this coverage has been achieved." ! ! ! Dialog SCATTERPROOF_SUBDIALOG_B ! title_sq_sub_b "Oversized Documents" sq_ovsz_rot "Document may be rotated" sq_ovsz_scale "Document may be scaled down" ! ! ! Dialog SCATTERPROOF_SUBDIALOG_C ! title_sq_sub_c "Additional Info For Each Document" sq_doc_name "Name of document" sq_doc_type "Type of document" sq_col_space "Color space" sq_dim_def "Dimensions in default units" sq_dim_mm "Dimensions in mm" sq_dim_cm "Dimensions in cm" sq_dim_inch "Dimensions in inch" sq_dim_pix "Dimensions in pixels" sq_res_def "Resolution in default units" sq_res_lpmm "Resolution in lpmm" sq_res_lpcm "Resolution in lpcm" sq_res_dpi "Resolution in dpi" sq_date "Date of print job" sq_time "Time of print job" ! ! ! Dialog SCATTERPROOF_SUBDIALOG_D ! title_sq_sub_d "Document Layout" sq_layout "Documents on the Scatter Proof Form" sq_align "Align (Documents can be cut easily, but take up more room.)" sq_rot_across "Rotate pages to save paper" sq_borders "Add borders" sq_spacing "Spacing" sq_doc_size "Page size" ! ! ! Dialog SELECT_PRINTER ! title_sel_printer "Select Printer" ! ! ! Dialog SETTINGS ! title_settings "Preferences" ! ! ! Dialog SETTINGS_ACC ! settings_acc_title "Calibration/Color Matching" header_print_cal "Printer Calibration" keep_black "Keep pure black" keep_colors "Keep pure colors" sim_pap_white "Simulate paper white" header_spoco_corr_wiz "Spot Color Correction Wizard" spoco_corr_wiz_text "Do not print additional patches if the number of spot colors to optimize exceeds" default_cal_test_chart "Calibration test chart" ! ! ! Dialog SETTINGS_ACC_MF ! set_acc_mf_title "Calibration / Color Matching" set_acc_print_cal "Printer Calibration" set_acc_keep_black "Keep pure black" set_acc_keep_colors "Keep pure colors" set_acc_sim_white "Simulate paper white" set_acc_mf_iter "Iterations" set_acc_criteria "Program indicates satisfactory results when the following criteria are met:" set_acc_mf_aver_de "Ø dE better than" set_acc_mf_max_de "Max. dE better than" set_acc_mf_max_dh "Max. dH primary colors" set_acc_mf_dh_cmy "Ø dH CMY gray" set_acc_mf_def "Default values" set_acc_mf_max_dch "Ø dCh CMY gray" ! ! ! Dialog SETTINGS_DATABASE ! title_set_db "Database" set_dp_check "Check and repair database" set_dp_copy "Create database backup copy" set_db_backup "Backup" set_db_task "Create database backup task" set_db_recover "Recover database backup copy" ! ! ! Dialog SETTINGS_DATABASE_BACKUP ! title_set_dp_backup "Schedule Database Backup" set_db_backup_activate "Activate Database Backup" set_db_backup_start "Start Time" set_db_backup_daily "Daily" set_db_backup_other "Other" set_db_backup_schedule "Scheduled database backup" set_db_backup_start_now "Start now" set_db_backup_dir "Backup directory" set_db_backup_user "Backup by user" set_db_backup_pw "Password" set_db_backup_pw_confirm "Password confirmation" set_db_backup_num_copies "Number of backup copies to keep" ! ! Common dialog names ! set_weekday_all "Daily" set_weekday_mon "Mon" set_weekday_tue "Tue" set_weekday_wed "Wed" set_weekday_thu "Thu" set_weekday_fri "Fri" set_weekday_sat "Sat" set_weekday_sun "Sun" ! ! ! Dialog SETTINGS_EMAIL ! title_set_email "Email Setup" set_email_server "SMTP Server" set_email_port "SMTP Port" set_email_user "User name" set_email_pw "Password" set_email_address "Email address" ! ! ! Dialog SETTINGS_EMBEDDED_MEASDEV ! title_set_emb_measdev "Embedded Measure Devices" set_emb_measdev_epson "Epson SpectroProofer" set_emb_measdev_air "Air dry" set_emb_measdev_time_min "Drying time (min)" set_emb_measdev_fan "Air blast fan" set_emb_measdev_power "Fan power" set_emb_measdev_response "Response status" set_emb_measdev_upside "Measure test charts upside down" set_emb_measdev_film "Create test charts with vertical \nspace (for film)" set_emb_measdev_xrga_ils "Use XRGA standard (only ILS20)" set_emb_measdev_hp "HP Designjet Z Series" set_emb_measdev_time_sec "Drying time (sec)" set_emb_meas_mode_ils "Measurement mode (only ILS30)" set_emb_meas_mode "Measurement mode" set_emb_meas_mode_m0 "M0 (No filter)" set_emb_meas_mode_m1 "M1" set_emb_meas_mode_m2 "M2/UV-cut filter" ! set_emb_measdev_canon "Canon iPF Spectrophotometer" set_emb_measdev_no_dry "No drying" set_emb_measdev_max_time "Max. drying time" set_emb_measdev_fan_pos "Fan position" set_emb_measdev_low "low" set_emb_measdev_high "high" set_emb_measdev_uvcut "UV-cut filter" ! ! ! Dialog SETTINGS_ESKO ! settings_esko_title "Esko" settings_esko_path "Path to Esko Color Database (bg_data_cms_v010)" settings_esko_get_env "Get from environment" settings_esko_server "Esko License Server (server name or localhost)" ! ! ! Dialog SETTINGS_ICC ! d_formula "Delta E formula" header_mon_prof "Monitor Profile" use_sys_prof "Use system monitor profile" cmm_to_use "CMM to be used on next program start" ! ! ! Dialogs SETTINGS_LOG and FA_LP_SETTINGS_LOG ! title_settings_log "Log" set_log_file "Log File" set_log_use_ct "Use program log file" set_log_editor "Text editor for viewing log files" set_log_intact "Log Hotfolder Manager interactive calls" set_log_batch "Log Hotfolder Manager batch command calls" ! set_log_oem_send "Send RIP/printer status for printed proofs to Colorpath Verified" set_log_oem_ask_ip "Computer on which the printed proofs will be measured (either IP address or computer name, 'localhost' means this computer)" ! ! ! Dialogs SETTINGS_MEASDEV, SETTINGS_MEASDEV_BIG, ! SETTINGS_MEASDEV_WIZARD and RECAL_WIZ_SETTINGS_MEASDEV ! title_set_measdev "Measurement Device Setup" set_measdev_instr "Device" set_measdev_prop "Properties..." set_measdev_port "Port" set_measdev_geo "Geometry of color patches..." set_measdev_baud "Data rate (Baud)" set_measdev_test "Test" measdev_tcpip_address "IP Address" measdev_tcpip_port "IP Port" set_measdev_mode "Measurement method" set_measdev_refl "Reflection" set_measdev_trans "Transmission" set_measdev_abort "Abort" set_measdev_strips "Measure strips" set_measdev_patches "Measure single patches" ! ! ! Dialog SETTINGS_MEASDEV_PP ! measdev_title "Measurement Device Setup" port "Port" instrument "Device" baud_rate "Data rate \n(Baud)" inst_prop_button "Properties..." col_patch_geo "Geometry of color patches..." test_button "Test" abort_button "Abort" meas_mode "Measurement \nmode" reflection "Reflection" transmission "Transmission" ! ! ! Dialog SETTINGS_WF_WAITING_TIME ! title_set_wf_time "Watched Folders" set_wf_time_wait "Waiting Time" set_wf_time_folders "Waiting time for watched folders" set_wf_time_seconds "seconds" ! ! ! Dialog MF_ACC_OPT_ACT_ADV ! mf_acc_opt_act_related_cal "Related printer calibration file" mf_acc_opt_act_adv_stab "Stabilizer" mf_acc_opt_act_adv_start_pt "Starting point" mf_acc_opt_act_adv_b_width "Black width" acc_opt_acm_rgb_cmy_sep "RGB-CMYK Separation" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_EXTERNAL_MEASDEV ! title_SETUP_WIZ_EXTERNAL_MEASDEV "Measurement Device" setup_wiz_ext_more "More..." ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_SELECT_PRINT_METHOD ! title_SETUP_WIZ_SELECT_PRINT_METHOD "Select Printing Method" setup_wiz_select_pm_intro "Please select a printing method:" setup_wiz_select_pm_ct "Continuous tone (Proofs from CT data)" setup_wiz_select_pm_sd "!{OEM_SD} (Halftone dot proofs from halftone data)" setup_wiz_select_pm_sdp "!{OEM_SD_Plus} (Halftone dot proofs from CT data)" setup_wiz_select_pm_note "Please note when proofing halftone data:" setup_wiz_select_pm_note1 "Screened test charts and special RFP files created with these charts are required." setup_wiz_select_pm_note2 "If a color bar is added, use a 1-bit file that was screened with the same settings as the input data." setup_wiz_select_pm_note3 "If halftone dot proofs are created from CT data, the color bar should also be a CT file." ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_ACC_OPT_ACM ! and SETUP_WIZ_ACC_OPT_ACM_ADV ! title_SETUP_WIZ_ACC_OPT_ACM "Iterative Color Matching for PS Printers" acc_opt_acm_cal_file "Related printer calibration file" setup_wiz_acc_opt_acm_target "Target ICC profile or measurement file" setup_wiz_acc_opt_acm_measure "Measure..." setup_wiz_acc_opt_acm_chart "Test chart" setup_wiz_acc_opt_acm_k_sep "Black Separation" setup_wiz_acc_opt_acm_keep_k "Keep pure black" setup_wiz_acc_opt_acm_keep_k100 "Keep K100" setup_wiz_acc_opt_acm_keep_prim "Keep primaries" ! setup_wiz_acc_opt_acm_stab "Stabilizer" setup_wiz_acc_opt_acm_start_pt "Starting point" setup_wiz_acc_opt_acm_tic "Intended total\nink coverage" setup_wiz_acc_opt_acm_rgb_cmyk "RGB-CMYK Separation" setup_wiz_acc_opt_acm_black_sep "Black Separation" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_BLACK_MODE ! title_SETUP_WIZ_BLACK_MODE "Color Mode" setup_wiz_black_mode_info "Use this parameter to select the printer's color mode." setup_wiz_black_mode_color_mode "Color mode" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_CAL_RFP ! ! title_SETUP_WIZ_CAL_RFP "Reference Printer Profile" ! setup_wiz_cal_rfp_info1 "Do you want to calibrate your printer to a reference printer profile (RFP)?" setup_wiz_cal_rfp_info2 "A reference printer profile characterizes a master printer and contains the target densities for linearization and ink limiting information." setup_wiz_cal_rfp_info3 "If you are using an existing calibration file to just create a new color match select 'No'." setup_wiz_cal_rfp_yes "Yes, I want to use a reference printer profile" setup_wiz_cal_rfp_no "No, I do not want to use a reference printer profile" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_COLCORR ! title_SETUP_WIZ_COLCORR "Color Correction" setup_wiz_colcorr_info "Choose the method to be used for color-matching your output. You can use ICC profiles or an !{OEM_ORIS__DAT} color table." setup_wiz_colcorr_none "None/Not defined" setup_wiz_colcorr_icc "ICC" setup_wiz_colcorr_col_table "!{OEM_ORIS__DAT} color table" setup_wiz_colcorr_new_icc "New color table with ICC profiles..." setup_wiz_colcorr_new_auto "New color table via autom. color matching..." ! ! ! Dalog SETUP_WIZ_COLCORR_CHART ! title_SETUP_WIZ_COLCORR_CHART "Color Correction - Test Chart" setup_wiz_colcorr_chart_info1 "Select a test chart to create an ICC profile for your proof printer. It will be printed automatically. There are standardized test charts such as IT8/7.3 or ECI2002." setup_wiz_colcorr_chart_info2 "Various test chart variants are available for different measurement devices and profiling tools." ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_COLCORR_ICC ! title_SETUP_WIZ_COLCORR_ICC "Color Correction - Select ICC Profiles" setup_wiz_colcorr_icc_doc_col_space "Document Color Space" setup_wiz_colcorr_icc_info1 "PDF/X files: Embedded profiles are always used and matched with the output intent." setup_wiz_colcorr_icc_info2 "Other documents:" setup_wiz_colcorr_icc_use_profiles "Use embedded profiles, if available, otherwise the following default profiles:" setup_wiz_colcorr_icc_rgb "RGB profile" setup_wiz_colcorr_icc_hex "Hexachrome, GOP, \nN-channel, HiFi color" setup_wiz_colcorr_icc_target_col_space "Target Color Space" setup_wiz_colcorr_icc_info3 "PDF/X files: Output intent is used, if available, otherwise the following profile:" setup_wiz_colcorr_icc_cmyk "CMYK profile" setup_wiz_colcorr_icc_dev_col_space "Device Color Space" setup_wiz_colcorr_icc_proof "Proof profile" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_COLCORR_PMW ! title_SETUP_WIZ_COLCORR_PMW "Color Correction" setup_wiz_colcorr_pmw_info "Choose the method to be used for color-matching your output." setup_wiz_colcorr_pmw_col_table "!{OEM_ORIS__DAT} color table" setup_wiz_colcorr_xgamut "X GAMUT\n(extended color gamut using multi-channel ICC output profiles)" setup_wiz_colcorr_pmw_iter "Iterative color matching\n(patented, extremely accurate)" setup_wiz_colcorr_pmw_wide_gammut "Iterative wide gamut color matching\n(optimum RGB color rendering with neutral gray balance)" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_COLCORR_PRI ! title_SETUP_WIZ_COLCORR_PRI "Color Correction - Print Test Chart" setup_wiz_colcorr_pri_info "Click 'Next' to print the color correction test chart." ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_COMPL ! title_SETUP_WIZ_COMPL "Setup Wizard" setup_wiz_compl_grat "Congratulations!" setup_wiz_compl_success "The queue has been set up successfully.\n \n" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_CAL_DE ! title_SETUP_WIZ_CAL_DE "Delta E Formula" setup_wiz_cal_de "Please select a Delta E formula. This formula is used for iterative printer calibration and iterative color matching. Always use the same formula for the entire color management process." ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_DOTPROOF ! title_SETUP_WIZ_DOTPROOF "Dot Proofing Settings" setup_wiz_dotproof_res "Dot proofing resolution" setup_wiz_dotproof_angles "Screen Angles" setup_wiz_dotproof_spot1 "Spot color 1" setup_wiz_dotproof_spot2 "Spot color 2" setup_wiz_dotproof_spot3 "Spot color 3" setup_wiz_dotproof_spot4 "Spot color 4" setup_wiz_dotproof_degrees "+ 7,5°" setup_wiz_dotproof_def "Default" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_EMBEDDED_MD ! title_SETUP_WIZ_EMBEDDED_MD "Spectrophotometer" setup_wiz_embedded_md_info "This printer has an embedded spectrophotometer." setup_wiz_embedded_md_cl_mode "I want to use the embedded spectrophotometer for measuring\n(closed-loop mode)" setup_wiz_embedded_md_ext "I want to use an external spectrophotometer for measuring" setup_wiz_embedded_md_note "Note: The embedded spectrophotometer should only be used for proof output on paper. We recommend to use an external measurement device for proof output on film." ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_ERR ! title_SETUP_WIZ_ERR "Setup Wizard" setup_wiz_err_msg "No printer installed!" setup_wiz_err_hint "Please make sure that the printer is installed using the original driver of the printer manufacturer." ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_FIRMWARE ! title_SETUP_WIZ_FIRMWARE "Firmware Version" setup_wiz_firmware_info "Choose the firmware version of your printer." setup_wiz_firmware_version "Firmware version" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_IMAGEOUT ! title_SETUP_WIZ_IMAGEOUT "Print to File" setup_wiz_imageout_dir "Output directory" setup_wiz_imageout_res "Resolution" setup_wiz_imageout_comp "Compression" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_LIN ! title_SETUP_WIZ_LIN "Linearization - Calibration" setup_wiz_lin_info1 "To linearize the printer select an existing linearization file (*.LIN) or create a new linearization file." setup_wiz_lin_info2 "If you want to neither linearize nor calibrate the printer, select 'None'." setup_wiz_lin_info3 "If you have linearized your printer recently, select 'Existing linearization file'. You can then calibrate the printer." setup_wiz_lin_info4 "If you want to linearize the printer now, select 'New linearization'. You can then calibrate the printer. This is the recommended procedure." setup_wiz_lin_info5 "If you have calibrated the printer recently, select 'Existing calibration file'." setup_wiz_lin_none "None" setup_wiz_lin_existing "Existing linearization file" setup_wiz_lin_new "New linearization" setup_wiz_colcorr_calib "Existing calibration file" ! ! ! Dialogs SETUP_WIZ_LIN_CHART and RECAL_WIZ_LIN_CHART ! title_RECAL_WIZ_LIN_CHART "Linearization Test Chart" setup_wiz_lin_chart_choose "Please select the screened 1-bit Tiff file of the linearization test chart for the selected measurement device." setup_wiz_lin_chart_def "Unscreened standard test charts are available in the 'Testcharts' folder of the installation directory. \nThere is a separate subfolder for every measurement device. Linearization test charts for X-Rite i1 reside in \nthe 'Testcharts' folder itself.\n\nLinearization test charts can be recognized by their file name 'Color 21 Step…'. 6-channel test charts for printing \nwith XG INKS have file names containing the characters '6clr'." setup_wiz_samples "Examples:" setup_wiz_sample_i1iO "4-channel linearization test chart for measuring with i1 iO" setup_wiz_sample_i1iSis "6-channel linearization test chart for measuring with i1 iSis" ! ! ! Dialogs SETUP_WIZ_LIN_ITER ! RECAL_WIZ_LIN_ITER ! title_SETUP_WIZ_LIN_ITER "Optimize Linearization" setup_wiz_lin_iter_info "You can optimize the linearization by making additional measurements.\nTwo measurements are recommended." setup_wiz_lin_iter_back "" setup_wiz_lin_iter_back_txt "- I want to optimize the linearization by additional measurements\n and reprint the linearization test chart" setup_wiz_lin_iter_next "" setup_wiz_lin_iter_next_txt "- I want to finish the linearization process" ! ! ! Dialogs SETUP_WIZ_LIN_MEAS ! RECAL_WIZ_LIN_MEAS ! title_SETUP_WIZ_LIN_MEAS "Measure Linearization Test Chart" setup_wiz_lin_meas_info "In the next step the printed test chart must be measured to create the linearization data." ! ! ! Dialogs SETUP_WIZ_LIN_PRI ! RECAL_WIZ_LIN_PRI ! title_SETUP_WIZ_LIN_PRI "Print Linearization Test Chart" setup_wiz_lin_pri_info "Click 'Next' to print the linearization test chart." setup_wiz_lin_pri_copies "Copies" recal_wiz_white_lin "Change white linearization" recal_wiz_silver_lin "Change silver linearization" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_MULTIPASS ! title_SETUP_WIZ_MULTIPASS "Multi Pass Printing" title_setup_wiz_multipass_sequ "Multi-Pass Print Sequence" setup_wiz_multpass_colors "Colors" setup_wiz_multpass_ovp "Overprint" setup_wiz_multpass_varnish "Varnish mode" setup_wiz_multpass_pass1 "1. Pass" setup_wiz_multpass_pass2 "2. Pass" setup_wiz_multpass_pass3 "3. Pass" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_PA_FORMAT ! title_SETUP_WIZ_PA_FORMAT "Paper Size" setup_wiz_pa_format_info "Select the size of the paper used for printing, the paper source and \nthe output tray." setup_wiz_pa_format_tray "Paper source" setup_wiz_pa_format_width "Width" setup_wiz_pa_format_size "Paper size" setup_wiz_pa_format_height "Height" setup_wiz_pa_format_output "Output tray" setup_wiz_pa_format_cut "Auto cut" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_PA_SAVE ! title_SETUP_WIZ_PA_SAVE "Save Roll Paper" setup_wiz_pa_save_info1 "When using large-format printers and roll paper you should enable the printer driver's paper save option and disable the parameter below to always cut the paper directly after the printed document." setup_wiz_pa_save_info2 "Only if the printer driver does not provide such an option or if it does not work correctly should you enable the paper save option below and disable the printer driver's option." setup_wiz_pa_save_save "Save roll paper" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_PA_TYPE ! title_SETUP_WIZ_PA_TYPE "Paper Type" setup_wiz_pa_type_info "Select a combination of paper type, resolution, quality and printing mode." setup_wiz_pa_type_paper "Paper type" setup_wiz_pa_type_res "Resolution" setup_wiz_pa_type_qual "Quality" setup_wiz_pa_type_mode "Printing mode" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_PR_ADJUST_CT6 ! title_SETUP_WIZ_PR_ADJUST_CT6 "Adjustment and Size" setup_wiz_pr_adjust_info "You can specify if the documents are to be printed in original size and orientation or if they should be scaled or rotated automatically in case the printer's maximum output format is exceeded. You can also specify a fixed scaling factor." setup_wiz_pr_adjust_orig "Original size and orientation" setup_wiz_pr_adjust_auto_scale "Scale automatically" setup_wiz_pr_adjust_auto_rot "Rotate automatically" setup_wiz_pr_adjust_auto_mirror "Mirror" setup_wiz_pr_adjust_auto_center "Center automatically" setup_wiz_pr_adjust_scale "Scale" setup_wiz_pr_adjust_scale_x "Scaling factor X" setup_wiz_pr_adjust_scale_y "Scaling factor Y" pr_adjust_shrink_paper "Shrink to paper size" pr_adjust_scale_paper "Scale to paper size" pr_adjust_factor "Factor" setup_wiz_pr_adjust_prop "Maintain proportions" setup_wiz_pr_adjust_orie "Orientation" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_PR_ADJUST_USER ! title_SETUP_WIZ_PR_ADJUST_USER "User-defined Layout Adjustment" setup_wiz_pr_adjust_user_info "Please enter a scaling factor and orientation which are to be applied to all printouts." ! ! ! IDialog SETUP_WIZ_PR_BLEED ! title_SETUP_WIZ_PR_BLEED "Additional Information" setup_wiz_pr_bleed_info "You can specify if a headline is to be printed on each printout. Please enter the headline text in the box below." setup_wiz_pr_bleed_print_info "Header" setup_wiz_pr_bleed_info2 "You can specify if a color bar is to be printed on each printout. Enter the complete path name of your color bar file in the box below or click the 'Browse...' button." setup_wiz_pr_bleed_bar "Color bar" setup_wiz_pr_bleed_info3 "You can specify if a customer logo is to be printed on each printout. Enter the complete path name of your logo file in the box below or click the 'Browse...' button." setup_wiz_pr_bleed_logo "Customer logo" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_PR_DP_ADJUST_CT6 ! title_SETUP_WIZ_PR_DP_ADJUST_CT6 "Layout Adjustment" setup_wiz_pr_dp_adjust_info1 "You can select the documents' orientation or specify if they should be rotated automatically in case the printer's maximum output format is exceeded." setup_wiz_pr_dp_adjust_info2 "For automatic rotation please activate the button marked with 'A'." ! ! All other text from dialog PR_ADJUST ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_PRI_DEV ! title_SETUP_WIZ_PRI_DEV "Printer Selection" setup_wiz_pri_dev_info "Please specify a name for these printer presets." setup_wiz_pri_dev_preset_name "Printer presets name" setup_wiz_pri_dev_info2 "Select the printer on which you want to print. The list contains all printers installed on your system." setup_wiz_pri_dev_printer_name "Printer" ! ! ! Dialogs SETUP_WIZ_PRI_SELECT and MF_SETUP_WIZ_PRI_SELECT ! title_SETUP_WIZ_PRI_SELECT "Printer Selection" setup_wiz_pri_select_info "Please select a printer for the new COLOR TUNER queue" setup_wiz_pri_select_printer "Printer" setup_wiz_pri_select_printer_name "Printer name" setup_wiz_pri_select_queues "Existing queues" setup_wiz_pri_select_new_queue "New queue" setup_wiz_pri_select_wf "Watched folder" setup_wiz_pri_select_create_vp "Create virtual printer" ! mf_setup_wiz_pri_select_info "Please enter a name for the new output queue" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_PS_OUTPUT ! title_SETUP_WIZ_PS_OUTPUT "Output as PostScript" setup_wiz_ps_output_info1 "Enable this option to output PostScript documents directly on a PostScript printer." setup_wiz_ps_output_info2 "The ORIS program will only make the color correction and preserve all of the print settings (orientation, scaling, etc.) stored in the PostScript files. This means it will apply the settings" setup_wiz_ps_output_ps_out "Output as PostScript" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_PSP ! title_SETUP_WIZ_PSP "PostScript/PDF Options" setup_wiz_psp_info "Specify parameters for parsing PDF and PostScript files." pr_page_appe "Use PDF Print Engine for PDF files" setup_wiz_psp_note "Note: Image sharpening, page size definition, misregistration, OPI, preflight parameters, contour cutting and advanced PS/PDF parameters are not applicable with the Adobe Print Engine. Besides, Anti-Aliasing is limited to text elements if supersampling is not used." pr_page_sel_size "Define page size and offset by" pr_page_user "User-defined" pr_page_media "PostScript/PDF MediaBox" pr_page_crop "PostScript/PDF CropBox" pr_page_trim "PostScript/PDF TrimBox" pr_page_bleed "PostScript/PDF BleedBox" pr_page_gross "Gross Size (incl. cropmarks)" pr_page_net "Net Size (without cropmarks)" pr_page_bb "Bounding box of page contents" pr_page_keep "Keep current layout size" pr_page_keep_spot "Keep image spot color separations" pr_page_x "Page size X" pr_page_use_ovp "Use overprint commands" pr_page_y "Page size Y" pr_page_off_x "Page offset X" pr_page_off_y "Page offset Y" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_ROLAND ! title_SETUP_WIZ_ROLAND "Roland Printer Settings" setup_wiz_roland_speed "Print head speed" setup_wiz_roland_mm "mm/s" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_WHITE_MODE ! title_SETUP_WIZ_WHITE_MODE "White Ink" setup_wiz_white_info "What is to be printed with white ink?" setup_wiz_white_background "White background for complete page" setup_wiz_white_cover "Ink coverage (0...100%)" setup_wiz_white_sep "White separation (spot color)" setup_wiz_white_col_names "Color names..." setup_wiz_white_duty "White ink duty" ! ! ! Dialog SETUP_WIZ_SILVER_MODE ! title_SETUP_WIZ_Silver_MODE "Metallic Ink" setup_wiz_silver_info "What is to be printed with metallic ink?" setup_wiz_silver_sep "Metallic separation (spot color)" setup_wiz_silver_col_names "Color names..." setup_wiz_silver_duty "Metallic ink duty" ! ! ! Dialog SPOCO_SUBSTITUTE ! title_spoco_subst "Color Substitution" spoco_subst_proc "Substitute process colors" spoco_subst_spot "Substitute spot colors" spoco_subst_corr "Spot color \ncorrection file:" ! ! ! Dialog MODIFICATION_EDIT ! title_spoco_mod_edit "Modify Spot Colors" spoco_mod_edit_spoco "Spot color" spoco_mod_edit_mod "Modify" spoco_mod_edit_repl "Replace" spoco_mod_edit_new "New color" spoco_mod_edit_omit "Omit" title_color_mod_edit "Modify Colors" color_mod_edit_source "Source" color_mod_edit_src_spoco "From spot color" color_mod_edit_spoco "Spot color" color_mod_edit_src_process "From process color" color_mod_edit_process "Process color" color_mod_edit_mod "Modify" color_mod_edit_target_spoco "To spot color" color_mod_edit_target_process "To process color" color_mod_edit_omit "Omit" ! ! ! Dialog SPOCO_VISUAL ! title_spoco_visual "Visual Spot Color Optimization" spoco_vis_spoco "Spot color" lab "Lab" spoco_vis_devcol "Device color" spoco_vis_dir "Direction" spoco_vis_col "Color" spoco_vis_tint "Tint steps" spoco_vis_size "Page size" spoco_vis_shell "Number of shells" display_clipped_color "Display clipped" patch_outline "Patch outlines" tints_even_spaced "Same tint steps" selected_color "Selected color" ! ! ! SPOCO_WIZ_EVAL ! (Same text as ACC_WIZ_EVAL) ! ! Dialog SPOCO_WIZ_PRI ! title_SPOCO_WIZ_PRI "Printing Test Chart" spoco_wiz_pri_info "Click to print and measure the spot color test chart." ! ! Dialog SPOCO_WIZ_PROP_SHEET ! (No particular text) ! ! Dialog SPOCO_WIZ_SELECT ! title_SPOCO_WIZ_SELECT "Select Spot Colors" setup_wiz_select_spoco_sel "Select the spot colors you want to correct." ! ! ! Dialog SPOCO_WIZ_SETTINGS_MEASDEV ! (Same text as RECAL_WIZ_SETTINGS_MEASDEV) ! ! ! Dialog SPOCO_WIZ_WHITE_MODE ! title_SPOCO_WIZ_WHITE_MODE "White Ink" spoco_wiz_white_mode_bg "White background for complete page" ! ! ! Dialogs SPOT_IMPORT ! SPOT_IMPORT_SNGL ! title_spoco_import "Import Spot Colors" spoco_name "Name" spoco_file "File" spoco_profile "Proof profile" spoco_comment "Comment" spoco_num_select "0 selected" spoco_search "Search" spoco_use_silver "Use silver channel" spoco_silver_cover "Ink coverage (0...100%)" spoco_use_white "Use white channel" spoco_sel_all_button "Select all" spoco_imp_sel_button "Import selected" ! spoco_info "Info" ! ! ! Dialogs SPOT_IMPORT_PL ! title_spoco_pl_import "Import PantoneLIVE™ Spot Colors" spoco_pl_account_name "Account name" spoco_pl_password "Password" spoco_pl_server_url "PantoneLIVE™ server" spoco_pl_activate "Activate" spoco_pl_connect "Connect" spoco_pl_use_proxy "Proxy settings" spoco_pl_proxy_addr "HTTP proxy" spoco_pl_proxy_port "Port" ! ! ! Dialogs PL_ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION ! title_pl_activation "PantoneLIVE™ License Activation" pl_activation_desc "Activate your PantoneLIVE™ license here" pl_activation_code_input "Activation code" pl_activation_ok_button "Activate" ! ! ! Dialogs PL_LOGIN ! title_spoco_import_pl "PantoneLIVE™ Connect" ! ! ! Dialogs (MF_)SPOT_INPUT, PW_INPUT ! title_spot_input "Manual Spot Color Input" spot_col_name "Color name" spot_tone_values "Tonal values (%)" spot_opacity "Opacity (%)" spot_print_order "Print order" po5_over "5. color over CMYK" po4_over "4. color over CMYK" po3_over "3. color over CMYK" po2_over "2. color over CMYK" po1_over "1. color over CMYK" po_cmyk "CMYK" po5_under "5. color under CMYK" po4_under "4. color under CMYK" po3_under "3. color under CMYK" po2_under "2. color under CMYK" po1_under "1. color under CMYK" spot_auto_add "Auto Add" spot_ok_less "OK, <" spot_ok_greater "OK, >" spot_tolerances "Tolerances" spot_strict "Strict" spot_standard "Standard" spot_hdr_lab_values "Lab Color" spot_lab_l "L:" spot_lab_a "a:" spot_lab_b "b:" spot_dev_col "Original Device Color" spot_hdr_cmyk_values "Device Color" spot_c "C:" spot_m "M:" spot_y "Y:" spot_k "K:" spot_or "Or:" spot_gr "Gr:" spot_vi "Vi:" spot_eight "8th:" spot_wh "Wh:" spot_mt "Mt:" spot_select "Select..." spot_meas_dev "Measurement device" spot_select_button "Select device..." spot_start_meas_button "Start measurements" spot_opt_button "Optimize" spot_opt_vis_button "Optimize visually" spot_smooth_button "Smooth" spot_reset_button "Reset" ! title_pw_input "Paper White Input" pw_input_hint "Measure or enter the Lab values of the new stock." ! nsc_edit_val "Edit" ! ! ! Dialog STATUS_DIALOG ! title_status "Status" ! ! ! Dialog TEST_CMYK_API ! title_test_cmyk_api "CMYK API Check" test_api_printer "Printer" test_api_available "CMYK API available" test_api_extended "extended GDI" test_api_driver "CMYK driver" ! ! ! Dialog TESTCHART_TO_REF ! title_testchart_to_ref "Create Reference File from Test Chart" tc_to_ref_chart "CMYK Test chart" tc_to_ref_size "Chart size - number patches" tc_to_ref_flip_y "Flip in Y" tc_to_ref_flip_x "Flip in X" tc_to_ref_out_ref "Output reference file" ! ! ! Dialog TI_MAKESKILLS_DLG ! ! title_makeskills "Technoin - Skills and Ink Limits" ti_skills_set "Settings" ti_skills_pri "Printer" ti_skills_res "Resolution" ti_skills_col_mode "Color mode" ti_skills_paper "Paper" ti_skills_skills "1. Skills" ti_skills_print_chart "Print skill chart" ti_skills_meas_chart "Measure skill chart" ti_skills_create_skills "Create skills from measurements" ti_skills_limits "2. Inklimits" ! ! ! Dialog TI_PRINTERCONF_DLG ! ti_skills_create_cur "Create skills and ink limits for current settings:" ti_skills_ink_button "Skills/Ink limits" ! ! Dialog TIMETRIGGERED_CALIB_DLG ! ! ! Dialog TIMETRIGGERED_CALIB_DLG ! time_trig_schedule "Schedule" title_time_trig_calib "Calibration Schedule" time_trig_time "Time" time_trig_daily "Daily" time_trig_day "Day" time_trig_weekly "Weekly" time_trig_day_of_month "Day of month" time_trig_monthly "Monthly" time_trig_date "Date" time_trig_user "User-defined" time_trig_lin "Linearization" time_trig_lin_pri "Linearize printer" time_trig_express "Use linearization data from RFP file (express calibration)" time_trig_stop "Calibration - Stop Criteria" time_trig_max_iter "Maximum number of iterations" time_trig_aver_de "Average dE better than" time_trig_max_de "Maximum dE better than" time_trig_monday "Monday" time_trig_tuesday "Tuesday" time_trig_wednesday "Wednesday" time_trig_thursday "Thursday" time_trig_friday "Friday" time_trig_saturday "Saturday" time_trig_sunday "Sunday" ! ! Dialog WATCHED_FOLDERS ! title_watched_folders "Watched Folders" wf_add_folder "Add folder..." wf_rem_folder "Remove folder" wf_settings "Printer settings..." wf_check "Check watched folders every" wf_seconds "seconds" ! ! ! Dialog WATCHED_FOLDERS_JOBS ! title_watched_folders_jobs "Watched Folders: Jobs" wf_pause "Pause" wf_cancel "Cancel job" ! ! ! Dialog TELL_DEMO ! title_lic_info "License Information" lic_info_text "No valid license was found for !{OEM_CT_Web}." lic_info_license_button "Licensing" lic_info_demo_button "Info demo version" ! ! ! Dialog SPOCO_SAVE ! title_spoco_save "Save Spot Colors" spoco_title "Title" spoco_copyright "Copyright" ! ! ! Dialogs (DE)ACTIVATE_LICENSE ! cxf_act_lic_title "License Activation" cxf_act_lic_enter "Enter license key" cxf_act_lic_contact "Contacting activation server..." cxf_act_lic_acti_lic "Activate license" ! cxf_deact_lic_title "Deactivate License" ! ! ! Dialogs SPOT_RENAME, SPOT_DUPLICATE ! title_spot_rename "Rename Spot Color" spot_ren_txt "Please enter the new name for the spot color" title_spot_duplicate "Duplicate Spot Color" spot_dupl_txt "Please enter a name for the duplicated old spot color" spot_ren_dupl_new "New spot color name" title_spot_more_settings "Spot Color File - Additional Settings" ! ! ! Dialog SPOT_GRD ! title_spoco_corr "Spot Color Correction" file "File" upload_in_menu_bar "Upload" proof_profile "Device profile" comment "Comment" num_sel "0/0 Selected" og_ref_button "Create MC ref." header_tolerances "Tolerances" tol_strict "Strict" tol_standard "Standard" grd_spoco_search "Search" grd_spoco_imp_cc "!{oem_cxf_cloud}" grd_spoco_imp_cxfc "Import CXF" grd_spoco_imp_scgx "Import SCGX" grd_spoco_imp_pl "Import PantoneLIVE™" grd_spoco_exp_sel_scgx "Upload selected spot colors" grd_spoco_exp_all_scgx "Upload all spot colors" grd_spoco_ovp "Overprint" grd_spoco_calc "Calculate" header_single_spoco "Spot Color" spoco_dotgain_button "Dot gain" spoco_grad_button "Gradation..." spoco_grad_del_dot_gain "Delete dot gain" spoco_corr_crea_cxf "Create CxF/X-4 color wedge" selected_spocos "Selected spot colors" header_all_spocos "All Spot Colors" corr_wiz_button "Optimize iteratively" opt_all_button "Optimize" reset_all_button "Reset" spoco_save_as_button "Save as..." spot_more_settings "Additional Settings" ! spot_grd_new "New spot colors" spot_grd_opt_all "Optimize all..." spoco_exclude_ch "Exclude channel combinations" spot_grd_reset_all "Reset all" ! spoco_adapt_pw_button "Adapt proof paper white..." title_spoco_scgx_upload "Upload SCGX to !{oem_cxf_cloud}" spoco_scgx_server_url "!{oem_cxf_cloud} server" ! grd_spoco_del_sel "Delete selected" ! ! ! SPOT_GRD Dialog Popup menu ! spot_grd_change "Edit..." spot_grd_grad "Gradation..." spot_grd_dup "Duplicate..." spot_grd_ren "Rename..." spot_grd_del "Delete" spot_grd_crea_cxf "Create CxF/X-4 color wedge" ! spoco_corr_swatch "Create swatchbook" create_tc_button "Create test chart" corr_nclr_wiz_button "Optimize multichannel" ctrl_meas_button "Control measurement..." ! ctrl_meas "Control measurement" ! ! ! Dialog CREATE_WEDGE ! title_create_wedge "Create CxF/X-4 Color Wedge" create_wedge_dev "Measurement device" create_wedge_patch_width "Patch width" create_wedge_name "Color wedge name" ! ! ! Dialog TC_GEN ! title_TC_GEN "Generate Test Chart" tc_gen_preset "Preset" tc_gen_device "Measurement device" tc_gen_reference "Reference" tc_gen_col_space "Color space" tc_gen_num_patches "Number of patches" tc_gen_num_rows "Number of columns" tc_gen_rows "rows" tc_gen_rows_manually "Set the number of rows manually" tc_gen_format "Page size" tc_gen_title "Title" tc_gen_footer "Footer" tc_gen_randomize "Randomize" tc_gen_preview "Preview page" save_templ "Save as preset" load_templ "Load preset" ! ! ! Dialog CUSTOM_CS ! title_custom_cs "Manage Custom Color Spaces" custom_color_space "Custom color spaces" color_space_name "Color space name" channel_abbr "Ch." color_name "Color name" substitution "Equivalence values" cmyk_first_hint "Channels 1 to 4 are Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black." enter_lab_ccs_hint "If you have got Lab values, enter them and let the application set the equivalence values." enter_cmyk_ccs_hint "Otherwise enter the equivalence values and let the application set the Lab values." ! ! ! Dialog SPOT_NCLR_OPTI ! title_SPOT_NCLR_OPTI "Multichannel Spotcolor Optimization" spot_nclr_opti_new_blend "Create a new chart" spot_nclr_opti_output_blend "Output a chart" spot_nclr_opti_meas_blend "Measure a chart" spot_nclr_opti_load_blend "Load a measurement and optimize the spot color gradation" ! ! ! Dialog SPOT_PURGE ! title_spot_purge "Refine Spot Colors" spot_purge_upper_txt "Set the values of the substitution colors to 100%, if they are greater than the upper limit and the deltaE limit is kept or deltaE decreases." spot_purge_lower_txt "Set the values of the substitution colors to 0%, if they are less than the lower limit and the deltaE limit is kept or deltaE decreases." spot_purge_upper "Upper limit" spot_purge_lower "Lower limit" spot_purge_limit "deltaE limit" ! ! ! Dialog SPOT_CTRL_MEAS ! title_SPOT_CTRL_MEAS "Spot Color Control Measurement" spot_ctrl_meas_new_tc "Create test chart" spot_ctrl_meas_output_tc "Output test chart" spot_ctrl_meas_meas_tc "Measure test chart" spot_ctrl_meas_load_tc "Load measurement" spot_ctrl_meas_save_report "Save report" ! ! ! Dialog SPOT_IMPORT_CXF ! title_spoco_cxf_import "Import CXF Data from !{oem_cxf_cloud}" spoco_cxf_user_name "User name" spoco_cxf_password "Password" spoco_cxf_connect "Connect" spoco_cxf_pw_forgot "Forgot password?" spoco_cxf_server_url "!{oem_cxf_cloud} server" spoco_cxf_company "Company" spoco_cxf_branch "Branch" spoco_cxf_libraries "Libraries" spoco_cxf_colors "CxF/X-4 data" spoco_desel_all_button "Deselect all" ! ! Dialog SPOT_UPLOAD_SCGX ! title_spoco_scgx_import "Import SCGX Data from !{oem_cxf_cloud}" spoco_scgx_colors "SCGX data" cxf_server_protect "Protect recipe when downloaded" ! ! Dialog SPOT_CLOUD_ADMIN ! title_spoco_cloud_admin "Login to !{oem_cxf_cloud}" spoco_cxf_disconnect "Disconnect" ! ! ! Dialogs PR_ISIOUT and SETUP_WIZ_ISIOUT ! ! title_pr_isiout "JetINX" pr_isiout_dir "Output directory" pr_isigout_colmode "Color mode" pr_isiout_datares "Data resolution" pr_isiout_xres "Print resolution" pr_isiout_bpp "Bits per pixel" pr_isiout_comp "Compression" pr_isiout_passes "Passes" pr_isi_colors "Colors" pr_isi_ex_white "White settings" pr_isi_ex_var_set "Varnish settings" ! ! ! Dialogs PR_SCREENOUT and SETUP_WIZ_SCREENOUT(_2) ! title_pr_screenout "ScreenIJ" pr_screenout_dir "Output directory" pr_screenout_colmode "Color mode" pr_screenout_res "Print resolution" pr_screenout_mediaid "Paper" pr_screenout_mediaid_1 "Paper #1" pr_screenout_mediaid_2 "Paper #2" pr_screenout_mediaid_3 "Paper #3" pr_screenout_mediaid_4 "Paper #4" pr_screenout_mediaid_5 "Paper #5" pr_screenout_mediaid_6 "Paper #6" pr_screenout_mediaid_7 "Paper #7" pr_screenout_mediaid_8 "Paper #8" pr_screenout_mediaid_9 "Paper #9" pr_screenout_mediaid_10 "Paper #10" pr_screenout_mediaid_11 "Paper #11" pr_screenout_mediaid_12 "Paper #12" pr_screenout_mediaid_13 "Paper #13" pr_screenout_mediaid_14 "Paper #14" pr_screenout_mediaid_15 "Paper #15" pr_screenout_mediaid_16 "Paper #16" pr_screenout_media_update "Update" pr_screenout_take_papersize "Take over" pr_screenout_mediatype "Type" pr_screenout_mediasize "Paper size (mm)" pr_screenout_sheetfeed "Sheet feed" pr_screenout_sheetfeed_manual "Manual load/unload" pr_screenout_sheetfeed_auto "Auto load/unload" pr_screenout_sheetfeed_mixed "Auto load/Manual unload" pr_screenout_headspeed_fwd "Head speed forward (mm/sec)" pr_screenout_headspeed_rvs "Head speed reverse (mm/sec)" pr_screenout_offset_x "X offset (mm)" pr_screenout_offset_y "Y offset (mm)" pr_screenout_paperwidth "Paper width (mm)" pr_screenout_paperheight "Paper height (mm)" pr_screen_colors "Colors" pr_screen_ex_white "White settings" pr_screen_ex_varnish "Varnish settings" ! title_SETUP_WIZ_IMAGEOUT_2 "Print to IJ Printer" ! ! ! Dialog PR_ROLAND_UVLAMP_3 ! pr_roland_lamp_position "Lamp position" pr_roland_lamp_power_2 "Lamp power" ! ! ! Dialog XG_ICC_OPT ! icc_opt_profile_quality "Profile Quality" icc_opt_opti_size "Optimum profile size" icc_opt_opti_quali "Optimum profile quality" icc_opt_expected_size "Expected profile size" ! ! ! Dialogs SPOT_EXCLUDE_CH / SETUP_WIZ_EXCLUDE_CH ! title_exclude_ch "Exclude Channel Combinations" exclude_ch_txt1 "If the ink value of" exclude_ch_txt2 "is greater than 0%," exclude_ch_txt3 "set the value of" exclude_ch_txt4 "to 0%," exclude_ch_txt5 "but only if" exclude_ch_txt6 "is not exceeded" ! checkbox_exclude_ch "Exclude channel combinations" ! ! ! Dialog FP_SUBDIALOG_EXCEPT ! pr_spoco_spectral_mergemode "Apply spectral merge mode" pr_spoco_mergemode_neugebauer "default" pr_spoco_mergemode_xyz "xyz" pr_spoco_mergemode_spectral "spectral" ! pr_spoco_spectral_pw "Paper white" pr_spoco_spectral_pw_absolute "absolute" pr_spoco_spectral_pw_relative "relative" pr_spoco_spectral_pw_icc_dat "ICC or .dat" ! ! ! Dialog PR_MUTOH_VJ ! title_pr_mutoh_vj "MutohVJ" title_pr_mutoh_vj_adv1 "MutohVJ - Settings" title_pr_mutoh_vj_media_settings "MutohVJ - Media Settings" title_setup_wiz_mutoh_vj_adv1 "Advanced Settings" title_setup_wiz_mutoh_vj_adv2 "Media Settings" title_setup_wiz_mutoh_vj_adv3 "Maintenance" title_setup_wiz_mutoh_vj_adv4 "More" pr_mutoh_effect "Print effect" pr_mutoh_effect_none_1 "None 1" pr_mutoh_effect_none_2 "None 2" pr_mutoh_effect_none_3 "None 3" pr_mutoh_effect_fog_1 "Fog 1" pr_mutoh_effect_fog_2 "Fog 2" pr_mutoh_effect_fine_n_fog_1 "Fine and fog 1" pr_mutoh_effect_fine_n_fog_2 "Fine and fog 2" pr_mutoh_effect_fine_n_fog_3 "Fine and fog 3" pr_mutoh_effect_fuzz_1 "Fuzz 1" pr_mutoh_effect_fuzz_2 "Fuzz 2" pr_mutoh_effect_fuzz_3 "Fuzz 3" pr_mutoh_effect_fine_n_fuzz_1 "Fine and fuzz 1" pr_mutoh_effect_fine_n_fuzz_2 "Fine and fuzz 2" pr_mutoh_effect_fine_n_fuzz_3 "Fine and fuzz 3" pr_mutoh_effect_fine_n_fuzz_4 "Fine and fuzz 4" pr_mutoh_effect_fine_n_fuzz_5 "Fine and fuzz 5" pr_mutoh_effect_fine_n_fuzz_6 "Fine and fuzz 6" pr_mutoh_effect_wave_1 "Wave 1" pr_mutoh_effect_wave_2 "Wave 2" pr_mutoh_effect_wave_3 "Wave 3" pr_mutoh_effect_fine_n_wave_1 "Fine and wave 1" pr_mutoh_effect_fine_n_wave_2 "Fine and wave 2" pr_mutoh_effect_fine_n_wave_3 "Fine and wave 3" pr_mutoh_effect_a_super_fine_n_wave "Super fine and wave A" pr_mutoh_effect_b_super_fine_n_wave "Super fine and wave B" pr_mutoh_effect_wow_1 "Wow 1" pr_mutoh_effect_wow_2 "Wow 2" pr_mutoh_effect_wow_3 "Wow 3" pr_mutoh_media_cut "Media cut" pr_mutoh_singlecut_2steps_low "Single cut 2 steps low" pr_mutoh_singlecut_3steps_low "Single cut 3 steps low" pr_mutoh_singlecut_2steps_high "Single cut 2 steps high" pr_mutoh_singlecut_3steps_high "Single cut 3 steps high" pr_mutoh_doublecut_2steps_low "Double cut 2 steps low" pr_mutoh_doublecut_3steps_low "Double cut 3 steps low" pr_mutoh_doublecut_2steps_high "Double cut 2 steps high" pr_mutoh_doublecut_3steps_high "Double cut 3 steps high" pr_mutoh_carriage_speed "Carriage speed" pr_mutoh_carriage_speed_high "High" pr_mutoh_carriage_speed_low "Low" pr_mutoh_shuttle_width "Shuttle width" pr_mutoh_shuttle_width_data "Data" pr_mutoh_shuttle_width_media "Media" pr_mutoh_shuttle_width_machine "Machine" pr_mutoh_layer_print_speed "Layer print speed" pr_mutoh_layer_print_speed_fast "Fast" pr_mutoh_layer_print_speed_normal "Normal" pr_mutoh_layer_print_speed_slow "Slow" pr_mutoh_vacuum_fan "Vacuum fan" pr_mutoh_vacuum_fan_high "High" pr_mutoh_vacuum_fan_medium "Medium" pr_mutoh_vacuum_fan_low "Low" pr_mutoh_vacuum_fan_off "Off" pr_mutoh_platen_heater_temp "Platen heater temp (°)" pr_mutoh_media_thickness "Media thickness (um)" pr_mutoh_side_margin "Side margin (mm)" pr_mutoh_start_feed "Start feed (mm)" pr_mutoh_media_feeding_adjustment "Media feeding adjustment (1/100%)" pr_mutoh_dry_time "Drying time (sec)" pr_mutoh_layer_print_mode_color_on_white "Color on white" pr_mutoh_layer_print_mode_white_on_color "White on color" pr_mutoh_layer_print_mode_white_only "White only" pr_mutoh_num_prints "Number of prints" pr_mutoh_condition_diagnosis "Print condition diagn." pr_mutoh_diag_off "Off" pr_mutoh_diag_palette "Palette" pr_mutoh_diag_setup_list "Setup list" pr_mutoh_diag_nozzle_check "Nozzle check" pr_mutoh_diag_nozzle_check_b "Nozzle check B" pr_mutoh_mediacut_off "Off" pr_mutoh_head_cleaning "Head cleaning" pr_mutoh_headcleaning_off "Off" pr_mutoh_headcleaning_short "Short" pr_mutoh_headcleaning_normal "Normal" pr_mutoh_headcleaning_long "Long" pr_mutoh_headcleaning_little "Little charge" pr_mutoh_user_definition "User definition" pr_mutoh_temporary_mode "Temporary mode" pr_mutoh_interval_time "Interval (1/10 sec)" pr_mutoh_count_of_color_ink_layer_print "Color ink layer print" pr_mutoh_count_of_white_ink_layep_print "White ink layer print" pr_mutoh_advanced_testing "Advanced Setting" pr_mutoh_device_number "Device number" pr_mutoh_dot_family "Dot family" pr_mutoh_dotfamily_large "Large" pr_mutoh_dotfamily_medium "Medium" pr_mutoh_dotfamily_small "Small" pr_mutoh_dot_type "Dot type" pr_mutoh_dotsize_default "Default" pr_mutoh_dotsize_normal "Normal" pr_mutoh_dotsize_variable "Variable" pr_mutoh_dotsize_large "Large" pr_mutoh_dotsize_middle "Middle" pr_mutoh_dotsize_small "Small" pr_mutoh_pass_methode "Pass method" pr_mutoh_k_mutoh_pass_1 "1 pass" pr_mutoh_k_mutoh_pass_2 "2 passes" pr_mutoh_k_mutoh_pass_4 "4 passes" ! pr_mutoh_maintenance "Maintenance" pr_mutoh_testprint_start "Print" pr_mutoh_headcleaning_start "Start" pr_mutoh_layer_pr "Layer print" pr_mutoh_print_layer_off "Off" pr_mutoh_print_layer_w_under "White-Underlay (KCMYLcLm - on W)" pr_mutoh_print_layer_w_over "White-Overlay (W on-KCMYLcLm)" pr_mutoh_print_layer_three "Three-layer (KCMYLcLm - W - KCMYLcLm)" pr_mutoh_media_settings "Media settings..." ! Dialog IFP_TASK_PLANING ! ifp_tp_title "Scheduled Printing" ifp_tp_queue "Queue" ifp_tp_file_to_print "Print file" ifp_tp_enable "Activate schedule" ifp_tp_start_now "Print now" ifp_tp_printer "Printer" ifp_ink_notification_enable "Activate ink maintenance notification" ifp_weekly "Every week" ifp_biweekly "Every two weeks" ifp_threeweekly "Every three weeks" ifp_monthly "Every four weeks" ifp_last_ink_maintenance "Last ink maintenance" ifp_next_ink_maintenance "Next ink maintenance" ! ! ! Dialog RFP_CCS ! title_rfp_ccs "Create Common Color Space" ref_profile_list "Select printer characterization files: \nReference printer profiles, ICC profiles or measurements" rfp_ccs_save "Save as RFP file ..." save_ccs_as_icc "Also save as ICC profile" ! ! ! Dialog (MF_)SETTINGS_GEN ! themes "Color scheme to be used on next program start" ! ! ! Dialog CXF_GET_INPUT_DIALOG ! cxf_get_input_dialog_title "CxF Toolbox - User Input" ! ! ! Dialog SPOCO_DIALOG ! spot_dev_prof "Device Profile" spoco_gamut_viewer "Gamut Viewer" ! ! ! Dialog SPOT_UPLOAD_SCGX ! cxf_server_repl_lib "Replace library" cxf_server_add_lib "Add to library" create_library_button "Create library" delete_library_button "Delete library" rename_library_button "Rename library"