AM.CO.ZA Fabricam Software Manual, Update 2020-01-03
Num. Divisions: Number of divisions to fold.
Kind of Fiber:
Internal specifications:
Medium specifications:
External specifications:
Thickness: Sheet thickness.
It is important that the user has a clear understanding of the configuration window, since the
different development results will be incorrect if this window is not properly configured.
Within this window there are several sections: On the one hand, we have the possibility of
entering the text size, since the texts might not be displayed when we create a large size
development. Likewise, when we create a small size development, the text may be too large,
leading to incorrect reading of the information. The number of divisions is used to
predetermine a fixed number of divisions, in such a manner that the predetermined divisions
are displayed when developing a cone or cylinder. This value can be modified within the cone
or cylinder.