AM.CO.ZA Fabricam Software Manual, Update 2020-01-03
1.2) Path:
1.2.1) Fastest-> Path calculation will be based on minimum displacement.
1.2.2) X Direction-> Path calculation will be based on minimum Y displacement.
1.2.3) Y Direction-> Path calculation will be based on minimum X displacement.
2.3) Entry/Exit:
2.3.1) Line 45: The Entry/Exit of the Part/Hole will be a Line of 45 degrees inclination.
2.3.2) Line 90: The Entry/Exit of the Part/Hole will be a Line of 90 degrees inclination.
2.3.3) Line Tangent: The Entry/Exit of the Part/Hole will be a Line Tangent.
2.3.4) Arc 45: The Entry/Exit of the Part/Hole will be an Arc of 45 degrees inclination.
2.3.5) Arc 90: The Entry/Exit of the Part/Hole will be an Arc of 90 degrees inclination.
2.3.6) Arc 180: The Entry/Exit of the Part/Hole will be an Arc of 180 degrees
2.3.7) Line + Arc 90: The Entry/Exit of the Part/Hole will be a Line of 90 degrees
inclination + arc of 90 degrees inclination.