AM.CO.ZA Fabricam Software Manual, Update 2020-01-03
1.1 Create and Position Holes.
1.2 Create Lines/Polylines/Arcs.
1.3 Create/Open/Save Part.
1.4 Cut/Copy/Paste.
1.5 Rounding/Chanfering.
1.6 Screen: Zoom/Magnifiying Glass.
1.7 Undo/Redo.
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2.1 Add Parts Automatically (Nesting).
2.2 Add/Delete Part Manually.
2.3 Bridges.
2.4 Common Cuts.
2.5 Edit Part.
2.6 Entries Exits.
2.7 Filter Imports.
2.8 Group Parts.
2.9 Language and Units.
2.10 Machine Parameters.
2.11 Microjoints.
2.12 Move Parts.
2.13 Print.
2.14 Remnant.
2.15 Rotate Parts.
2.16 Save CAM and NC.
2.17 Screen: Magnifiying Glass/Move/Rotate/Zoom.
2.18 Simulation.
2.19 Symmetry of Parts.
2.20 Undo Redo Operations.
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Cost Calculation:
3.1 Cost Calculation.
Page: 65.
4.1 HVAC.
Page: 70.