Chapter 8 Diagnosis Function
8.7.8 Add a Language File
From the company get the language pack file and copy it into the USB. Insert the
USB into the system USB port. In the main interface, move the cursor to add language file,
press 【Enter】. There will be a introduction appearing to show the result. This system can
support most of the national language files, can also be customized language file. Please
contact the company demand.
8.7.9 Clear File
In the main interface, press 【F5 Diagnose】,then press 【F8 System definition】,then
press 【F7 Clear File】, the system will clear all G code file of system.
8.7.10 System Update
In the main interface, press 【F5 Diagnose】,then press 【F8 System definition】,then
press 【F8 System update】, after press 【Enter】and confirm, it will prompt to update as
the figure 8.13 shows.
F1: Function Update
F2: Welcome Update
F3: Motion Update
F4: System recovery
F1ParaRecover F2ParaBackup F3Define F4Encrypt F5UnEncry F6Lan F7clear File F8Update
Fig 8.13 the prompt of system update