Chapter 3 Cutting Function
3.4 Backward
During the running process, if you want to go backward according to the origin
trail to (maybe the iron board was not cut through), you can follow the following
First, press “STOP” key to set the machine at pause status.
In the automatic function interface, press key【F1】(Back) to make the machine go
backward along with the original trail. When the torch reaches the position you
need, press “STOP” key to stop it. You may press key 【F2】 to go forward if the
machine just went back too much.
Notice: Go backward or forward function can be used repeatedly to make the
machine reach an ideal position.
In the backward process, press 【F1】 again, the system stops running.
When the torch reaches the position you need, press “START” key again, if the
current cutting code is G01, G02 or G03, system will automatically perforate
before performing these procedures, and then continue the current program, if the
current row is not G01, G02 or G03, the system will directly continue the current
line program.
Same as the forward speed, backward speed and cutting speed are also
provided separately. Backward speed is also defined by the "empty / backward
speed” in the common parameters.
3.5 Edge Cutting / Offset Cutting / Return
When the torch is not on the actual path of the current work piece, it will prompt
as follows: