Chapter 3 Cutting Function
【F3】: Return to the starting point of cutting torch, i.e. the starting point of the
current work piece.
【F4】: Decrease the cutting speed, each decrease of 1% click rate. Decrease the
rate of manual moving machine in manual mode.
【F5】: Increase the cutting speed, each 1% increase in click rate. Increase the
rate of manual moving machine in manual mode.
【F6】: Reduce the preheat time, skip the remaining preheat time, and the system
automatically records preheat time.
【F7】: Increase the preheat time once 15 seconds.
【F8】: When the system is suspended, for selecting perforation point; when the
system begins to move, for the dynamic amplification.
Four direction keys (Up, down, left and right): When the gun through, manually
move the torch.