BWT20 Qilin double swing handheld laser
2.10 Descrweilpditnig osnystoemf ustehremawnuiarl eV1.f0eeder keys
Figure 2.10 Schematic diagram of the control interface of the wire feeder
Filming machine instructions:
: Send wire setting +
: Send wire settings-
: Set wire delay, wire speed, wire filling distance and withdrawal distance.
: Save the parameters after setting the parameters.
: Click the manual wire, and the wire wheel runs the wire at the maximum speed.
: Click manual withdrawal, and the delivery will at the maximum speed.
: After the wire speed is set, click simulation Run is the set wire speed.
Silk delay: after setting, light delay and then wire.
Wire delivery speed: running speed of the wire wheel.
Fililling distance: silk compensation distance after puldrawing stops.
Return distance: after the wire stops, the wire pulls back.