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[Forbidding Laser Emission]: Emission of laser can be allowed or forbidden by
the button.
[Alarm State Area]: After the alarm signal is enabled, the real-time display of
protective gas underpressure alarm, cold water flow alarm, laser alarm and
temperature alarm state is conducted. The real-time display of safety lock state will
arise when the safety lock is enabled; When the alarm signal isn't triggered, the
corresponding alarm state will turn into blue; When the alarm occurs, the
corresponding alarm icon will flicker between red light and blue light.
[Home Page][Wire Feed Parameters][Diagnosis][System Parameters]: Show the
parameter category of current page parameters and click the corresponding icon for
switch between corresponding parameter pages. For example: When the home page
icon is on, it means that the parameter of current display area is the home page
parameter; In case of needing to switch to the wire feed parameter, click the wire feed
parameter position to switch to the wire feed parameter page and the corresponding
wire feed parameter position will be on.
[Manual Blowing][Wire Feeder] Manual blowing test as well as wire feeder wire
feed and wire withdrawal test. For example: Blowing is performed all the time by
always pressing the manual blowing area, and the blowing will be disabled by
loosening the manual blowing area. The corresponding small triangular arrow is
pressed all the time for manual wire feed and wire drawing.
7.2 Introduction to HMI operation
7.2.1 Parameter setting:
The parameter setting covers: Home page, system parameter, wire feed parameter
and diagnosis page setting.
[Home Page]: Used to set relevant parameters (such as laser, swing and process
database) at the time of welding.
Process database: Click the white box area of the process database and choose
the set process database parameter.