***** U.S. English starts here (First# = # of lang, Second is # of string lines ***** Install Options Install Software User Number Enter the password. This software will not run with the password you entered. Report code Sorry, exiting. &Cancel &Previous &Next Install Demo The password you entered does not match any products available on this CD. Please try again. User number and password do not match. Please try again. This demo is not available on this CD. Please select a different language and try again. ***** Latin Spanish ***** Opciones de Instalacin Instalar Software Nmero de Usuario Introduzca la Clave. La clave introducida no es la correcta para este software. Reporte el codigo Lo siento, saliendo. &Cancelar &Previo &Siguiente Install Demo La clave introducida no corresponde a ningun producto disponible en este CD. Por favor intete otra vez. El numero de usuario y la clave no correspnden. Por favor intete otra vez. This demo is not available on this CD. Please select a different language and try again. ***** Brazilian Portuguese ***** Opes de Instalao Instalar Software N do Usurio Digite a senha. Senha invlida. Favor tentar novamente. Sorry, Exiting. &Cancelar &Prvio Prximo Install Demo A senha digitada no correponde a nenhum produto deste CD. Favor tentar novamente. O nmero do usurio e a senha so incompatveis. Favor tentar novamente. This demo is not available on this CD. Please select a different language and try again. ***** French starts here ***** Options d'installation Installer Logiciel Numro d'utilisateur Entrez votre mot de passe. Mot de passe incorrect, essayer de nouveau s.v.p. Excuser, installation abondonn. &Annuler &Prcdent &Suivant Install Demo Le mot de passe que vous avez entr ne correspond pas a un produit du CD. Veuillez ressayer s.v.p. Le numro de la cl et le mot de passe ne correspond pas. Veuillez ressayer s.v.p. This demo is not available on this CD. Please select a different language and try again. ***** German***** Installiere Optionen Installiere Software Benutzernummer Geben Sie das Passwort, welches Sie auf dem Kopierschutzstecker finden, ein. Diese Software startet nicht mit dem eingegebenen Passwort. Report code Sorry, Exiting. &Abbruch &Vorheriges &Nchstes Install Demo Das eingegebene Passwort passt zu keinem Programm auf dieser CD. Bitte wiederholen Sie die Eingabe. Die User-Nummer und das Passwort stimmen nicht berein. Bitte wiederholen Sie die Eingabe. This demo is not available on this CD. Please select a different language and try again. ***** Dutch starts here ***** Installatie-Opties Installatie-Software Gebruikersnummer Geef het paswoord in. Deze software werkt niet met het ingegeven paswoord. Probeer opnieuw Sorry, installatie onderbroken. &Annuleer &Vorig &Volgend Install Demo Het passwoord dat u heeft ingebracht komt niet overeen met enig product op deze CD. Gelieve opnieuw te proberen. Gebruikersnummer (user number)en het passwoord komen niet overeen. Gelieve opnieuw te proberen. This demo is not available on this CD. Please select a different language and try again. ***** Italian starts here ***** Opzioni di installazione Installa software Numero utente Digitare la password che si trova sulla chiave hardware. Il software non funziona con la password digitata. Codice Uscita dal programma. &Annulla &Indietro A&vanti Install Demo La password digitata non corrisponde ai prodotti di questo CD. Riprovare. Il numero utente e la password non corrispondono. Riprovare. This demo is not available on this CD. Please select a different language and try again. ***** Japanese starts here (First# = # of lang, Second is # of string lines ***** CXg[IvV CXg[\tgEFA [U[ԍ pX[h͂ĂBpX[h̓veNVL[Ɉ󎚂Ă܂B ͂pX[hł̃\tgEFA͋Nł܂B|[gR[h I܂B ݾ(&C) ߂(&P) (&N) Install Demo CDɂ͓͂pX[hɊY鐻i͂܂Bx͂ĉB [UԍƃpX[h܂Bx͂ĉB f͂CDɂ܂B̌IčĎsĂB ***** Korean starts here ***** ġ ɼ Ʈ ġ ڹȣ н带 ԷϽʽÿ. н ֽϴ. ԷϽ нδ Ʈ ϴ. ڵ: ˼մϴ. մϴ. (&C) (&P) (&N) Install Demo Է н忡 ´ Ʈ CD ϴ. ٽ Է Ͻʽÿ. ȣ н尡 ȸ½ϴ. ٽ Է Ͻʽÿ. CD ϴ. ٸ  ϰ ٽ õ Ͻʽÿ. ***** Chinese starts here (First# = # of lang, Second is # of string lines ***** w˳]w w˳n ϥΪ̸X пJKX, KXibOKW zJKXB榹nCOX QpA{bhX{ (&C) e@(&P) U@(&N) Install Demo JOPФWn鳣ǰtAЦA ϥΪ̸XPKXǰtAЦA This demo is not available on this CD. Please select a different language and try again. ***** Simplified Chinese starts here (First# = # of lang, Second is # of string lines ***** װ趨 װ û , ڱҵ 벻д˳򣬼¼Ϊ ʮֱǸ, ڱ˳ ȡ(&C) ǰһ(&P) һ(&N) Install Demo κƥ䣬 û벻ƥ䣬 This demo is not available on this CD. Please select a different language and try again. *****Turkish***** Ykleme tercihleri Yazlm Ykle Kullanc Numaras ifreyi giriniz. ifre donanm kilidinin zerinde yazldr. Bu program girdiiniz ifre ile almaz. Rapor kodu zr dileriz. klyor. &ptal &nceki &Sonraki Install Demo Girdiiniz ifre bu CD'deki programlarn hibirini altramyor. Ltfen tekrar deneyiniz. Kullanc numaras ile ifre birbirine uymuyor. Ltfen tekrar deneyiniz. Bu demo, CD'de bulunamyor. Ltfen farkl bir dil sein ve tekrar deneyin. ***** Hungarian starts here ***** Teleptsi opcik Szoftver telepts Felhasznli szm Adja meg a jelszt. A jelsz a hardver kulcson tallhat. Ez a szoftver nem fog a megadott jelszval mkdni. Hiba kd Elnzst, kilps. &Trls &Elz &Kvetkez Install Demo A megadott jelsz nem hasznlhat a CD-n tallhat programtermkekhez. Prblja jra. A felhasznli szm s a jelsz nem egyezik. Prblja jra. Ez a demo nem tallhat a CD-n. Krem vlasszon msik nyelvet s prblja jra. ***** Russian starts here (First# = # of lang, Second is # of string lines ***** Russian-Install Options Russian-Install Software Russian-User Number Russian-Enter the password. The password is found on the hardware key. Russian-This software will not run with the password you entered. Report code Russian-Sorry, exiting. &Cancel &Previous &Next Install Demo Russian-The password you entered does not match any products available on this CD. Please try again. Russian-User number and password do not match. Please try again. Russian-This demo is not available on this CD. Please select a different language and try again. ***** Hebrew starts here (First# = # of lang, Second is # of string lines ***** Install Options Install Software User Number Enter the password. The password is found on the hardware key. This software will not run with the password you entered. Report code Sorry, exiting. &Cancel &Previous &Next Install Demo The password you entered does not match any products available on this CD. Please try again. User number and password do not match. Please try again. This demo is not available on this CD. Please select a different language and try again. ***** Danish starts here (First# = # of lang, Second is # of string lines ***** Install Options Install Software User Number Enter the password. This software will not run with the password you entered. Report code Sorry, exiting. &Cancel &Previous &Next Install Demo The password you entered does not match any products available on this CD. Please try again. User number and password do not match. Please try again. This demo is not available on this CD. Please select a different language and try again. ***** Finnish starts here (First# = # of lang, Second is # of string lines ***** Install Options Install Software User Number Enter the password. This software will not run with the password you entered. Report code Sorry, exiting. &Cancel &Previous &Next Install Demo The password you entered does not match any products available on this CD. Please try again. User number and password do not match. Please try again. This demo is not available on this CD. Please select a different language and try again.