***** U.S. English starts here (First# = # of lang, Second is # of string lines ***** Software to Install The password entered will install the following software: Product: Language: If you quit setup now, you will have to reinstall the software. Are you sure you want to quit setup now? ***** Latin Spanish ***** Software para Instalar La clave introducida instalar el siguiente software: Producto: Idioma: Si sale ahora de la instalacin, ser necesario reinstalar el software. Seguro que desea salir de la instalacin? ***** Brazilian Portuguese ***** Software a ser Instalado A senha digitada instalar o seguinte software: Produto: Idioma: Se voc sair do Setup agora, ser necessrio reinstalar o software. Tem certeza que deseja sair da configurao agora? ***** French Starts here ***** Logiciel installer Votre mot de passe vous permet l'installation du produit: Produit: Langage: Si vous quittez l'installation maintenant, il faut reinstaller le logiciel. Etes-vous sure de quitter l'installation maintenant? ***** German ***** Zu installierende Software Das eingegebene Passwort installiert folgende Software: Produkt: Sprache: Wenn Sie das Installationsprogramm beenden, mssen Sie die Software erneut installieren. Wollen Sie das Installationsprogramm jetzt beenden? ***** Dutch starts here ***** Te Installeren Software Het ingegeven paswoord installeert de volgende software: Product: Taal: Als U de setup nu verlaat, moet U de software opnieuw installeren. Bent U zeker dat U de setup nu wil verlaten? ***** Italian Starts here ***** Software da installare La password digitata installer i seguenti software: Prodotto: Lingua: Se si esce dal programma di installazione a questo punto, si dovr reinstallare il software. Uscire dall'installazione? ***** Japanese starts here (First# = # of lang, Second is # of string lines ***** CXg[\tgEFA ͂pX[h͎̃\tgEFACXg[܂ : i: : ZbgAbvIƁA\tgEFAăCXg[Kv܂B ZbgAbv𒆒f܂? ***** Korean ***** Ʈ ġ ԷϽ н忡 Ʈ ġմϴ: ǰ: : Ͻø Ʈ ٽ ġϿ ˴ϴ. Ͻðڽϱ? ***** Chinese Starts here ***** Nnw˪n JKXNwˤUn: nW: yO: pGz{bhXw˵{An饲nsw z֩wnhXw˵{? ***** Simplified Chinese Starts here ***** Ҫװij 뽫װij: : : ˳װҪ°װ ϶Ҫ˳װ? ***** Turkish starts here (First# = # of lang, Second is # of string lines ***** Software to Install The password entered will install the following software: Product: Language: If you quit setup now, you will have to reinstall the software. Are you sure you want to quit setup now? ***** Hungarian starts here (First# = # of lang, Second is # of string lines ***** Software to Install The password entered will install the following software: Product: Language: If you quit setup now, you will have to reinstall the software. Are you sure you want to quit setup now? ***** Russian starts here (First# = # of lang, Second is # of string lines ***** Software to Install The password entered will install the following software: Product: Language: If you quit setup now, you will have to reinstall the software. Are you sure you want to quit setup now? ***** Hebrew starts here (First# = # of lang, Second is # of string lines ***** Software to Install The password entered will install the following software: Product: Language: If you quit setup now, you will have to reinstall the software. Are you sure you want to quit setup now? ***** Danish starts here ***** Software to Install The password entered will install the following software: Product: Language: If you quit setup now, you will have to reinstall the software. Are you sure you want to quit setup now?