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- FastCOLOUR-Printer
- How Inking System Works.pdf
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First, you need to ensure that there is ink inside the damper, if
you notice air bubbles inside the tube that feeds into the
damper, you can pull the damper out from the printhead, then
use a syringe against the end of the damper and pull it to get rid
of all the bubbles and also to fill the damper with ink. This also
ensures that the ink does not run dry but flow freely and not
leak anywhere. If there is a leakage, you will see bubbles
starting to form from the place where there is a leakage.
Then still if you are unable to pull the ink down, most likely it is
because of the Ink Cap because the blockage due to changing
the printhead is very rare. Although the inside of a printhead
that is installed on the machine may be damaged some ink will
still pass through.
First check the rubber of the Ink Cap, you can use your finger to
feel around it, to determine if its smooth and has no damage of
any kind. If any damage is found, you need to change Ink Cap
because it won’t seal the printhead. When talking about not
seal the printhead, there is another possibility is Ink Cap didn’t
align with the printhead so it cannot be sealed. If cannot be
sealed, no matter how much you pull underneath the Ink Cap,
the ink won’t flow down from the printhead.
Once Both Working:
Once the top and bottom is both working, you will see a mix of
ink go into the ink tank when cleaning. And when you pause it
and move the carriage away, you can also see the ink inside the
Ink Cap, and you can see which colour is missing from there.
When the printhead is cleaned, you can try and do a “Nozzle
Test” to see the cleaning result. If all colours are out but some
parts of the nozzle is still blocked, you can try and clean it