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- FastCOLOUR-Printer
- How Inking System Works.pdf
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“M anual Pump” : is known as the pumping action and will go on
forever until you stop it.
“W ipe Nozzle” : is used to erase the wiper and to wipe the head.
“F lush”: This part is used to enable the printhead to squirt out
“C ap Head”: is used to move the cap from the ink cap station to
seal the printhead by the cap.
“I nking”: is the first process that takes place when the
printhead is empty on the inside (or rather, when there is just
shipping liquid inside, I will explain what the shipping liquid is
later), this action is much milder than pumping, it won't clean
the head thoroughly.
Let’s first assume that all settings on your printer are correct.
Referring mainly to position settings here. If you realize that the
wipe action does not wipe the head, this means that the cap is
spaced apart from the printhead. Then we have to change the
position setting in the menu, and I would suggest you to
contact our support for that.
Do not Waste Ink When Cleaning
Whether you are doing a manual or automatic cleaning process,
you will see ink come out from the tube into the waste ink
bottle. The ink looks black because of the mixture of all