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- How Inking System Works.pdf
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reason for this is because the cap for the ink tank is too tight.
When you make the feeding side of the ink airtight, then there is
no pressure from atmosphere so ink won’t come out. This may
also not be the case because we normally get ink tube from a
hole into the ink tank, and the hole is always bigger than the
tube which will let the air in. Sometimes we do not notice that
some of our clients block it by sealing it with Prestik because
air will terminate the ink and cause ink dry. Initially, the vapor
from the ink fills the empty tanks which usually protects the ink,
the gap between the tube nearby the edge of the hole are
usually small, there won’t be any flow of air to exchange vapor
with air, so that ink does not dry because of the little gap. The
cap also has to be tightened.We normally suggest that you
screw the cap to close to the position and unscrew it about
roundabout half circle to make some space to let the ink tank
link with the atmosphere.
Of course, the contamination, dried ink etc may also block the
tube and cause ink to not flow or flow very slow and eventually
cause ink feeding issue, and this can be easy to figure out when
you use a syringe to pull.
What is Shipping Liquid and How to Store a Printhead
Ever wondered why there is liquid on the surface of a printhead
when it’s brand new. It sure feels like it has been used before
right? The answer is, it has been used. Based on my knowledge,
all printheads manufactured are tested, the injected shipping
liquid inside the printhead is there to keep it in a new condition.
So, what is shipping liquid, it's a form of liquid that doesn’t dry
out easily. It is not meant for cleaning and will not absorb or