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- FastCOLOUR-Printer
- How Inking System Works.pdf
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If there is Ink dripping from the Printhead or any that will not
go into the Printhead
The inking system is a pressure like process whereby, ink is fed
into the damper and then into the printhead. This is because
when the printhead squeezed the ink out, a vacuum space has
been created which creates a negative pressure and the ink
flows and fills up the space because the atmosphere pushes on
it. That's why we call it negative pressure, it’s a comparison to
the atmospheric pressure.
If your ink level is very high (like almost full), and you also in a
near sea level area which means atmosphere pressure is higher
than any other placed, the ink may start to drip from the
printhead and you will see excess ink when printing because of
this phenomenon, or you what you need to do is to not put too
much ink in the ink tank at the back.
This is also often seen on modified ink tank when theclient
wants to use a bigger ink tank, which can store more inks and
need refilled in a short period of time, and without much option,
place the bigger ink tank on top of the machine. This has
become a common option. It will create a much higher
pressure because of gravity. As you may have noticed, no
matter the shape of our printers, the printhead are always at a
similar level of ink tanks. When you place the ink tank higher,
the extra pressure caused by gravity will push the ink out of the
printhead and those tiny droplets will start to form and either
terminate your print or make the whole printer unusable.
On the other hand, sometimes we cannot get ink into the
damper, even we pull it by syringe. In some simple cases, the