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Beijing RuiZhitianhong technology Co.LTD
workpiece. Before processing, we should connect the situation to the actual . The
operation is as followed:
Move the machine to the situation where the file start processing. Press ―
‖ to
set the origin of X Y axis, press ―
‖ to set Z axis. If used tool setting function,
its no need to press―
‖ to set origin,the key combination of tool setting is
2) Choose processing files
After determining the origin of workpiece,press “
”,the following dialog box
Press “
” and “
” to move the cursor,press “
” to choose
the situation,it will displays the first three files, press “
”and “
” to
ADD.:Beijing haidian district shangdi three street jiahua building A308. P.C.:100085.
Dell:010-62970368 82923063. Fax: 82920078 URL :www.richnc.com.cn