ACD320 user manual
This part is the definition of the communication data address, used to control inverter
operation, and obtain inverter statusinformation and settings of related functional parameters of
the inverter.
1Functional code parameter expression rule
To use a functional code serial number as a parameter to correspond to the register address,
conversion inhexadecimal notation is needed. For example, the serial number of P5.05 is 139, the
address of the functional address in hexadecimal notation is 008BH.( Refer to the table in
Chapter 5 for specific function code)
Ranges of higher/lower bytes are respectively: higher-bit bytes: 00~11; lower-bit bytes:
Note : Some parameters should not be changed during operation of the inverter. Some
parameters should not be changed no matter in which state the inverter is. To change
functional code parameters, pay attention to the setting range, unit and related description
of the parameters.
In addition, frequency storage of EEPROM may reduce the service life of the EEPROM.
For users, some functional codes do not need storage in communication mode. Change the
value in RAM to meet the user requirement. To implement this function, change the most
significant bit of the corresponding functional code address from 0 to 1. For example,
functional code P0.07 is not stored in EEPROM Modify the value in RAM only, and set the
address to 8007H. This address can only be used in writing RAM, cannot be used for
reading. It will be an invalid address if it is used for reading.
2Address of other functions:
Function Description
Data Meaning
Communication setting range (-10000~10000)
Note: the communication setting is the
percentage of the relative value (-100.00%~
100.00%), which can conduct communication
wiring operation. If it is set as frequency
source, it corresponds to the percentage of the
maximum frequency (P0.04); If it is set or fed
back as PID, it corresponds to the percentage
of PID. Where, PID setting value and PID
feedback value go through PID calculation in
form of percentage.
Running frequency
DC bus voltage
Output voltage
- 139-