Figure 7.1 T-slot for anchoring the electrospindle
The electrospindle should be fixed to the slide or the spindle holder support (if present), using M8 screws and T-slot
nuts with a tightening torque of 20Nm. The maximum protrusion allowed for the fixing screw is 15mm, as shown in
Figure7.2; greater protrusions can deform the framework of the electrospindle and produce incorrect blocking, with
negative consequences for the precision of the machining operation and the safety.
Figure 7.2 Maximum protrusion of the screw in the T-slot
Maximum protrusion of the screw: 15mm.
Ensure a gap of at least 1mm.
Greater protrusions deform the framework of the electrospindle, compromising the
precision of the machining operation and also the safety.