The stator is provided with a normally closed bimetallic metal switch to provide protection to the coil of the
stator, and the other bimetallic switch is used for protecting the cooling fan motor.
The two switches are connected in series, and must be connected in series to the machine's safety stop
If the temperature is up to the level that can cause damage, these switches are automatically disconnected,
and if the temperature is reduced to a general level of work, these switches will automatically connect.
Bimetallic switch characteristics:
DC power supply: Max 48 VDC
AC power supply: Max 230 VAC
Current: Max 1.6A
The electrospindle is cooled by a fan mounted at the end, and the fan should always be turned on, even if
the electrospindle is not working.
If the motor of the fan is overheated, the thermal control switch of the fan in series with the main switch of
the electrospindle can close the unit.
If the temperature of the fan motor is reduced to a safe operating temperature, the operation will be
Fan characteristics:
Voltage: 230 100/VAC
Power: 45W (50Hz); 39W (60Hz)
Thermal control switch: Bimetallic switch
The thermal control switch for cooling fan heat can detect motor overheating. It cannot
detect the fan stops working, unless this causes overheating. Therefore, please regularly
check the fan.
Even if the electrospindle is not working, the cooling fan should be working at any time
when the machine is running.
Lifting and moving electrospindles may pose danger to the surrounding personnel. Always comply with the
instructions provided, and use the correct lifting device. Only professional and technical personnel can
carry out installation and assembly work.
Be careful when lifting and moving the electrospindle and its parts, avoid striking the electrospindle, which
The customer has the responsibility to ensure that the use of lifting device, cable, sling
and chain can withstand the spindle weight.